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CryEngine 3 prettiness sounds very nice. Wonder if they're using the TimeSplitters team for this one?...

5218d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The article is calling out the trend to make the player character in action games more generic in appearance and personality.

Infamous 2 is just the latest example, although we don't know what he'll act like yet.

But I agree "street", "gritty" and "xtreme sports" don't fill me with hope. Tony hawk shooting lightning = ummmmm

5224d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

$4.95 AUD at newsagents, About $3 via subscription.

Awesome deal if you ask me. Plus, I got the 13 month subscription + EDGE card at EB Games, which gets me 15% extra trade-in value that I then used to get an extra $15 trading my DS Lite for getting a DSiXL.

Basically for me works out as $1.15 per issue now, pretty much making a good read much cheaper than a can of Coke (the drink).

Congrats to GI. Hopefully it will prompt other multiformat m...

5225d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you see a name like Peter Jackson or Steven Spielberg it instantly makes people more interested, like with District 9.

I'm sure publishers would be willing to take more chances on new IPs if they had a recognized name attached to make sure it can build interest.

Look at the fuss with Halo Chronicles when Peter Jackson when it was announced years ago. Yet how many of Halo's actual developers can you name?...

5229d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's probably why the review says to play it alone.

It's kind of like trying to show someone an RPG like Oblivion - it's impossible to get them to see how much you've invested in it or why you're so connected to the world. All Oblivion would look like is some boring hitting stuff with a sword, lots of walking and speaking to repetitive characters.

But that's not what it's like when you play it.

5240d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sort of like a mix between the action of RE5, the creepy isolation of Silent Hill and the story of a Stephen King novel.

Shame it came out the same time as Modnation Racers and RD:R, given it a bit of competition for sales, especially with RD:R getting such high reviews.

Sort of like asking people to choose between a great game and a really great game, when the great game would have had much more attention if the really great one wasn't around at the same...

5240d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Would definitely be awesome (360's online, PS3's reliability, both their awesome exclusives).

But I agree then there'd be no competition or need to innovate to survive. I'm sure if the 360 didn't exist Sony would still be able to sell the PS3 at its launch price of $999 (in Australia), and vice versa Microsoft wouldn't have to care about hardware failures because gamers wouldn't have a choice.

5244d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Not the prettiest design in my opinion...I kind of preferred the black prototype.

Can't they get the hardware designers of the Zune HD to do the visual design? Whether you like the Zune HD or not, it is sexy.

5246d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Viva Pinata - most under-appreciated game ever

5256d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I loved Conker back in the day. Not into the multiplayer of the xbox version though...

5256d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So I'm interested in this.

Only thing putting me off is its love of grey...not exactly the prettiest look next to FFXIII or Eternal Sonata. Also I've heard about difficulty spikes which aren't my thing.

5264d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I don't know why handhelds have always been so afraid to get bigger - I've never met a single person who actually puts it in their pocket. Bigger screens and better battery are far better than squinting at a tiny 'more portable' DS Lite.

There was actually a big area in my local shopping centre Nintendo had set up with lounges and DSi XLs chained to tables there and a coffee machine. All looking very classy, and clearly adult-oriented (not a single picture of mario or pokem...

5267d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 2 is the same age as Half-Life 2, and slightly younger than CounterStrike: Source. Yes: Source.

I find it a bit depressing how quickly games are discarded. You still buy DVDs / Blu-Rays for the original Star Wars trilogy, still watch the Alien movies, still watch The Matrix (...not the sequels). And yet games take anywhere from 2-5 years to make, but are considered 'old' from about 2 years after their release.


5268d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have noticed almost every major Microsoft-published game has had limited editions.

I think Halo 2 made limited edition versions of games popular, as ever since (and especially this generation) most major releases now have at least 1 type of limited edition, often 2.

5270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Instead of making a slim 360, why not just stick the 360 internals inside the Reach model? Would be the most unique console ever!

5270d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

From what I've heard they had an Splinter Cell: Conviction moment in development where they dramatically changed the direction of the game when it wasn't working as well as they wanted. Ie: the original open world, sandbox thing they had going.

I wonder how the development team kept motivated for years and years working on the same game? You'd really have to love what you're doing and believe in it to maintain enthusiasm for coming into work everyday over 6 years.

5272d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

But good to see this generation the developers are coming out to talk about their games instead of just PR.

I'm really looking forward to Alan Wake for something different.

On a side note, why does the guy on the far left in the group pic look so depressed? Didn't he get to play? =P

5272d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

For example, both Killzone 2 and Infamous rendered certain effects at lower resolutions - namely explosions and certain particle effects. You can notice the pixelation around the effects, but thanks to some clever blurring in Killzone 2 it successfully hides it, much as I'm sure Alan Wake will.

It's just people see anything below 720p and start having panic attacks, which is why most developers won't talk about it at all.

5274d ago 16 agree24 disagreeView comment

It will totally validate their anti-game 'reporting' - now they can say gamers are willing to sell their soul just for a game, or perhaps gaming destroys your soul.

Or better yet BREAKING NEWS: Gaming is the devil.

But anyway, awesome idea by gamestation. They have a sense of humour.

5277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have 2 x 4890 CrossfireX, and had issues with flickering windows and horizontal across the screen. Luckily there's a new CrossfireX profile (April 7) that fixes most of the BC2 issues.

I'm glad ATi's doing a seperate installer for CrossfireX profiles, means we can get fixes asap instead of waiting for new drivers. =)

5278d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment