
CRank: 5Score: 29450

Dammit, I really wanted to wait until I had more money and less distraction but I might just have to get this game now. This really was a good review, rather than getting bogged down in the mechanics of the thing it really expressed (what I imagine) it actually feels like to play this game. That's a rare thing these days, so many reviews take you step-by-step through every mechanic, every technical flaw and every technical triumph of the game without giving you any idea how the thing actu...

4583d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Believe me Zoyos, I agree with most of that. I didn't mean to suggest age naturally brings maturity, of course that's not true. The guy I'm criticizing for not growing enough as a writer is David Cage and by the looks of the guy he's at least 16. My claim that I can't believe people over the age of fifteen think Quantic dream are providing exciting and deep new ideas wasn't really to be taken literally, it was meant to convey just how much I hate to think that there a...

4585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same here. I think it was mostly the insanely low framerate on my PS3 (which I've seen people say clears up after the start of the game but it still wasnt completely gone in the second half of the demo from later in the game for me) but overall nothing about it grabbed me. It's not even that I hated what they've done with the series or anything, I just can't get excited by it.

4585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was pretty amazing as a tech demo and I'm not trying to be a dick here but I desperately want David Cage to realise that he's not as deep as he thinks he is and really needs to improve as a writer. Heavy rain was a great idea and I loved the original approach to gaming but the plot and characters were just such a mash of cliches and late night TV drama staples. This too, while it's simply a tech demo, it just implies that Quantic dream are still stuck in a fifteen year old...

4585d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Update - His lawyers have persuaded him to plead insanity. Smart move.

4585d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't even imagine that anyone could possibly prefer the 360 to the PS3, especially these days BUT I have to admit this is a pretty hilarious story.

4585d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice to meet you Mr. 51, if I may begin I should like to ask you the first of my prepared questions. Here goes... Mr. 51, What the gubmint do with ma dang brain? Aliens? Spinach castle? Fraggle rock is mah home, mah home. Takes me a dang turtle to mah wine. Dontchu lookit mah bag, nothin in there for you boy.

4586d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, you do NOT want to piss of the Hindus. Please do not offer their god a peanut.

4586d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I just hope people are still playing it in a few weeks. I want to have those cool sounding run-ins with other players but I've bought way too many games recently to pick this up right away even with it's low price.

4586d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can read my past comments on this issue to see I seriously think the fact that they give you the option to express your own sexuality whatever it may be in this game is great but I can't deny, a part of me wishes they made it mandatory, just to fuck with people.

I can just picture some typical dumb homophobe teenage gamer playing ME3 after working his way through the entire series, building up his Shepard until, after one seriously cool and badass action blockbuster mis...

4586d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Tsss yeah it's like you don't agree with the way he's standin or somethin'

4586d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That all depends on what you mean by disgusted. If you're talking about just physically finding it gross to see two guys making out or more then I'm with you on that one. If you're talking about some kind of moral disgust then you do have the choice to step back and realise that you don't even have to have an opinion and unless you're one of the consenting adults involved you're actually being a douche by chiming in on the issue anyway since it's not really any of ...

4586d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really want to believe the good reviews but some of the things in the IGN video review worry me such as the fact that enemies forget you just threatened them with a gun as soon as you lower it or the fact that you can take as long as you want threatening them and backing them into whatever position you want. It does look a bit like very shoddy execution of good ideas.

4586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate to say it but I still just can't get excited for this one. I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point but I'm not aching to play it. The fact that my characters from ME2 seem pretty much limited to cameos just adds to that, I hated seeing the results of my choices in ME1 turn out to be one or two extremely short non-plot related cutscenes.

4586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like I'm gonna have to pass on this one. It's a good thing anyway really as I need to save up for Dead rising 2: Under the hat, which is basically DR: Off the record but with a new hat.

4588d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Until last week the only metal gear I'd ever played was MGS4 (and a little of the original PSX MGS at a friend's house back in school) and I really couldn't see what all the fuss was about. I'd heard from people that you had to play through the entire series to really appreciate the fourth but I couldn't see how it'd be possible that anything would make me love a series with such cheesy cliched characters and such clunky controls.

I'm currently right ...

4588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The worst thing about this, if it does exist Half-life 3 could easily be released as a steambox exclusive. If they finally come out with Half life 3 but it turns out I have to buy a new untested console to play it that'll be a majr kick in the teeth.

4588d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

and why is femshep allowed to show her face in public? That shit isn't accepted in many parts of the world either.

Also, my Shepherd won't be gay in 3 either. The fact that it's possible to have sex with a man doesn't mean you absolutely have to do it, despite what the voices in your head tell you.

4590d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ugh, look... I'm British but I'm sick of reading these kinds of dishonest complaints from British gamers. It's the same nonsense we saw after Uncharted was released, 'Oh, why does the Englishman always have to be the evil bad guy?'. You know damn well why, because that's what we all are. As I sit here in my throneroom, dictating this comment to one of my scribes while sipping a fine chardonay and watching two peasant children fight to the death for my entertainment, th...

4590d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still can't put it on my list until I find out if they've fixed the ridiculously low framerate on the PS3 (not trolling, the PS3 is the only system I own and is easily the best console I've ever owned but the demo for this one game runs like shit).

I can handle the seemingly scaled back graphics from the second game, like having to look at the point where the hair on the back of my Sheperd's head ends in a perfectly straight line and his neck is just painted br...

4591d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment