
CRank: 5Score: 120410

Not sure if trolling or just didn't watch the demo properly

The demo showed about three or four techniques for taking down the enemy. Shooting arrows. Blowing a weapon off the back of the dino so that it could be used by the player. Shooting ropes to tether the dino to the ground causing it to fall over...

Even from the short demo, it was clear this is quite a tactical combat game. It reminded me of Monster Hunter in the way the player needs to watch fo...

3295d ago 29 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a kill joy!

Gaming is supposed to be a fun and exciting activity.

"Let's be reasonable, rationale (sic), logical"


The way I see it, we have awesome games to play now, and E3 confirmed we'll have awesome games to play over the next 1 to 3+ years.

We finally saw Last Guardian, and it appears to have everything that made ICO and Colossus great. And it will be out within 18 months.

3296d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I loved that after the announcement KickStarter went down under the load. :)

Having played both Shenmue I and II when they released, it'll be nice to close out the story.

For those who never got to play the originals, I hope the Stretch Goal for the Shenmue I and II cinema shorts really capture everything about the story.

EDIT: The Kickstarter FAQ page states Shenmue I and II rights are still held by Sega. If Sega are smart they will see...

3296d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering Shenmue I and II were known to have cost a fortune for Sega (and was one of the reasons Shenmue III was never made on Dreamcast) I too thought 2million seemed low.

However, we don't know if Sony or other investors are also fronting some money behind the scenes.

There's a bit of public perception and marketing at work here - 2million is a realistic amount, so if they blow past it, they can use it as a positive marketing tool 'We'...

3296d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

How to fix Ark low FPS??

Simple.. Wait until the devs optimise the game!

Getting less than 30FPS at Med/High settings on a GTX980 needs more than a few end user tweaks in the settings

3297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. Dragging out Pele and spending so much time on incremental changes to their annual sports titles was really boring.

It was such a corporate show. Full of boring suits.

NFS looked fun though. And Star Wars Battlefront lived up to expectations.

3297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Before the XB1 launched no average consumer knew there was a performance difference. And most still don't know or care.

The reason PS4 is outselling XB1 to the majority of average gamers is about the strength of the PlayStation brand.

MS are trying to stop the bleeding in any way they can, and one way is by competing with PSNow (just look at their move to VR with Oculus, and HoloLens, and an Elite controller for the harcore... They are betting on everyth...

3297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think in this case it's far more likely that MS are desperate for people to move from Xbox360 to XB1 rather than PS4 (as the trend seems to indicate), and to have a marketing bullet point that is lower priced than an similar service by a competitor.

3297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What! Today was like the relaunch of XB1.

Overall I was impressed and glad I own an XB1. Now I'm looking forward to what Sony bring later for my PS4

3297d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Both PSNow and Xbox BC have their advantages, but where MS really hit it out of the park is with the price difference.

No matter how good PSNow is (and I am on the beta, so I know it's a solid service), I won't pay those prices - especially as I'm in the UK.

3297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fallout Shelter was a nice surprise. Not a biggie, but no one expected it at all.

(Although having played it, it's a pretty ordinary casual game)

The scale of base building and crafting were surprising additions for Fallout 4.

The only way Bethesda could have really surprised everyone would have been if they announced a new Elder Scrolls game - but that was never going to happen.

3297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was undoubtedly a great presentation. Well focused and packed with what the fans wanted to see.

To declare them 'the winner' is premature and pointless though.

3297d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

With confirmation that Crackdown and Scalebound being pushed to Gamescon, MS need to fill some gaps. If ME4 is a timed exclusive that would be pretty big news.

I can't see it being a full exclusive considering the sales of PS4 and EA's love of money. MS has a big chequebook, but not THAT big!

3300d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

There would be no problem with F2P if the games were good. 99% of F2P games are junk, especially on mobile.

Star Wars Old Republic is a great example of F2P done right. I know what I can and cannot have access to, and I don't feel pressured to spend real money.

Hearthstone is F2P done right. Sure people moan that they can't get to Legendary without paying, but even if they'd invested hundreds of real money - most still wouldn't get to Legen...

3300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think it's as black and white as whether or not the game is good.

Take something like The Stanley Parable. That game can be played through extremely quickly multiple times (which is kinda the point of it). By all accounts, I would call this game 'good' - but I have no desire to go back to it, and probably never will.

A more cynical person may buy it, play it, and then get a refund. They could treat Steam like a rental service for sm...

3300d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same here.

Impressive service... Unimpressive prices.

Not sure how Sony can get the price of the PS4 so right at launch, and yet PS Now is a rip-off.

Either Sony have done their research and this is the price they believe the market will bear, or they are pricing high so that they can fanfare when they drop it in future, or they seriously have no clue.

3301d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks amazing. R&C is one of my all-time favourite series.

Interesting that they show this trailer / footage a week before E3. I would have thought this would have been a big deal to reveal during the event.

Makes me wonder what Sony have up their sleeves that they can so easily let one of their most recognisable IP show early (although I assume we will see a repeat of the trailer during the E3 event)

3302d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hope that's a Dodgeball reference? :)

3307d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some gamers and 'journalists' forget that not everyone has owned a PS1, PS2 and PS3 or followed gaming since the beginning of time.

Some people are coming to gaming fresh with the PS4; some people are making the switch from XBox to PlayStation this gen.

With the release of Uncharted 4 looming, why not give gamers a chance to play the previous three games. It's a great experience for those who have never played Uncharted before, and for those game...

3307d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


Another negative wishy-washy article.

Uncharted is primarily a single player experience. Giving people who have never played Uncharted the opportunity to go through the whole story is great. Giving people who love Uncharted access to it on PS4 is great.

Reimplementing Multiplayer is pointless and not needed. I would much rather ND invest time in making the collection run perfectly rather than messing around getting multiplayer to wo...

3307d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment