
CRank: 6Score: 34210

Yes, but it's all about time. Do you think PC developers aren't aware that their games are cracked?

Like the PS3, they need to delay piracy for long enough that a solid userbase can be built that are willing to purchase games. The PSP was hacked almost instantly upon release, so it was hurt from the beginning and the process for playing pirated games became common knowledge.

It's all to prevent piracy for as long as possible.

4501d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

This has previously happened with FEAR 1 and Crysis on PC.

FEAR's multiplayer was released freely as 'FEAR Combat', while Crysis' multiplayer was released as Crysis Wars.

Interesting to see how well it work on console.

4505d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...I'm not sure what's so special about it. The dev studio around the corner from me has plenty of these for developing XBLA games.

They have a large box where the HDD goes with connectors for ethernet so they can load debug builds of games for testing instantly.

Again, not sure how this is in any way 'rare' when tons of studios use them, and yes many of the old-style 2005+ versions still work.

4509d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's related to storage and RAM access speed, not graphics processing power.

4510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was hoping for PS2 classics, which would be identical to the 'HD classics' on PS3 since the only thing 'HD classics' add is increased resolution and 3D support (all game and art content is identical).

I would happily pay $10-15 for downloadable PS2 games since I never had a PS2 (I had an Xbox) and there were so many excellent games I missed out on.

Shame. :(

4512d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"True gamers"?

So someone isn't entitled to be a "gamer" unless they dislike Call of Duty?

A "true gamer" would realise people are entitled to their own preferences and game choices, and enjoying a particular series does not make them less of a part of the gaming community.

But I guess since I enjoy Call of Duty, alongside Battlefield, Heavy Rain, Psychonauts, Jet Set Radio Future, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Witch...

4516d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only true part is that Chopin was a real person (obviously).

However, I seriously doubt that as he died he was dreaming about anime people with musical names running around bashing monsters...

4524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shame it didn't really take off enough for a sequel to be green-lit. :(

Other excellent JRPGs this gen that are now dirt cheap and well worth playing:

- Lost Odyssey (my personal fave this gen)
- Tales of Vesperia
- Folklore
- Infinite Undiscovery (get past the horrible first 2-3 hours and it transforms into a great game)
- Blue Dragon
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope

4524d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


JRPGs seem to work a bit better on handhelds in my opinion since they tend to use small-screen friendly design choices such as overhead / fixed cameras, turn-based combat, text boxes and very clean, colourful art styles.

I would love for Xenoblade Chronicles to get a port!

4524d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Solution: buy a new copy!

Consumer gets new game, warranty and all.
Developer gets their money from the sale to make new games.

The only people who should really be annoyed about this is EB Games / GameStop / etc.

4530d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I feel sorry for Insomniac having to read some of the ridiculous comments for that video claiming they've betrayed their fans and 'don't come crying back to Sony when you fail'.

Far too many gamers this generation seem to feel it's their right to abuse developers for wanting their independence.

4533d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was on the fence about Revelations (get it, or wait and get another Vita launch game) but now I seriously want it if I can find a misspelled cover!

4533d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How will they 'never be great without Sony'?

Have you played their next game already? Or are you just making wild, ridiculous assumptions?

I seriously doubt all the great talent at Insomniac will suddenly dry up because a different publisher's stamp is on the box.

4534d ago 22 agree2 disagreeView comment

Maybe that's the point...catch your eye on a shelf, then make you keep looking as your brain tries to work out what it's seeing and where to look.

It's like sticking a neon Where's Wally on the cover of a game.

4535d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That record is kind of subjective....what makes one villain more 'utterly evil' than another?

In Mass Effect, the reapers obliterated the entire Prothean race.

Are they not as 'utterly evil' simply because they don't have taglines and face paint?

4537d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I prefer the 360 art to the PS3 art - what's with the giant silver strip and 'Classics HD' that takes up half the cover?

Why is the 360 ones (relatively) clean yet the PS3 one gets a giant, amateurish 'omg shiny and HD' banner across it that reminds me of those stickers they put all over TVs with the 'SuperMagicVividness Colour TechnologyTM'?

4552d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I loved the visual style of ODST, particularly the night vision.

That being said, I noticed the jaggies in it more than any other 360 game.

Sure, Alan Wake also ran at a sub-HD resolution but it used AA which made it look better than some 720p games.

4553d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hey, it's Microsoft's turn anyway since everyone else has done it except for them so far.

Nintendo: Proprietary cartridges for every handheld and console, up to Gamecube which used proprietary mini-discs.

Sony: UMD, Vita cartridges, Vita proprietary memory cards.

Sega: Dreamcast GD-ROMS.

4553d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think more RAM and faster CPU and graphics is a given.

4553d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not even 4gb, more like 2.6gb since over 1gb is locked away for system files.

Weird that MS chucked a hard drive in the original Xbox, then made it optional for the 360.

4553d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment