
CRank: 5Score: 29450

Damn, Microsoft heard my complaining in my last comment. No joke, about five minutes after my last comment I switched on my 360 ... R-R-O-mf'ing-D!!

I'm not even gonna bother with a repair. I'm selling all the games and getting a PS3 tomorrow. I realise this sounds like I'm some lying PS3 fanboy with a motive but I swear on the usage of my eyes I'm telling the truth. I couldn't believe the timing.

5392d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This article may be biased, fanboyish, whatever you want to call it, but I completely agree with it. As a long time 360 owner who's never got the rrod or anything I have to say I'm really getting sick of Microsoft's lazy gold digging behaviour and am almost certainly buying a PS3 before the end of the year.

With all the great exclusives coming up for the PS3 along with the free online play and instant downloading of demos I don't see how I could do anything else. I'll most likely ke...

5392d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well said v1c1ious. That's exactly what I was going to post before I saw you'd beat me to it.

In other news, Bethesda says Brink is not going to be very good at all and EA says Dante's inferno is gonna be alright but nothing special.

5393d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is disgraceful, I was sitting around writing racial slurs into Scribblenauts and a fruit appeared. This is almost as bad as that time I was shouting racial slurs over an Xbox live headset and it didn't automatically mute me. These awful awful racists should be ashamed of themselves, filthy scum. I bet they're all Indian too.

5394d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This really is insane, I can't believe what's happening to that place.

I wouldn't say the place is turning into Germany, since Germany is one of the most liberal cool places on the planet these days. It's more like some weird cross between North Korea and the American Bible belt.

5394d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is a fat Elvis waddling towards a toilet to take it's final dump.

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha come on man, the article must have been altered since I provided my constructive criticism. I took every one of those quotes by highlighting, right clicking, copying and pasting. You don't have to believe me and I'll admit I'd have to be some kind of nut to be fabricating quotes in order to complain about the writing on a website but I swear to you every single one of those quotes was a direct copy paste. I didn't type a word of them.

You totally have me on 'realise' and 'it's'...

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The title of this article is misleading. It should be titled, 'World's first cool student found'.

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's just silly. I've played hockey games with fighting elements since the days of 16 bit and I turned out okay. These games are harmless fun and I'll beat the crap out of anyone who says otherwise.

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not just trying to be mean but that review was appallingly badly written.

"Oh yes I have been imagining to do that to quite a few people"
"just imagining the amount of carnage that you will make is catastrophic"
"It was combination of both a plus and a negative put together"
"A good idea is to always change up the combo once in awhile"
"The graphics, especially for the PS3, was not what I expected" <...

5396d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not an Aussie but that's just scary. The government are supposed to be a bunch of civil servants not overprotective mommies and daddies for us all.

p.s. You might want to change the spelling in this article here. I think we're supposed to be signing a petition whereas you've got us signing one of those small dividing walls between the urinals in a gents toilet. I know they're Australian but still, I think we're better off with a petition.

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been a huge fan of the classic Romero zombie movies since I was a wee babby. Zombies will never really get old for me but it kills me that I know the industry is going to get bored of zombies before we get one real good George Romero style zombie game.

Dead rising was damn close but had too much of that Capcom bright colours and Japanese arcade style to really capture the Romero mood. Left 4 dead perfectly captured the classic Romero mood but had running zombies. All the other ...

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll wait until they drop the price a little more.

5396d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stop complaining about Microsoft. Maybe you don't like the way they treat their customers but us folks in the BDSM community love it. I just love slipping into my gimp mask and nipple clamps and reading about how Microsoft are going to punish us today. Thank you Microsoft for treating us like we're disgusting worthless maggots, we love it.

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Water: wet.

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not trying to be nasty but if you're looking for games that 'really went the extra mile with gameplay' shouldn't you choose games you've actually played?? Shouldn't at least one or two of these must own games be a game you've played at least a few seconds of?

5400d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's sad, not even because I'm a 360 owner. It's just sad. It's like like a fat Elvis or something. The once cool hip swinging Microsoft are getting fat, putting on a diamond studded jumpsuit and killing themselves with greed and laziness. it's obvious to everyone but themselves.

5401d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know Crackdown did the whole superpower mutant in an open world before Prototype but dang, Virus, "3 way war", 'City degrades over time due to virus'. I'll reserve judgement on this one. I just hope there's an actual story mode. The first one could have been great but the entire game felt like GTA or the Godfather when you've completed the story mode and just have a bunch of assassination missions to do.

5401d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you're a Ghostbusters fan it's the game you always wanted. If you're a Ghostbusters fan you've probably already played it to death though. I'm in the UK and I've had this thing for months.

5401d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These people saying the combat is just a case of mashing the attack button, you've got a way to prove it. Show us your leaderboard score or post a youtube video of you playing one of the extreme combat challenge rooms. I'm sure you'll all do really well, after all it's just mashing a button, eh??

5401d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment