
CRank: 6Score: 34210

Because when I played Heavy Rain and saw there were 2 kids in it, my first thought was "OMG the designer is a paedophile!".

Any game with animals in it also means the developers are into bestiality. I'm looking at you, Zoo Tycoon.


4994d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who ever said this is the 'focus' of development? It's just another feature.

Does it say anywhere they spent 2 years building this feature instead of gameplay or graphics?

That's just a stupid statement, sorry. If you read a feature of a game and your mind instantly interprets it as the focus of multi-year development, well, you have a lot to learn about how games are made.

The other day I read that Nathan Hale won't be th...

4994d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) Final Fantasy XIV has sold about the same as Dead Rising 2 on both consoles combined, in a similar amount of time (4 vs 3 weeks)

2) Have a look at the list of Medal of Honor torrents on torrent sites, the PC version's total sales are about the same as the number of people downloading it right at this moment.

3) Wii Fit Plus in its 54th week is outselling Sports Champions.

4) Not single PSP game on there...again...hopefully Ghost of Spa...

4994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems like it's their thing to look at the big exclusives on other platforms too occasionally.
4995d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that'll only happen in they scroll down to the bottom of the page...

There are 3 different scores, one for each hardware piece. Only the thumbstick controller part got 5/10

4995d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own all the consoles and enjoy Move, but you're just begging for a: "enjoy your Wii, Noobs i have had it for years haha"

5005d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Microsoft does have something up its's called more Halo.

They set up the studio 343 Industries for that purpose to continue Halo post-Bungie.

5006d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

"ill stick wit my ps move cant wait to see youtube videos of drunk retards playing this"

You know it's not real, right?

5008d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree, I was expecting a bit more of an impact for Move, but here in Australia there really hasn't been any significant marketing beyond in-store posters. I'm not sure many non-gamers have been exposed to it properly yet, but hopefully Sony will renew their efforts closer to the holiday season.

So far it's a great upgrade for existing PS3 owners, but some more competitive bundling with the console could attract new owners.

After a bit of initial...

5008d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gears of War 3 is not finished, despite being 10 months away from release! We interview person standing nearby who has nothing to do with its development for their insider thoughts.

Coming up after the break, Activision shocks world by announcing there will be more Call of Duty games!

5010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh, wow...that's some error, haha.

5013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, the 3D cameras can detect anything touching the player, including controllers.

For example, at E3 there was the video of a woman with a jacket on playing Your Shape that shows the person on the screen with a CG background, and as she takes her jacket off it's still being displayed until she drops it, making it disappear.

I kind of wish they'd package a cheap plastic lightsaber / wand with the upcoming Star Wars and Harry Potter games.

5024d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Especially with all the mergers / new partnerships forming.

What if he had said Infinity Ward was the only good FPS studio before the Bungie/Activision contract?

I do admire that he is willing to speak his mind, but that should only happen when you're well educated on the matter. Sadly he tends to also put his foot in his mouth a lot speaking out of ignorance.

When you'r a CEO, everything you say reflects on the company directly.

5025d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think KZ2 vs Reach is a valid comparison.


1) Reach uses very large-scale open environments with dozens of characters and vehicles on screen at once. KZ2 prefers tighter, more enclosed environments which you'd expect to be more detailed.

2) This is echoed in distance detail which Bungie have always been very good at, where the Halo games like to put a lot of background landscape / city detail beyond the boundaries ...

5026d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you're in the skulls menu, on the bottom-right is a description of what turning that skull on will do. =)

And yes, turning skulls on apart from the separated bottom line will add multipliers to your score, as they increase the difficulty.

The ones on the bottom line such as the one you accidentally had on just change a few superficial but very entertaining things, such as everyone's favourite the Grunt Birthday which makes confetti explode out of...

5026d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I kind of agree with you...the campaign this time around is a bit more muted in scope.

I think it might be because Halo 3 already had 2 previous games to build the story up to a scale that made it incredibly huge in scope.

Halo 3 was like the spectacle game, Reach is more intimate despite the whole planet-being-destroyed thing. I also get the feeling the focus was on multiplayer (which, let's face it, will occupy 90% of your total Reach playing time) beca...

5030d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was literally just thinking about how many great historical eras and settings there are, yet the few games that make use of it.

Personally I've always been fascinated by the ancient Egyptians, with their amazing architecture far ahead of their time. Yet somehow, the closest we get to that in non-city building games is, well, Unreal Tournament's temple maps.

It's not like developers are starved for ideas, so the blame does seem to fall on the pub...

5030d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It does kind of feel like a game made for the existing fans, less about catering to new players in the story mode at least.

5031d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

...but that may be because Kinect comes out in November, and reviewers don't have it yet.

You could also say you haven't seen any reviewers praising Infamous 2...because it's not available to review yet...

5036d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

But please don't think always lie and try to make it sound bigger than it is.

It's great that you've done this remix trailer, good work. But saying MS will use it for viral marketing is just ridiculous. Microsoft would need to purchase rights to the music Lux Aeterna that you've used, and I doubt they'd decide to throw out their professional marketing in favour of a video using bits and pieces from other Halo games that's a confusing mix of gameplay an...

5037d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment