
CRank: 5Score: 29450

Egg Sprain? How dare you. I never suppered for such a thing in my life.

4589d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

You guys are crazy, there ain't no such thing as werewolves. i've played more than thirty hours of this game now and haven't run into a single one so I'm absolutely certain it's safe to let my guard down, even for a second.

4589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, no expense spared when it comes to this game. I mean, hiring that many whores of that quality for an entire evening must have cost literally tens of dollars.

4594d ago 25 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can take my copy when they pry it from my cold dead hands. To be fair though, Skyrim is absolutely evil. Before I got my copy I was a successful handsome young Billionare Rocket scientist. Now I look like Gollum and spend all day curled up naked in my attic playing it.

4594d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article actually made some very good points. I didn't think it would, I expected another 'GTA should be as wild and crazy as Saint's row' article, which always annoy me. The massive influx of pure wacky fun sandbox games after GTA San Andreas is what made Rockstar want to do something different. If they had stuck to the same formula they would no longer be making games that stood out from the crowd and offered something different.

I respect Rockstar for want...

4594d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

In my case..

First person sneaker.

First person stop now and then to pan around my character in third person checking out how goddamn cool he lookser.

First person shit self when ice troll appearser.

4594d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very funny article but I feel you've fallen prey to an all too common misconception about the work of Magritte. Of course many people consider this famous piece to be Magritte's attempt to snap the viewer out of their automatic confusion of the symbolic for the actual and force them to confront the disconnect between actual reality and the incomplete, biased attempt to map reality that most of us carry in our minds. In truth, Magritte was just trying to paint a nice picture of a duck ...

4594d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it wasn't for the bugs (which I haven't experienced many of yet but I live in fear of the 6mb save bug) it would probably be the best game I ever played in a sense. Half-life 2 and Ico still affected me on a much deeper emotional level and Fallout 3 is much more my type of thing in terms of setting and tone but in terms of everything else I've never played anything close to Skyrim.

4595d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got waaaay too giddy when I saw the guy sitting there. I'm not sure how I can fit his existence into the canon of my Elder scrolls experience since I completed The Shivering Isles and... Well, you know what happens but it's great to have the guy back. I keep forgeting to try out the Wabbajack in the main game world though, I will do that tomorrow.

....... SUCH a good game.

4595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have no problem with the new interface except for one thing. At 26 hours in I still can't figure out how to tell if I'll be able to cast a spell before I buy the tome for it. I haven't seen anyone else mention this despite trying to Google for an answer so I'm willing to accept that I'm just being dumb but I can not figure it out. In Oblivion you'd be able to see the required skill level and magicka for each spell before buying but I just don't see it in Skyrim. ...

4597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice idea but running around my home town holding that thing in front of me would not be a nice idea at all. 'Wow, what cool graphics. Those muggers look totally real.... Oh shi...'.

4598d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is true that all too many games rely on huge blocks of exposition rather than trusting the gamer to piece together the deeper story from bits and pieces. I had my problems with Bioshock but it did tell a rather complex story in a very elegant way. A discarded 'Ryan doesn't own us' sign here and a few before and after surgery pics taped to a wall can provide just as much information as an NPC ranting for five minutes straight while you jump around the room out of boredom and try...

4599d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing like a little lolikon art to pass the time on a trip to Thailand.

4599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Easily the best review I've read of possibly the best game I've ever played. Of course having played (and still playing) the game I don't need to read any more reviews but for the first time since Fallout 3 I come away from the game wanting to read up on it's lore or just read about the kinds of experiences other people have had with it.

I enjoyed reading about the game from a perspective I can't say I've considered any game from before. I have always ...

4600d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The secret is to spend the time you'd normally spend coming up with a creative original idea on ripping off an already well established game, that frees up a lot of time for graphical updates.

4602d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't worry Young juice, I'm whiter than a snowman's balls and I went through that exact scenario with wanting to make my own game, downloading the tools then quitting as soon as I found out it took actual effort. Making videogames is an alluring idea but way too damn hard. No matter what colour you are, that's as true as your name is creepy.

4602d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just arrived at the town outside the Bard's college last night but I was too tired and drunk to play properly so I quit and will probably enter this place tonight when I'm well rested and drunk.

4602d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's fucking ridiculous, I bet this research turns out to be phony, I bet all the money I have.

Ps. That would have been a funnier joke if I wasn't a 28 year old who just lives like a teenager.

4602d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I find this girl absolutely lovely and delightful. She just seems very down to Earth and cool, which might be odd to say under her 500th 'Nintendo paid me to talk to you as if they didn't pay me' video but I stand by it. I have a bit of a crush I admit it. It may sound sad and pathetic but considering the last crush of this type I had was on Alyx Vance I think this is a step up. At least this girl's real, or as close to real as an actor's daughter can get.

4602d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm literally in love with Skyrim, if it were legal I'd make it my bride. This review pretty much says it all, especially about the crippling desire to tell everyone tales about your time in Skyrim.

None of my friends are as interested in gaming as myself and I know I'd just be boring them with stories about things I've done in this game but I just know I'm gonna tell them anyway because I need to vent. It's insane how many big setpiece moments you can h...

4605d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment