
CRank: 5Score: 120410


Same here. Their writing style got more and more pretentious. And their scores are very inconsistent. Sometimes it seems they intentionally give games to reviewers who don't like the genre

I could never work out if they are trying to be 'edgy' and controversial, or just enjoy sitting around sniffing their own farts and actually believe the rubbish they are writing

1100d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Out of interest how many are looking to connect up their Series X or PS5 to a higher refresh monitor or TV?

Whilst it's nice to have the option, I'd much rather they concentrate on squeezing as much out of 4k 60Hz as that's the sweet spot (or will be) for the vast majority of gamers, and for some time.

The % of people who have TV's that can run over 60Hz is tiny, I'd be surprised if it's even 0.25%. And anecdotally I only know one ...

1343d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Developers wouldn't need to go silent after launch if they:
a) Delivered what they promised
b) Didn't bend the truth, mislead or outright lie to their customers to hype up their games
c) Release a complete game rather than some empty husk that is only complete with Day 1 DLC, Season Passes, loot boxes and micro transactions
d) Didn't publish BS roadmaps of post launch content that they can never hope to fulfil on time (or at all)
e) Did...

1804d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's always online by the looks of it - but you can go on hunts solo. In fact solo is handy for when you want to just collect materials etc

1846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The devs seem to be working hard to improve queue times.

Most of the time I get straight in, but on one occasion I was at position 60,000 but it actually only took 3-5 minutes to get in. I've heard similar stories from other people. The queue looks ridiculous, but moves pretty quickly.

1846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess it's a slow news day at Game Revolution.

Smite is no better / worse than many F2P games. The arguments made in this article are poor at best.

Arguing it costs a lot to buy all the champions is ridiculous. Most players, and certainly any that are more than just casual, will eventually decide to main a particular role - Support, Carry etc, so there's no need at all to buy all the Gods. Also, people will usually settle on a couple of favourit...

1950d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was nothing fresh about it.

I had high hopes for this. I really liked Division 1 for a while. From the beta I can see nothing to call this anything more than a glorified expansion, or at most Division 1.5.

The key problem with The Division as an idea, is that it has to rely on bullet sponge mechanics which I always found jarring against the 'real world' setting, and all the weapons are limited to real world designs, so even the Elite stuff i...

1952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Based on the alpha demo and today's VIP demo I think it's OK, but definitely need to see more around the systems and end game before committing any money.

Graphically it looks fantastic. The Javelin customisation beats Destiny's shader system by a mile. The lack of loot boxes is good, and I can live with the real money shop for cosmetics (if it stays that way). The controls definitely need tweaking - keyboard and mouse is very clunky. The online options are sens...

1969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to like this one, but it's like a watered down Settlers 2.

There's also a huge disconnect between the art style and theme of the robots and the buildings. It just doesn't work for me. This could have been a fun logistics game, but it stuck too close to ripping off better games instead of trying to
tread its own path.

1980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing Fallout 76 will be remembered for is how they took a well loved IP and built a trash online services game around it with minimum effort and maximum profiteering.

Destiny 1 and 2 managed to turn it around. But Fallout 76 is starting from a point waaaay behind those two games.

2025d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, slightly concerning...

But then again is Alpha ever really alpha, and is Beta ever beta these days.

Fallout76 had its public beta 2 weeks before launch. There was no way they were going to fix anything in that time.

Seems to me that these public tests are little more than marketing demos. I can't recall a single one where the publisher / developer hit the brakes after user feedback and actually fixed or improved stuff before l...

2025d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter if it has content now. When it released it was a half finished shell of a game. I tried it using the Game Pass 7 day trial on launch, and I still felt burned. I feel sorry for the people who bought it at it's full launch price.

So it may be 'wrong' to say it still has no content, but the narrative was written... It's a game with no content. And not only that, but MS has done very little to change that narrative and advertise the increas...

2025d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS5 announcement to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of PlayStation launch in 2019. I guess Sony want full control over that announcement, so missing E3 for an event of their own would make sense.

Only negative is that it leaves the door open for MS to make a big announcement at E3 without any focus being taken away.

2039d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

£20.00 off Spiderman was pretty good. (although only £10 off versus the physical version)

2039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think this is one of those cases of a bad company doing bad things. The developer worked their backside off trying to make a good game. Communication was good, and progress (by a 1 man team) was being made. But health comes first, especially mental health - and unfortunately this guy couldn't continue.

Yes, there are some utter shit KS projects. I would never recommend backing any video game KS as it is impossible to sift through what is actually 'legiti...

2081d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would also be very interesting to see how his book sales spiked after the Witcher games released. I know I bought the books after playing the games. I am sure he has profited off of book sales thanks to the game.

The guy is an idiot, and clearly salty because Witcher 3 made so much money.

The one thing we should keep in mind though, is that this is a case being raised in Poland. So whilst it is easy to say 'he signed away his rights to the IP',...

2085d ago 33 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really hope so, as I love Diablo, but I'm not sure I can see D4 coming any time soon.

My main reasoning is that we've only just got D3 on Switch. Surely if they had been working on D4 all this time, and it was close to release they'd have ported D4 instead of D3?

I know there's the argument that D4 is probably going to be a step up in terms of minimum specs compared to D3 on PC, so maybe the Switch wouldn't be able to handle it - but...

2102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I think it might well have been actually.

2102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many many years ago I used to subscribe to Edge. I'm talking probably 15 years ago or so. At the time they were one of the few mags that seemed to treat gaming seriously.

But as the years rolled on they evolved from being the magazine / site that gave 'hard but fair' reviews using the full 1-10 scale, in to a bunch of pretentious tossers who couldn't tell a good game from bad as their heads were wedged firmly up each others arses.

I'm ...

2103d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

In the words of Kirk Lazarus... "Never go full retard"

Riot went full retard

2114d ago 22 agree2 disagreeView comment