
CRank: 5Score: 120410

Yup, you're right. Which is exciting as it means we've seen a snowy 'Hoth' style location from the original teaser. And this could indicate a desert style 'Tattooine' battlefield is also going to be included.

3357d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Brain surgery. I can remove a blood clot with one hand tied behind my back... But can I win in Surgeon Sim 2013? No.

Stacking boxes.... Once I'm done with brain surgery I like to kick back on my pimped out forklift and stack boxes until the job is DONE... But can I finish the job in Shenmue? No, not unless I take a very specific route through the warehouse!

3357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Star Ocean 5 - YES!

Cross-gen - Eurghhh!

Publishers are still looking to wring every penny out of the last gen. Slightly disappointed by that.

3358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as it's cosmetic and not Pay to Win DLC, and as long as there are some free unlocks through playing the game I don't mind.

3359d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still play Destiny from time to time. I have got hundreds of hours of fun out of it... But...

I will not buy any DLC after House of Wolves.

And, I will probably not buy any sequels.

The reason is, that no matter how much I have enjoyed the game I have always felt underwhelmed with it. Like Bungie took the safest and most profitable route instead of really going balls to the wall to make a radically new type of FPS.


3359d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

3359d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No one is forcing you.

EA Access costs about half the price of a new game on XB1 / PS4.

I am not a big enough fan of sports games to spend full price. So for me, I have played a lot of FIFA 14, Madden and UFC for only £20 per year.

And on top of that I have Need for Speed Rivals - a game would have picked up eventually on budget, but don't have to any more. Plus BattleField 4 is a great download.

3359d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yes, bring it on! It's a great service on XB1, and I would welcome it on my PS4.

I can understand that Sony didn't want a service competing with EA - but I'm not sure how any consumer can defend that when you compare the proposed price of PSNow with EA Access.

People saying they don't want it, are taking a narrow, selfish, viewpoint. No one is forcing them to pay for it. Choice is almost always good.

3359d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

I dunno if it was a good / bad strategy - but it was certainly a disappointing one.

It seemed the main reason MS secured JRPG's was to block Sony from getting them.

I base my opinion on the lack of follow up. They made such a lot of noise by securing Mistwalker - and then we got only two games. Where was the follow up to Blue Dragon!?!

The plan obviously had zero impact on their Japanese sales.

3361d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's so obvious... Because....



Yeah, stupid article is stupid!

3361d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why not both?

Nintendo are just crazy enough to make a home console that can dock a handheld in some weird symbiotic relationship! :)

3361d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Doesn't matter either way to me. Can't wait to play the game and I've been actively avoiding any footage and screenshots so nothing is spoiled.

Loving Xenoblade 3DS right now - and the graphics are pretty shoddy in that game.

All these downgrade articles we see are a waste of effort. "Pre-release footage compared to pre-release footage" is not news.

3361d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. It looks like a brilliant and fun shooter, that will be overlooked by the masses because it looks 'kiddie'...

And of course doesn't have voice chat to allow all those uber pro gamers from CoD the ability to strategise just like how I always see on every FPS game ever. /s

However, Splatoon plus a few other top games like Xenoblade, and Star Fox will collectively shift a few units of WiiU

3361d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Keeping quiet is a great idea.

I bet Sony are really checking the status of every project they have cooking - a repeat of Driveclub and The Order delays can't happen again.

It's going to be an exciting E3

3363d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's intriguing because Sony has been so silent on what their 1st party devs are doing.

We know barely anything about the next Guerilla game. Hardly a clue what the 2nd team in Naughty Dog is up to. So many unknowns!

I hope this E3 is where they really show some good stuff that is close to launch!

3363d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see you are out of bubbles to continue this debate. But you make interesting points.

Yes, I believe it's a poor, short sighted, move by Nintendo, but I think you miss one 'Oh no'...

And that is Nintendo are like the 'Disney' of the gaming world. They appeal to all ages from kids, families, to even the hardcore.

Companies like that are terrified of bad publicity to the point where they would rather shoot down an entire c...

3364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy is just toxic. How did he ever get to CEO level.

It's almost as if some people luck in to a high level job and then just roll from one high paid job to the next, creating disaster, but cashing out every time..

3364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I agree.

But GAME has always listed the prices as £14.99 whether in store or online. Right now the commonly available Amiibo are that price, and are gathering dust in my local store.

It's a sad realisation that people are too lazy or stupid to do a bit of research, and just fork out almost 50% more to retailers like this!

3364d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It does seem weird.

But a buddy of mine almost never plays games, but is more than happy to watch other people play IRL or on Twitch.

If you abstract watching someone play a game to the level of 'it's just entertainment', then there's no difference between watching a TV Show and watching a Play Through. The commentary is an additive thing, not subtractive - people get attached to their favourite broadcasters / actors which is why they come bac...

3364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol. Don't be so dramatic.

You perfectly highlight my comment about people seeing this as a black or white issue.

Of course! Because I can see Nintendo's point of view I must believe all censorship is OK now! /s
What a ridiculous reduction of an argument! At least try and create some interesting debate on the issue.

The first and biggest discussion we should be having is whether the platforms we have, such as YouTube etc, mak...

3364d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment