
CRank: 5Score: 29450

I knew this series was well loved but... Better than Sly Cooper? Better than Sly 2?? I must investigate further.

4520d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nice, this is just what I needed to help me decide whether or not to buy. Ironically once they sorted out the multiplayer in the demo and I was able to get into a few games this went from a definite buy to a maybe. I still think it's an absolutely amazingly put together game but I just suck at multiplayer in most games to a degree that it's not fun and this game is no exception. I really like so much of it's design and imagination though that I'm gonna try and use this time to...

4520d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jesus, have a little patience. It's only been about fifteen years. Rather than forcing the studio to rush out a game a decade be a little more like me and be thankful that your grandchildren may one day get to find out what happened after that huge cliffhanger ending they gave us just before releasing multiple new IPs and their sequels.

4521d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

But you're playing virtual murder simulators right now, many people would already consider games to be too far gone in that direction. There have been people worrying that violent games are 'too realistic' since the first days of gaming, that's why many games in the nineties were forced to use green blood rather than red even for human characters.

I wouldn't like to see this kind of technology just used for making people's heads explode realistically main...

4522d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to agree, I'm buying it anyway since I'm a pretty big Darkness fan and need to see the next chapter of the story but the 6 hour campaign is a major major turn off. It seems to me that splitting the game between a single player and co-op campaign has resulted in both campaigns being far too short, so rather than making sure to please one type of gamer they've made sure to slightly disappoint both single and multiplayer gamers.

Portal 2 kinda pulled off the shor...

4523d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Great article, don't get me wrong it's no 'Top 10 somethings of the year' but it gets the job done. I can't even understand how somebody could play Demon's souls (and I'm guessing Dark souls even though I'm too chicken to buy it) without some understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy and not completely flip out. Even with an understanding of the importance of suffering as a way to grow I'm amazed anyone can play that thing and not go all 'last days of...

4524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't believe how much this game came along from the first I saw of it. I was really expecting a dull game resting on nostalgia value from the very first gameplay but the final product just looks spectacular. It's also good to have Jaffe there talking us through it, he's just a real dude. I can't think of a single other guy in the industry who would be so open and honest about his game rather than playing spin doctor and dodging the tough questions. Like when he's asked ...

4524d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Little worried about the complete absence of reviews for this so far but I'll be picking it up either way, with Paul Jenkins writing the story again I don't think I'd care if it played like Amy.

4527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really can't get into Move controls for hardcore games, I enjoy them for casual activity based games like Sports champions but for something based around a story, having to actually perform the actions my character should do only brings me further out of the experience.

When I'm using a controller I don't think about what buttons I'm going to press once the controls are in muscle memory, I'm just in the experience as this character, when I need to jump ...

4527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Story - set in the yadda yadda yadda a group of blah blah dressed like they're in the Matrix blah blah gruff voice blah melodrama etc.

4527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even with my inability to connect to a single match and my irritation with the ridiculously hard single player challenge mode I can already tell this is gonna be something special (if all of these issues are smoothed out of course). It's strange how something can contain so many gaming cliches (blood, skulls, rockets, chainsaws etc) and still feel fresh but you can just feel that it's a work of passion rather than an empty cash-in.

I am not a multiplayer gamer usually an...

4527d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't connect to a single multiplayer game and I lose every time in the challenge mode even though I score about three times more damage than anyone else and take less than most. Not sure what's going on there but if it all turns out okay this is gonna be a great game.

4527d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

In terms of characters, dialogue, story etc it's one of the best games ever made. In terms of puzzles, I dunno. The puzzles seemed well constructed but I never once got stuck on a puzzle, not even for a moment. It took me a few minutes to figure out where to go when in the depths of the old labs but I was never faced with an actual puzzle that I couldn't solve almost instantly and believe me I'm not showing off, the first game took me an embarassingly long time to get through on m...

4527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great article, if I could write I'd swear I'd written this thing myself.... Except for the praise heaped on LA Noire, holy cow what an awfully constructed piece of work, especially suddenly being expected to care about your protagonist's personal life after seeing NOTHING of it for the first ten hours or so, it's like if Star wars had introduced Darth vader with him making the 'I am your father' speech. Also for an interactive experience all about solving crimes, forc...

4529d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm not trying to convince Muslims that they shouldn't be offended, I'm trying to convince them that they don't have the right to violently injure people who offend them. I'm deeply offended every time I turn on the TV, I see things that offend the very core of my beliefs about the way human beings should be living. it doesn't give me the right to send death threats to Kim Kardashian.

If you believe violence is an acceptable response to the stating of any...

4530d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

"Well, muslims hold the idea that their prophet's image shouldn't be drawn, because no-one actually knows what he looks like, so you'll have a fake image of him created."

Then is it okay for me as a non-muslim to draw a picture of Mohammed??
If not, are you suggesting a person should be allowed to use their religion to dictate the behaviour of others?

Ps. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth personally, I'm just using ...

4530d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

The right to mock people's beliefs, whatever they might be, is a cornerstone of freedom of speech. Suggesting a person deserves to be violently injured for voicing ANY opinion is just about the sickest most primitive kind of thinking there is.

The fact that simple satire like this is likely to result in violence and murder just makes it clearer that the developed rational world needs to make a greater stand against those who would murder people for exercising freedom of spee...

4530d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

I'd have to give this at least a point and a half if not two points less. It had a ton of potential but it felt pretty thrown together in terms of design. It was nice offering different ways to get through a map but the random placement of enemies and their screwy AI (which was only marginally better than the dreaded Far Cry 2) made any truly tactical play an unnecessary pain. I also never felt like I was any more powerful than any other character in any other shooter. I expected this nan...

4531d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I didn't know it was written by the guy who wrote Flashback, we are talking about the old 16 bit game Flashback aren't we?? If so that's a shame, not that Flashback had a great deep story or anything, to be honest I'm still not sure what it was actually about. I just know it's one of the main games that got me through my childhood and it's knda sad to have that memory tainted by the fact that someone involved in creating it also had a hand in this dud.

4531d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure the story will be good. It's written by the same guy who wrote the first one (which had a fantastic story) and also wrote by far the best issues of the Darkness comic (The first story arc of Volume 2 is pretty close to the story of the first game and well worth reading if you can find it).

Edit - you should probably read the very last issue of The Darkness volume one too, that's the issue Jenkins used to relaunch the comic from a campy superhero adve...

4531d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment