
CRank: 6Score: 34210

I think in this case he's referring to games with large budgets, development teams and marketing.

Basically, the Call of Duty / Killzone / Halo / Mass Effect / Gran Turismo type of games.

On the N4G homepage, take a look at the 'Hottest Games' list on the lower right-hand side. Those games.

4955d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


Take a look at Enslaved's sales last year. It was critically successful, but not an AAA game and lacking a large marketing budget. It was ignored by the consumers.

I think part of it is that gamers are more knowledgeable of their purchases now.

Except for casual gamers, most people walk into their local game store already knowing exactly what they're going to buy - that latest Killzone, Halo, GTA, etc.

The d...

4955d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment're saying that despite the PC version of the game running at a higher resolution, DirectX 11 and twice the framerate, the PS3 version is better?

It looks great on all platforms, but aare to explain how the PS3 version looks and runs better than PC?

4958d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some games are controversial for challenging social norms or prejudices, and are successful that way.

This, however, I can't actually see any point to. It just seems like the developer made it just so it will be controversial and get famous that way.

Basically, there doesn't seem to be any reason for this to exist.

4959d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And yet, we're the ones demanding they spend more and more time on each game.

We whine and cry about the length of games, we tell them how much they suck when a game isn't perfectly equal in performance across 360 and PS3, and we damn them if bugs or exploits in multiplayer are not found until release.

We hold a large part of the blame by demanding they spend longer and longer on GENERIC SHOOTER 76 to make sure it uses 3 face polygons more than GENERI...

4968d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very doubtful.

You're forgetting several key issues.

1) Hardware specs need to be locked down a fair while before launch to allow for developers to develop and test their games on the actual hardware.

2) Battery would take more of a hit.

3) HEAT. It was said several times before the NGP was announced by developers with test kits that heat issues were a problem which delayed the NGP announced as they fixed them. Remember,...

4988d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

The graphics not being a 10 refers to a large portion of the car not being up to the standard of others. It appears while some are photo-realistic, some haven't had the same level of care.

Presentation is marked down due to overly-convoluted menu systems.

Why does no-one read the actual reviews anymore, putting all their faith in a number?

5055d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

21 agrees to 2 disagrees?

Yep, N4G sure is full of balanced and fair gamers. /s

5057d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Both sides do it.

You may like to look up the site "All I Want For Xmas IS A PSP", in which Sony created a fake site with some actors pretending to be so excited about the PSP they'd attempt to rap about it.

Also the PSP graffiti in several major cities Sony got in trouble for.

Marketing is marketing. Companies are companies. Pretending one is perfect and the other is evil is just ignorant. In the end, they're still just a b...

5057d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

While Kinect already projects thousands of infrared points of light and captures them when they bounce back to record depth, to actually bounce light behind something would mean it wouldn't be able to travel back to the camera to capture.

Also the fact that it needs to combine it with the feed or a regular visible light camera to let you see anything other than just empty black shapes, meaning you'd need a camera behind anyway.

5064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another example is the Google Nexus One phone, sold for $529 on launch cost an estimated $175 in parts.

Anyone who thinks a product should be sold for its material cost hasn't thought it through. The material costs are only the beginning. The costs that push the retail price up:

- Research and development. It doesn't invent itself.
- Employee salaries
- Shipping
- Marketing
- Actual factory / manufacturing costs

5068d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm involved in game and player motivation research at a university, and a colleague has just completed his thesis on developmental games for autistic / aspergis (if that's how you spell it?) children to improve independence, reasoning and social skills.

I can't tell you how he has worked to solve the typical control issues, but the removal of the 'middleman' in terms of buttons is crucial. While we find buttons quick and easy to use, we're training ou...

5068d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's say PS3 gamers boycott Activision's Game A in massive franchise B due to issues with the PS3 version.

PS3 GAMERS' VIEW: sending a message to Activision to get it properly optimised for PS3.

ACTIVISION'S VIEW: hey, PS3 sales of Game A are down but 360 sales are still high, I guess we should focus development of the next game in Franchise B on the 360 since we must have more customers on it.

5069d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's not meaning 'we will never make another Xbox', it means 'we have no plans to release another Xbox any time soon'.

Ie: they're focused on the current Xbox and Kinect at the moment, don't go getting excited about an Xbox 3 for a while.

5069d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummm...Kinect can be powered by the 360 S models. Obviously the original 360s can't power it since Kinect was not around at that time.

The advantage of removable rechargable battery packs is that they can be swapped during play instead of having to always plug the controller back in on a short cord. Also, once the battery eventually loses charge over its lifespan you can replace the battery pack instead of being confined to having to play with the cable. It's similar ...

5071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't find the source, but I have read about Nintendo having some sort of ownership (patent?) of the exact '+' shaped d-pad, hence the gaps in the PlayStation one to provide just enough of a difference.

Microsoft then needed to find one for themselves with enough of a variation, so they ended up with the circle using the raised cross. With this controller it still maintains its difference but by having the d-pad raised up more it pretty much functions like the N...

5071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish they were visible. It would make Dance Central all the more awesome for rave parties! =D

5074d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...a much cleaner, more attractive interface means abandoning the hardcore?...

What do you want, a DOS-like code interface just so it seems more 'hardcore'?

5078d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

also tired of people discussing stuff that has nothing to do with the article? :P

5079d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's gay couples in the game, not Angelina Jolie. =P

5087d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment