
CRank: 5Score: 120410

I think there'll be a few surprises. Maybe not megatonne announcements, but who knows - fingers crossed!

It's a shame it's getting harder and harder for developers to keep their games under wraps.

There's a couple of things I'd be happy to see from E3...

MS show something awesome from Rare

Sony announce date and price for Morpheus

Morpheus has AAA support from games like Fallout 4, Star W...

3401d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember when new game announcements were met by excitement and anticipation - even by the gaming press.

Sad times when there's so much negativity around a hobby that's all about having fun.

3402d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whilst I do agree with you on the motion controls, I found I just couldn't adjust to them and had to turn them off.

But I could absolutely see the potential, and for those that master the motion controls I could see them being far more successful in multiplayer.

Anyone criticising the implementation of the motion controls in this game is a fool!

3409d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

All your base are belong to us

3412d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hmm. So Nvidia apparently 'sabotage' AMD performance... But an AMD driver update magically negates some (or all) of that 'sabotage'...

Must be magic!

3414d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah, you're most likely right. Doesn't say much about developers integrity tho.

Not saying I'd turn down the money to support a particular manufacturer, but it still comes down to devs accepting the money or signing up for GameWorks.

3419d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Nvidia is the evil giant who is stopping AMD GPU owners having more / better detail or optimisation...

That may be so but I see one problem here...

Developers are CHOOSING to partner in the Gameworks programme.

CDProjekt Red could have used TressFX or Hairworks or something else... But chose Hairworks. I assume that was due to ease of implementation and that AMD GPU's have such a small market share at the moment that it probably made...

3419d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

"We might not be so easily rid of the Wii U"

Why would we want to be rid of it? Easily or otherwise!

Fantastic console.

Shame it's not selling as well as it deserves. Mainly Nintendo's fault for bad marketing and screwing the pooch towards the end of the Wii's life cycle. But if consumers want to miss out on the best version of Mario Kart to date (even considering the crappy Battle Mode), and a load of other great ga...

3423d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

People really need to un-bunch their underwear over this non-issue.

3426d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

Looks to me like Destiny finally has enough content to match what it should have launched with.

Just a shame that it cost us, the players, two expansions packs to get it there.

Now... If we could just have some story added I'd be much happier.

3430d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'll be happy with an announcement and a teaser.

20-30 mins of gameplay... No way! I'll have my eyes closed and fingers in my ears. I'm not spoiling anything!! :)

3430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sort of agree...

I remember when I was growing up there was only excitement for new game announcements. No one whined about 'Should we be worried about game X', or 'Is game Y overhyped'.

There was a genuine enthusiasm and excitement. I think a large part of that was due to each console generation bringing something radically different...

The leap from 8bit to 16bit graphics. The monumental leap to CD's and 3D games. A...

3432d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


Win what? Legendary 1? Then yeah, you need a lot of cards, and will need to spend some money.

Pay 2 Be Competitive at your skill level?

Pay 2 Have Fun?

Both of those can be done for free.

Spending money will allow you to build competitive decks and more closely follow the meta - but it doesn't automatically make you a better player, and won't guarantee you wins.

It's ...

3438d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great. But I'm still pissed that my Logitech G27 isn't supported by either PS4 or XB1...

3442d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment


All the things you list are bandwagon BS.

3442d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

One thing we know for sure is that EA and DICE have set themselves up for a million 'downgrade' comparison articles.

I guess they should be commended for keeping the burgeoning video game journalism industry employed.

3443d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe in a (console) generation or two there will be a radical shift. But considering the XB1 is selling better than the 360 did. And the PS4 is selling at incredible levels, the signs are there that console gaming has a lot of life left.

I think it's incorrect to see iPad / PC cannibalising console sales. I think they can live alongside each other for the most part. I have an iPad, and I game on it a lot, but it doesn't replace my PC or PS4 or XB1 oe WiiU - they ...

3451d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, bit confused by this as well.

Maybe he has a complex AV set up? Or maybe having the kids login / out of various accounts could be easier on PS4?

3451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And yet you clicked the link and took the effort to post and call people faggots.

That's pathetic.

3451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In interviews I have never seen him come across as egotistical.. Although I'm not a fan of slapping the name across the box. Same with Sid Meier. I think Richard Garriott used to do it as well.

In most movie posters there are the names of many people, director, producer, actors and others. But there are some directors who take it to the next level like 'M Night Shyamalm's Piece of Crap Movie' etc.

Edit, on topic: This is very...

3451d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment