
CRank: 5Score: 29450

This type of thing is just like the Westboro baptist church and their 'God hates fags' nonsense. It's supposed to sound ridiculous so that people laughing at it turn it viral, in the organisation's eyes spreading awareness of their 'brand' to more people. The best thing to do with PETA is just ignore them. I say that as a vegetarian who is against eating meat or wearing animal skins when alternatives are possible.

4699d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Oblivion is really your favourite game of all time I'm not sure you should even play Skyrim. It could break your mind. I've done literally one quest so far since I've been too busy to really get into it but already it's probably been the most amazing gaming experience I've had all year.

4700d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah, so invisibility is still in there. I need to promise myself that I wont be a wuss and exploit it quite as much as I did in Oblivion.

4703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously this game is going to be the bee's testicles but the one thing I really would like to know is how many opportunities to make decisions there are in this game. The best part of Fallout 3 to me was making choices that had real impact upon the world, however small. I loved Oblivion but looking at it objectively most missions were fetch quests, pure combat or some other 'go there, do this, come back' type of gameplay. I think I already read in reviews or previews that this g...

4703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love the radiant story idea or whatever they're calling it. One of the best points of Fallout 3 was being ambushed randomly by a bunch of mercenaries then finding the contract for my death on one of their bodies and knowing I'd crossed some pretty powerful people (they got theirs though, oh yes) it really gave me a sense that there was a real world going on around me. It looks like Skyrim is going to take that concept and step it up quite a bit.

4704d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The obvious exception to that rule is cornrows. The only reason anyone should ever create a character with cornrows is in tribute to Kenny Powers and even then they should ideally go with the perm mullet hair over cornrows.

4704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel pretty much the same way, I finished the game recently enough that the end credits are still on my TV and I do have to say I much preferred Uncharted 2. This one just felt like a smaller and less significant adventure. As you mentioned I can see why they didn't want to go for the big twist a third time in a row but still I did hope the story would reveal itself to be something bigger but it never really did.

Of course I really liked it a lot but I still think Uncharte...

4705d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved the game, it's probably my personal game of the year but I absolutely hated the ending. Up until the final half hour the entire story could have been considered an untold but completely canon Batman story but the entire last half hour was just flash after flash of 'this is not set in the same Universe as the Batman stories you've been reading for years' and in such cheap ways, it felt like the entire last half hour of the story was rush written by Dini after staying up...

4707d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's just her character, they portrayed her exactly as she's always been portrayed in the comics. Catwoman and Poison Ivy may not be great images of 'respectable' women like you see elsewhere in the Batman comics but when Halloween rolls around who do most girls want to dress as? Catwoman or Oracle? Besides she's not a stupid or helpless character, she's an incredibly intelligent woman who uses her sexuality to her advantage. How repressed do you have to be to think ...

4707d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought I came across a bit snarky here. Glad you took it in the jokey sense it was meant. Unless that was an insult in which case... umm... shuddup, yeah... I went there.

4708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with what most other people are saying here. When I first played the game I was surprised by how much fun it was but after playing a few hours I just couldn't bring myself to put the disc back in my PS3. Not that I started hating it or anything, I just found myself always choosing to do or play something else.

4708d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol @ those that think forming your own opinion means refusing to listen to the opinions of others.

4708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vonnegut is easily my favorite author, partly because he's funny as Hell, partly because he makes a nerd like me read about important events like the Dresden bombing by sticking in space aliens and time travel but mostly because every one of his books is packed with genuine philosophy that is directly applicable to real life. Thanks for the article, you did for Vonnegut what Vonnegut did for humanism .i.e. helped people who might not otherwise be bothered to read up on it gain an interest...

4712d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and how many hours should one ideally spend trying to subtly show off how much of a life they have to strangers on the Internet?

4712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

'....but these go to 11'.

4720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I'm crazy for wanting this game at all but I can't deny that I really do. I can justify it to myself by saying it'll be a good pallette cleanser between long Skyrim sessions.

4720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't want to stick my neck out TOO far here but after reading this review I kinda get the impression that this guy quite liked Uncharted 3.

4720d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've heard of people doing that, buying games just to speed run them from the first playthrough. Just like there are assholes who play rpgs and skip all dialogue and cutscenes on the first playthrough or buy games they don't want to play just because they're easier to get a platinum trophy on. Just because it'd be stupid and ridiculous to do, doesn't mean there isn't some guy out there doing it. Also, way to be a nice guy.

4721d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Holy crap, I'm dying??

4722d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game was pretty good fun at least in co-op and at least for a while but anyone who actually buys a novelization of it's story should be lined up against a wall with the people who have the rap track from the game's intro on their iPod and shot.

4722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment