
CRank: 5Score: 29450

Yes, I'm gay. I'm the heathen. I can find fault with a game you worship. I'm whatever else your religious tribal little mind wants me to be. I'll still be buying this game and enjoying the innovation in the gameplay style I just wish you little idiot peons would stop falling for cheap gimmicks like forced swears and nudity thinking it's oh so controversial and grown up. Once you little kids grow up and start being a little more discerning with your art we might be able to get a psychological ...

5479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

/heavy sigh

Yes, I'm gonna marry a carrot. Sorry if it makes me a moron but I just think that if games want to be taken seriously as an art form they should start telling us tales we haven't heard before rather than gruff detective, slick detective and hot chick detective who just might get her baps out for the lads hunt down the ... dun dun duuuuun ... Origami killer.
Along the way running into such amazingly non cliched original characters as surly black man, liquor store ...

5480d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's honestly so damn lame. Heavy rain looks awesome tech wise but I really wish they would have got a proper artist to craft the story. Even without the gratuitus nudity the plot and dialogue sounds like it was written by the same guy who wrote the Red shoe diaries*

*A crappy soft porn ('erotic drama' ... right) series from the 90's (explanation for those too young to remember a time you had to stay up and watch that stuff if you wanted to get your jerk on).

5480d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment




5480d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dammit I'm so sick of reviews that tell you everything you're going to be doing in the game. I had to stop reading after realising I'd just skimmed three pages of 'and then you'll be..' 'which leaves Nate hanging ...'. Good score though.

5480d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Zack and Wiki? So what ... you have to make a porno that contains a ton of interesting but factually inaccurate information?

5480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd cos her play

umm, I mean ... I'd fatal fury her ... DOA

Look, I'd have sex with her, alright? Happy now??

5480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Natal looks like it COULD be great but it also looks like it could suck. I don't think any of us know which way it's going to go just yet. The only thing I have against using it personally is that I live with other people that don't play videogames and sort of look down on me for doing so. It's bad enough that I have to sit there with the pad playing along while absorbing the funny looks I'm getting. I don't want to be jumping around the room like a coked up moron. I especially don't want to ...

5480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"When I bought my washer and dryer set I COMBED the internet looking for averages and possible issues that could've come around from owning that product"

Spoken like a true Maytag Washing machines fanboy. Enoy your broken washing machine, suckah lolololol1111, Wirlpool washing machines all the way baby !!!!111!!!!1!


5481d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now I know why I always get other people's mail.

5481d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That 'a review is an opinion' viewpoint really is stupid. A reviewer is supposed to at least have some objective eye for quality and whether they themselves personally enjoy the game or not they should be able to have some idea of how objectivelly 'good' it is.

I personally didn't like Killzone 2 because I hate macho space marine shooters but if I were to review it I wouldn't give it a bad score because I can see that it's a well made game that would be enjoyable to people who can g...

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's me reading this sentence,

"(completely missing that the same reviewer gave Killzone 2 the top score, 10/10, and that Gamereactor Sweden gave Halo 3: ODST the same score as they gave Uncharted 2)."

'Oh well that makes sense, yeah they make a good whu whu whuaaat? The same ... huh? Aw dammit now I'm even more confused.'

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not watching either, it sure does make the wait harder but it'll be worth it.

I'm just glad that games are finally good enough to match their cover art. Probably the main thing that turned me into the twisted bitter freak I am now is spending my entire childhood buying games with covers depicting some cool looking guy diving through an explosion while firing a huge gun with some sexy lady grabbing onto his leg and swarms of attack helicopters chasing after him, only to get home,...

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is really nothing like Dante's Inferno. They need to change the name to 'Mr. Squarejaw's Bogus journey to Hell with giant boobs' or something .... Okay, maybe not that since it contains the words 'to Hell with giant boobs' which is a sentiment I will never get behind. I love giants boobs, love 'em. What was I talking about?? Oh yeah, they need to drop the Dante's inferno rape and have it as a standalone story.

5481d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I might not have got a PS3 if my damn 360 hadn't rrod'd on me. Then again, I might have just paid for repairs if the PS3 didn't look like the better option right now.

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why I bought a PS3. I shouldn't have to pay a subscription fee to hunt boys online.

5481d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

HOW DARE THEY!! I demand they edit this review and give the game eleventy four out of ten!!!111!

Okay, seriously though this really is a weird review. Regardless of how good the game actually is, the score just really doesn't fit with the praise they heap upon it in the review. I haven't read any more on that site but I'm expecting stuff like, 'Batman Arkham asylum is a truly stunning game with brilliant graphics, storyline and gameplay that pushes gaming to new previously thought ...

5483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Articles like this might be an entertaining enough read but they won't change anything. None of the fanboys actually think they themselves are fanboys. It's always the worst fanboys who first bring the word 'fanboy' up.

Any 360 game review will have one douche in the comments section who says, 'Dis gaem sux liek all xboX games only peple who pretend to liek it is Xbox fanboys' or 'Hahaha, anoter AAA game for Xbox, eat it fanboys, PS3 SUXXX'. These people think of themselves as pe...

5483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's me over the past two days,

"Damn, another duck in and out of cover game getting rated so highly, boooring"

"Wow, even more people rating this thing highly? I mean, the PS3 looks to have some good upcoming games but this one just looks like dull same old same old stuff to me"

"Damn, even more super high scores for this game? what the hell is going on???"

/Watches video clip of train ride/helicopter chase gameplay

5484d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate that 'Flawed' has become the worst word any game can have attached to it these days. It kills creativity in the industry. Every game that does something new and interesting will have a ton of flaws, it's not until it's third sequel or until it's been ripped off a few dozen times that it becomes a slick flawless experience.

It's such a shame that many great imaginative games such as Mirror's edge or Spore are really rated down due to a few flaws with the overall presentation w...

5484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment