
CRank: 5Score: 29450

The thing I don't get is that the PS3 is on a huge roll right now that shows no sign of stopping any time soon and there's a good chance that by mid 2010 it could be the by far the most popular system. I'm not trying to sound fanboyish, it actually makes me feel really bad as a long time Half life fan that won't get to play episode 3 but it seems to me Valve are really shooting themselves in the foot. If the PS3 really does continue to rise in popularity Valve will be stuck with a smaller aud...

5343d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

All I can add here is my own personal experience ...

two months playing free Xboxlive trials - putting up with thousands of thirteen year old middle American kids who think they're being shocking and cool and grown up by using tons of racial slurs and being overly hostile.

About two months playing on PSN for free - Never once hearing a racial slur or an unbroken male voice.

I'm not trying to say one is better than the other or that you don't get little wannabe ba...

5344d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Indigo prophecy (by the same people) had a few very annoying QTE based action sequences but the vast majority of the game played like an interesting kind of point and click adventure. Given that they seem to have discarded the silly Simon says mechanics of Indigo prophecy's action sequences I'm really looking forward to this one.

5344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you sure you've got the right game? I'm not saying that sneeringly or anything, I can see why a lot of people hated the first game even though I loved it. I'm just asking because up there you described it as 'doing the thug gangsta thing very poorly' and this game is about two middle aged white guys. I know they're criminals but the game was much more in line with 80's action movie style crime heists than thug gangsta crap.

5344d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yet again another crappy site thinking they're being 'ironic' by using a negative title for a mostly positive piece. Listen, if you don't have a way with words don't try and toy with people's expectations in your titles. There's no irony or trickery in saying the game is lame, even if the main article says you love the game it doesn't work. It's just an ill fitting title.

5344d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The first one got a lot of good reviews too. I'm still skeptical.

5345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ReservoirDog316. I'm sure the gay community will appreciate the fact that you didn't call them any bad names while you were on your way to vote against allowing them their basic human rights and pursuit of happiness.

5345d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm, Hextadon pack? I will have to look into this intriguing development.

5345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ghosts 'n Goblins = The Demon's souls of it's day.

5346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No it's not, it's a poor attempt at irony at best and a cheap tactic to gain hits at worst.

Irony would be something like, 'Demon's souls sure to bring boredom into your life' as a title for a piece like this. That would suggest in a sly manner that Demon's souls is so good it will turn you into a boring person. 'Demon's souls is the most boring game of the year' is simply describing the game as boring, there's no other way to take that. There's no double meaning there at all. If yo...

5346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never been a fan of button masher beat em ups like Devil may cry or anything, nor have I ever played a God of war game but for some reason I'm really dying to get this. This is my most anticipated game of the rest of the year by far. There's just something about the mythological setting and the sheer power of Kratos as a character.

5346d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"To use a movie analogy, if Modern Warfare was The Godfather then Modern Warfare 2 is, without a shadow of a doubt, The Godfather II."

That's a funny line. It's actually a good analogy and I see what he's getting at but it does sound a little like a 'well duh' moment.

5346d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm 26 and feel like I'm too old to be a full on gamer. Just about everyone I know has a console but they never keep track of upcoming releases or they don't know who Hideo Kojima and Tim Schafer are etc. It really made me self conscious for a while and like some kind of stereotype gamer nerd but one thing getting to this age has taught me is that doing the things you enjoy is always cooler than trying to be seen as cool by others. I never regret the days I spent playing Resident evil but I c...

5346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was a good article but these stupid misleading titles need to stop. You always find people thinking they're being clever and playing on words in here with these kinds of titles but a title like this isn't a play on words, it's just a false statement. If you say, 'This game is boring' there's no way that can mean 'This game is great but makes you a boring person'.

5346d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a tough one because Indigo prophecy really did have a ton of flaws even though some parts were amazing. If this game can pull off the cool noir feel and deep gameplay of the first three or four scenes of Indigo prophecy (and it looks like it can) it will be something very special.

I also hope they get Angelo Badalamenti back to do the music for this one but I guess it's too late to suggest that if they haven't already done it.

5346d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

People are talking like MGS is 1984 or something. Metal gear solid is just as corny, melodramatic and cliched as Twilight.

5348d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the corner store robbery scene looks like it would make a good demo. You get a little of the action in sneaking up behind the guy, a little of the dialogue if he catches you etc.

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One thing you need to remember is that Assassin's creed looked and sounded like the bees knees too before it was released. They're good at marketing. I really hope it's good but I'm still super skeptical.

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone unsure as to how well Heavy rain will work should play Indigo prophecy (called Farenheit outside of North Povertyland). It's a great game although not for everyone.

There are certainly tedious quick time event sections in which two Simon says machines appear on screen and you have to press each button that lights up while a scene plays out in the background and you can't watch it because you're too busy concentrating on the damn lights but thankfully it looks like they've rem...

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make up my own mind instead of repeating everything like a parrot? How dare you suggest I would do such a thing, don't you ever get tired of not using your brain?

Okay, so it was a cheap joke based on stupid stereotypes but somebody had to make it. Just don't take it so serious. I know in actuality that the French aren't always surrendering to anyone who threatens them, they're much to busy eating frogs legs and visiting brothels for any of that kind of behaviour.

5350d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment