
CRank: 5Score: 29450

I was dying to get this game before it came out and loved it for the first day or two, then I realised how samey the missions were, how awful the story was and how much of a boring chore the (so called) 'side quests' were.

5400d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah sweet. I always thought it was just me who found GTA4's last mission almost impossible. The boat version wasn't too too bad but I gave up on that bike one, just could not do it.

The part of Half life 2 where you're riding the hovercraftbikething through the minefield/lake and trying to shoot down a helicopter as it shoots back at you with the same gun you have and flies around over you faster than you can go and drops blankets of bombs on you may be my most stressful gaming momen...

5400d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care if Olivia Munn has never acted or played a videogame off camera, I'd pound her until she turned to dust. That picture is sickeningly hot, I've never hated red cloth more than I do right now.

5400d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As someone who gets irritated by the constant previews of 'Michael Bay Space marine 7' or 'German shooter 5' and the kids in the comments sections acting like 'omg dis is gunne be de best most intlligunt originil gaem evur' I have to say, in all honesty I think there's more creativity in games than there ever has been.

There's still way more unoriginal boring samey games than good original ones but it's always been like that. It's just that we forget about the dull samey games of th...

5403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I cried all the way through Assassin's creed and Prototype. Not just slight tearing up either, full on tears and cries of 'Why??? Why??? It looked so cool from the pre release footage. Why does this game suck donkey balls???'.

Aside from that Half life 2 moved me far more than any other game. I didn't come close to crying but at many points when Alyx smiled at me or expressed concern for me I almost crossed a major line from geekhood into serious mental illness falling in love with ...

5403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah I heard about this update, I think they're calling it Left 4 dead 2 or something.

5431d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

People always overreact about this kind of thing, it could be far worse. I just met a forty year old man while playing Halo 3 multiplayer and within twenty seconds he'd shot me in the chest and teabagged me.

5437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dammit I'm so sick of reviewers that basically just tell you everything you're going to be doing in the game. I had to switch this off halfway through, it's worse than the gametrailers review for that crap.

I can't wait for the release of the second add on pack disc though. Fallout 3 is my favorite game ever but not having XBL I haven't had a chance to play any of these excellent looking add ons yet. The basic game is great but after about 64 billion hours you start running out of ...

5438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sweeet. I heard talk of a sequel a while ago but thought it had been dropped.

To anyone who hasn't played the first one yet you really should pick it up (with it being super cheap now too). If you like beautiful looking games with great atmosphere and excellent story you'll love the Darkness. I mean, it's got Mike Patton as a heart eating demon, who couldn't love it?

5438d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Take a picture with the most beautiful 'booth babe'?!!?? That's terrible! It's objectifying those poor women.

The booth babes aren't hired to stand around being physically attractive and letting people take photographs of them, they're hired to provide tech support should a game booth break down, inspect the premises for possible health and safety violations, keep a tally of all money earned through sales of merchandise and beverages and to provide medical aid to anyone injured whil...

5438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bring back Thatcher!

5438d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with this article. I mean they can't be doing too bad if they're able to pay low level game sites to put up advertising pieces disguised as articles.

5445d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dante's Inferno as a God of war clone??? Nah, I'll wait for Kublah Khan the racing game.

5445d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

menoyou plays this game all day and has thus far never fired a shot (too hard to click the shoot button with your hand down your pants).

Seriously though I've known about this game for years but I guess it just struck me like the South park flag. I always thought it was a game about the kind of pervs who hang around in public parks trying to rape people. They're usually male, whether they're trying to rape men or women. If the 'official spokespeople' of the 'homosexual community' wa...

5445d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is true but look on the bright side. With the invention of the Wii motion controller we're sure to see the emergence of games that teach women valuable skills and life lessons. Just imagine, 'Virtual dishwashing challenge' 'Virtual man pleasuring' 'Super food preparation adventure'. With the added bonus of the motion controller being so simple to use even a woman can learn how to use it the possibilities really are endless.

5452d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gee whizz, I just love staying up to date with all the latest gaming news. Whether it's this or the article about 'Sony needing to STFU' I'm sure never to miss another important development in the world of gaming ever again.

5452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I suppose Xbox live would be cool if I had friends who had it too, sadly most of them have lives instead. Joining random games full of spoiled middle American kids who think casual racism shows how 'out there' and 'edgy' you are isn't even worth free.

It's actually so bad that I only play Left 4 dead on Single player these days rather than joining a game full of dumb kids.

Although GTA 4 races are almost funny enough to make it all worthwhile, 'Sweet, I'm coming 5th ...

5469d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment
5470d ago

I'm quite impressed. You wouldn't think she'd have time to play games what with all those movie premieres, after parties, meetings with her publicist about how to make herself appear different to the typical Hollywood starlet by name checking some classic games everyone has heard of that she's never really played etc.

5471d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow cool, a new Fatal fury game in which you get to play as Ron Howard.

5471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment