
CRank: 5Score: 120410

Err.. what?

How do you propose MS threw a spanner in the works?

Halo 3 already has over 1million pre-orders, I doubt MS were really concerned about how many units of GTAIV were going to ship on the PS3. Especially with a simultaneous release on both consoles.

The two trailers for GTAIV were done using the in-game engine on the 360 version. So while we haven't seen any game play footage, we have seen the quality of the in game graphics.

6160d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hmmm, Halo 3, PS3 development problems, or 360 HDD... let's see.

- The Halo 3 release date is unlikely to have impacted GTAIV hugely. September is pretty early to release a big holiday game. Knowing that Halo 3 will sell significant numbers regardless of release date perhaps MS have 'given' publishers the more lucrative November launch window.

- Look at how many games have been pushed on the PS3... Fatal Inertia, Juiced 2, Lair to name three off the top of my he...

6160d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This whole Hi-Def format war just seems to be a pissing contest for console fanboys.

Blu-Ray and HD-DVD account for such a tiny amount of the market it barely matters. PS3 owners can go on and on about Blu-Ray winning but how many of those people actually buy Blu-Ray movies and support the format?

Ask your average consumer what they would rather do...

Pay less than £20 ($40) for a basic DVD player, or upwards of £250 just to be able to p...

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People can only buy what they can get hold of. Certainly in the UK if I walk in to an electrical shop, LCD HDTV's are pretty much the only thing they stock.

Also, there's public perception and knowledge. Most 'average' consumers are having a hard enough time working out what all this Hi-Def stuff is about without having to then make a decision between Plasma and LCD.

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is business, not school playground 'will you be my best friend' rubbish.

Rockstar will takes sides for one reason only... money. If Sony cough up the loot then they will get Rockstar exclusives.

6161d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I didn't really expect anything less from Threespeech. Edge magazine was a little harsher in it's preview (going as far to say that the graphics were no longer cutting edge, and that it will need more than a few nice touches to set it apart from competitors).

This isn't the game to make me take the plunge in to PS3 ownership (despite my love of God of War 1 and 2), but it'll be nice to be able to pick this up as a Platinum release or Trade-in price when I finally buy a PS3...

6161d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well the poor old feet on my trusty MX518 have started to wear down so I've been waiting for a nice replacement. I think the G9 will be it.

I resisted the original G5 as they removed one of the side thumb buttons - and I use them all the time on the 518. It looks like the G9 has gone back to two, so I'm pretty much sold.

The revised G15 keyboard also looks pretty good. http://www.th...

Ah the memories. Back when I was a nipper my Uncle used to travel a lot. Every time he went to Japan he'd bring me and my brother back a Game and Watch - we were the envy of all our friends!

Probably responsible for my addiction to gaming!! :)

6166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't agree with the article.

GTAIV, plus extra content, plus Halo 3 sounded like a sure-fire system seller to me.

Remove GTAIV from the equation and you still have Halo 3, a franchise just as big as GTA which is sure to shift a couple of 360's off shelves. So how does this really hurt MS?

The article mentions that Sony could narrow the gap between the 360 and PS3 install base... but how? As I mention above, in terms of BIG franchises that will ...

6167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now, THIS is the game that could push me in to buying a PS3!!

If there's one genre that seems to be lacking on my XBox360 it's the fun 3rd person adventures in the vein of Ratchet & Clank, or Jak & Daxter.

6168d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So lets say some less informed gamer is looking through EGM... they see a review of Lair... it scores only 5/10. So they don't buy it.

That's a sale lost of a game, a sale lost because Factor 5 sent out old code.

Seems pretty stupid to me.

6169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Factor 5 didn't want to receive poor reviews from certain websites/publications (i.e. EGM) they shouldn't have sent out such old code just to make a deadline (which they ended up changing anyway).

EGM has got loads of free publicity in the community by giving Lair 5/10. Should Play give the game a 9 based on promises... Not in my opinion.

The cursory mention of 'we got a gold master shortly before going to press and played it for a few hours...' is no justifi...

6169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sure having FFXIII wouldn't hurt the 360 at all! But how relevant is it outside of Japan in terms of shifting major amounts of hardware? In the West gamers seem more excited by Mass Effect than 'FF style' games like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey (not that they are bad games, just not as anticipated as Mass Effect)

I used to be a huge fan of FF, but I feel it's got stale and lost a lot of relevancy in the market. It now seems to be all about the cutscenes/graphics and how ...

6187d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Bungie is one of the best devs, it's because of Myth II : Soulblighter.

Forget Halo 3, I'd rather see Myth 3.

6191d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You make a good point there unbiased (I dunno who would hit disagree!) I wonder how many PC owners are closet 360 lovers!!

Personally I pick and choose games based on the spec of my PC vs my console(s) and the type of game (i.e. FPS, for control reasons etc), lead development platform and so on.

However I don't normally have a cutting edge PC, so I don't feel I need to feed it with games I can get on 360 just to justify it's cost.

Recently I played...

6191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is this new 'Starter Pack' a good deal?

Both Motorstorm and Resistance will no doubt be on budget soon, and the other choices (F1 or Genji I believe) are not really appealing.

Then there's the extra obsolete controller... great, Sony ditch old stock on Europe then launch the SIXAXIS with rumble.

So we pay £425 (or maybe £399) in the UK, which equates to $859 ($806) or 105047 JPY (98620 JPY). Great, sign me up!

Even i...

6191d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The bigger capacity of Blu-ray is a great thing. I have no issue with disc swapping, but there has to be trade offs...

Either the story has to be written so that players can never return to the areas on the previous disc(s), or the data for previous areas has to be duplicated on the subsequent discs, which in turn could potentially inflate the number of disc swaps further.

As a 360 owner I can only see advantages in having a larger capacity media. Given the cho...

6196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


They may not scratch but they may well rot!!! :)


6196d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looking at this guys other posts on the Mercury site it seems he has little relevant opinion on anything. Instead he just regurgitates news stories, and doesn't bother to back up his opinions. He's more an RSS feed than a journalist!

He obviously has a dislike for the 360 despite claiming he's done much reporting on it and played many games. Why bother? It's concerning that a piece of 'news' like this gets approved when it adds nothing. It's just another article from a nob...

6197d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't take sides in the fanboy wars, but this is a sad showing by the Sony brigade.

When Katamari was exclusive to Sony we all hear time and again how Katamari was an amazing, quirky game.

In fact I'm sure I remember PS3 fans stating it'd be an awesome game for the SIXAXIS motion controls, and lauding it over the 360 owners!!

Now it's shifted to XBox and all of a sudden it's no loss to the PS3, a rubbish game worth 6/10 at best...

6200d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment