
CRank: 6Score: 34210


DA:O involved adventuring across the continent, lots of different locations, dungeons, towns and environmental variety (elvish forest, city, dwarven mines and city, mage tower, etc).

DA2 just cut back the scale to a single, not-that-interesting city and yet still insisted upon recycling the same caves and interiors over and over.

It's the reverse of what sequels should be - increasing scale and variety.


4737d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


It's a bit difficult with Forza 4 because it uses a lot of effects such as selective radial motion blur to give it a higher sense of speed than GT4. The HDR lighting in Forza 4 also appears to be much more aggressive in brighter sunlight, which is why some of those Forza images seem overexposed / 'cartoony'. When racing it makes it very vivid and 'pop' more while GT4 prefers more neutral tones.

Obviously that means static images of...

4739d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly. Usually at least 3 weeks before a game's release date the code is already locked down and sent off for disc production.

Any new data they get during the 'beta' will at best be a day 1 patch (see: Resistance 3).

Really it is a multiplayer demo. Only a few non-MMO games seem to put much stock in doing a proper beta such as the recent Halo games. As part of my research thesis I've been looking at some of the Halo 3 beta results, and the ...

4751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, colour-grading can work really well in some games (eg: Killzone 3's green levels) and I think it's mostly successful in Deus Ex: HR, although a bit too over-the-top. It's a bit strange that the last level of the game suddenly reverts to normal colours.

But I guess that's the beauty of PC gaming: mods and customisation!

4752d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ah, I had no idea Nintendo published it! I wasn't aware Nintendo had much to do with JRPGs outside of Pokemon and Golden Sun (ie: handheld RPGs).

4771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gah, I traded my Wii in for a slim PS3 when my old 40gb PS3's drive died. I hadn't played the Wii in months.

Now Xenoblade comes out and I regret it! WII, Y U RELEASE GOOD GAMES AT END OF GENERATION?!

I'm hoping it will be ported to Vita.

4771d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's what happens when your augmentations get a virus!

4772d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very glad it's doing well. Just finished me first playthrough, and already wanting to go again!

I've got it on PC, but the controls are so well mapped to the 360 controller and it's not a twitch shooter that I'm using a controller with it.

For anyone wondering about a typical play time, my Steam profile listed it as about 26 hours for my first play through (easy difficulty....I know, I know, I like to play through without dying the first time ...

4772d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hang on, when they say Microsoft won't 'publish' anything on retail discs or digital with more content for a PS3 version, I assume they mean that they won't act as the actual publisher for that game.

Ie: when you start the game up you won't see Microsoft Game Studios logo as the publisher. Otherwise Bioshock Infinite and Dead Space 2 wouldn't be on 360 because the publishers for them put Bioshock 1 and Dead Space Extraction packaged with the game too. ...

4773d ago 20 agree21 disagreeView comment

For significantly longer development time and budget!

4775d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It didn't suck. While the singleplayer was poorly paced, balanced and didn't have much innovation, the multiplayer is still one of the best on PS3.

The Chicago map is one of my favourite multiplayer maps ever.

4783d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The title is misleading here - the SDK is free to download, so it hasn't 'outsold' UDK since it isn't sold! It remains to be seen which will be more popular for independent development, as UDK has the advantage of supporting iOS and Android phones and tablets in addition to the standard PC, 360 and PS3 that the CryEngine 3 supports.

4783d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

But remember, that's a LOT higher development costs for BF + Madden + Old Republic + FIFA + Mass Effect vs MW3.

4784d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is not news in any way, and is just a pointless rant.

But still, why are so many people willing to pass judgement on games they have not even played? Reminds me of the ridiculous Left 4 Dead 2 'boycott'.

A final note: seriously, ending the article in 'Tactic OUT' is a bit juvenile.

4785d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not quite sure why people are complaining about having extra optional features. Would it make the 360 better if it was exactly the way it is now, but minus the entertainment options?

Blu-Ray playback is a big plus for the PS3, but now that the 360 also has new features like ESPN that's a bad thing?

The article title seems very confused. From the way it reads, having extra non-gaming features = Microsoft abandoning gamers. Does that mean the Wii is...

4786d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, because Demons' Souls was universally criticised for being far too easy.


Ah well. As long as they provide multiple difficulty levels so those looking for a serious challenge get it, but also provide something a bit easier for those like me who are easily frustrated, haha.

4786d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love the AC series...but how is it news that a game 3 months from release is 'almost done'? Isn't that kind of how it works?

It would be more newsworthy if they said they weren't anywhere close to completion.

4788d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking at the cars in this and GT5...seriously, how can they possibly make them look better in the next generation since the seams between polygons are too small to be seen and every visible car detail is present?

4791d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Doubtful From Dust will outsell Fruit Ninja.

From Dust has been out over a week now, and yesterday above 350 people had rated it on XBL. In contrast, Fruit Ninja Kinect had been out 1 day and already had 1100 ratings.

I had a ton of fun playing it with my flatmates yesterday. Obviously it doesn't have as much content as 800 MP games usually have, but everything it did, it did perfectly.

4795d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks great, but perhaps a bit too overzealous with the exposure / lens flares...

4796d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment