
CRank: 6Score: 34210

I'm not into sports games, and by the looks of it this isn't the best on the shelf, but it's definitely a risk to develop a game that would only potentially appeal to one tiny market.

5133d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has had a rough last few years, with the dual PR disasters of the RRoD and Vista timed together.

Luckily they seem to be back on track with the 360 S, Windows 7 and Windows Phone 7 all a big improvement.

I love my 360 S, but it's kind of funny how both it and the PS3 Slim have almost perfectly square profiles. Both trying to looks as much shorter and thinner as possible, so when you look from the side they now stretch back further. Sneaky!

5139d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Recently I got a PSPgo, and made a US PSN account because even with the currency conversion their games are half the price of Australia's, and their PS Store has about 4 times more.

For anyone in the US, here's what we have to pay down here:

- Average new release 360/PS3 game RRP: $100-120AUD ($85-105 US)

- Budget 'Classics / Platinum' games: $50 AUD ($43 US)

- New release DS / PSP games: $70 AUD ($60 US)

5146d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's actually what I meant - I loved FarCry 2, but if the name wasn't on the box I would have no idea it was in any way related to the original.

Brilliant game, but why is it called 'FarCry'?

5159d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not interested in Black Ops...

...but I do want that RC car!

Damn you Activision, you know how to tempt me. >=(

5159d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why not just make it a different series?

Case in point: the Need for Speed series. The street racing ones are all well and good, but then Shift is something entirely different as is World and the upcoming Hot Pursuit.

The only thing they have in common is cars and 'NFS', probably just to get sales from the name. Especially Hot Pursuit which looks more like Burnout and is by Criterion anyway.

FarCry is another series where the games on...

5159d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are so many brilliant games that newer gamers haven't gotten to experience, so I fully support modern updates / re-releases for the newer generations.

I don't think it's just not having any ideas so you just rehash old ones, but giving something another chance to shine in the fastest-moving entertainment industry.

When watching movies you don't tend to think of stuff like The Matrix as being old, but playing games from that year seem anc...

5162d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own all the consoles and love them all for different. Reasons. Eg:

- For online, I play my 360 more.
- For Blu-Ray, I use my PS3.
- For multiplayer with non-gaming friends, I play my Wii
- For exclusives, there are perhaps more on PS3
- For multiplatform, I'll get whichever performs / looks the best (usually 360 being truthful due to many engines being less optimised for the PS3)

But being completely 100% honest, I do thi...

5163d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


5172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Note to Marketing division: sending knuckledusters by mail may not have been best idea.

Next time, try some grenades.

5172d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

So no. You download the rom files (games) from anywhere, and play. This isn't a Sony-made project.

However, to legally use roms you should already own the original game.

For anyone who doesn't know what a game emulator is:
It's a piece of software that emulates (copies) the functionality of a device (game console) so games can be played on a different device running the emulator.

Devices running an emulator must be a lot m...

5177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are still more iPhones than Android phones, but the latest announcements have shown more Android phones are now activated every day than iPhone (200,000 approx to 130,000 approx).

So now it's just how long until that evens out the number of owners.

5177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having had an HTC Hero for a while, I just picked up the Samsung Galaxy S (known as the AT&T Captivate, T-Mobile Vibrant and Sprint Epic 4G in the US).

I'm not the sort of person who's loyal to a brand, but instead prefers to get the best product suited to me at the time. Eg:

- Home computer: custom-built Windows 7 PC
- Laptop: Macbook Pro 13
- Portable: iPad (wifi)
- Phone: Samsung Galaxy S (Android)
- Consoles: Xb...

5177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They have to contend with the post-E3 news surge.

Kind of hard for an amazing indie game to get noticed in amongst games using the CryEngine 173 with 1 million billion head polygons and physics that make breaking crates and exploding barrels more realistic than ever!

I'll be getting this one to show my support for the little guys, not to mention it sounds like a better game than many of the recent 'triple A' games out there.

5183d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

So many hours put into Anno 1404 (Dawn of Discovery)...

It all comes back to the controller issue. Civ Rev was reworked from traditional Civs to be suited to a console controller. I doubt Cov V could be ported in its current form without the controls just being an exercise in frustration.

5189d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

But only if they've fixed the unfair save point locations and punishing difficulty from the first game. It's all well and good providing a challenge, but when you hit a brick wall in difficulty due to stupid companion AI and controls, there's a problem.

I'm talking about leading that stupid lady through the central park with the convicts in the jeep.

I stopped playing at that point. =(

5190d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Live Arcade and PSN are the only things keeping split-screen gaming alive.

It'll be a nice change playing with friends in the same room instead of each person having to stay home at their own console to play.

5199d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seriously don't get why a slot-loading drive was left out.

Maybe something to do with the drive manufacturer's used?...

5213d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Biggest PR Screw-Up: Microsoft – Failing to notice someone shaking a 360 S while a disc spun inside to see if it would scratch it"


5213d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 slim was expected, but the Crytek exclusive, Forza 3 stuff and all the Kinect news seems pretty damn exciting to me!

Also got to remember that it's been split into 2 parts, with yesterday's Natal/Kinect thing being the first half.

5218d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment