
CRank: 5Score: 120410

I find it odd and bizarre that there are no equivalent Legendary items from playing Crucible.

Seems insane to me.

Bungie should look at adding Crucible only Bounties that lead to top end gear that is equivalent to Raid gear, or the Legendary Bounties randomly dished out.

3374d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have never played a Raid, because not enough friends play Destiny, and out of principle I will not manually go looking for a group.

I also find it annoying that Bungie dictates exactly how we play the game. One of the things I really enjoyed (and others too) was attempting the Weekly Heroic solo as a test of strength and skill. But now I am forced in to Matchmaking - no option to go in solo any more.

Just seems Bungie are clueless or ignorant to the playe...

3374d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I normally log in once a week. Play through the Daily Heroic, and sometimes the Weekly Heroic.

It's become a bit of a Saturday morning ritual with me for for some reason! I still enjoy the game, and will probably play a bit more once the next expansion drops.

Nothing will shake my disappointment that the game could have been so much bigger and better, but it is solid and fun - so I like re-playing the missions to see if I can complete the quicker or mor...

3374d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It did make me smile when you mentioned 'next will be music and movies'.

Every generation has it's demons that the politically correct want to blame for all social ills and problems.

It makes interesting reading if you look in to the music that people tried to ban back in the 60's and 70's.

And in the 80's and early 90's it was all about the accessibility of movies on VHS making people turn in to killers. There&...

3374d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, not sure where 'abysmal' comes from. It is selling better than the 360 did at the same point.

Just because it's getting crushed by the PS4 doesn't mean it's launch was 'abysmal'. Sure, the TV focused reveal, and the always-on announcement were terrible though.

I have grown to tolerate the blocky look of the original, but as it sits tucked away under my TV it's no big deal. A redesign would be welcome.

3374d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Of course there's something to discuss here. More speech on issues is always a good thing.

The PEGI ratings are legally enforceable, but only at the retailer level. So parents are free to buy 18rated games and let their kids play them.

The question is, is that responsible parenting. And if letting kids play violent games spills over in to the classroom what duty of care should the school provide.

If the kid is disrupting classes or exh...

3374d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a tricky issue.

I know a lot of people who work at schools - and one thing they constantly state is that parents are taking less and less responsibility for their kids, and trying to push all aspects of raising and instilling morals on to schools.

But schools have less and less powers to actually tackle problem kids and address behavioural problems

I don't see a problem with a school informing parents they are doing a shitty job ...

3374d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You must have a short memory. 2014 for XB1 and PS4 would be high on my list.

And I own both those consoles. Last year was terrible.

3374d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm not convinced you're old enough to be playing the Witcher 3. I hope you remember to take your mother to pick it up for you.

3374d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Atari are not the same company that released those original classics. This seems like it's going to be a cash-in on their IP.

They would have been far smarter by partnering with Jeff Minter on a new Tempest instead of taking him to court.

Their new Asteroids game has nothing to do with the original. Even if the game is good, it has nothing in common with the game play of the original.

3376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with this article.

Titanfall was a fun game, but I quickly got bored of it. It had some great concepts and ideas, but it felt like a bare bones effort - there wasn't enough game in there, and not enough innovation.

The only thing I would add to the article is they also need to sort out the Matchmaking. I got so fed up with one sided fights. When I was low rank I would often find myself on teams with similar level players facing a team of players...

3376d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

1) It is arrogant to think that people who are just getting in to gaming for the first time shouldn't get to experience great older games. Not everyone owned a PS3 to play TLoU or God of War. And not everyone has played all the Halo games etc.

2) As long as creating remasters doesn't reduce the number of new IP or other AAA titles that could be released, then I don't see the problem

3) We need something to fill the gaps in the lack of big releases...

3377d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love how the focus is on visual downgrade rather than frame rate upgrade! :)

Negativity FTW!

Goddamit we DEMAND our higher quality settings back!

3377d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Optimised drivers is likely the biggest part of this.

Nvidia cards were ahead in DX12 benchmarks until AMD released these new drivers.

Expect to see the 'lead' flip-flop a few times. Plus, synthetic benchmarks are no substitute for real game testing - and we won't see comparisons for a while.

I am definitely not saying AMD (or Nvidia) are doing this now - but there have been examples in the past where drivers were released that w...

3377d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vote with your wallet.

Unfortunately considering they have done this in two previous games, makes me think that the minority is vocal in their opposition, but most people are willing to take it.

It's an unfortunate situation.

We gamers moan and complain about DLC and being screwed over, but the only reason this happens is because we let publishers / developers do it to us.

A business model only works when it actually gene...

3378d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, a man who drives around in a Ford GT (or used to), sold his share in Top Gear for over 12million, earned a salary of 1million per year paid for by the tax payer, and is a close buddy of the Prime Minster... Is just the sort of 'every-man' that represents me and my lifestyle and represents the average working person!!

It boggles my mind that over 1million idiots would put effort in to signing a petition to reinstate him - and yet petitions that could actually mak...

3378d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

They did have two female presenters in the 80's iirc.

I'd have no objection to a female presenter, if she was more than just a token female for political correctness.

Vicki Butler-Henderson on Fifth Gear does a good job (although I can't stand Jason Plato - so don't watch the show often).

3378d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got sick and tired of paying my TV license fee to help fund three grown men have their mid-life crisis on TV.

Top gear got boring when it was essentially the same thing every week. It started to go downhill after they let Tiff Needell go.

I won't miss Top Gear, or Clarkson, and hope to see some proper motoring shows in its place.

On topic... As for Forza. Who cares if he's in it. Hopefully they will keep the Top Gear track thoug...

3378d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment


Yes! of course the BBC wanted rid of him. Top Gear ONLY makes the BBC £50+million per year and has been sold to over 200 countries!

He's pals with numerous newspaper editors / execs, and even the Prime Minster. So of course everyone was against him and wanted him off TV.

Of COURSE there's a conspiracy to get rid of him.


3378d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great comeback spacewarrior1! Nice to have a well reasoned debate on what next gen means to people, and what they are willing to accept and put up with... But then I guess having two bubbles limits you from really contributing to conversation.

So you really consider it 'next gen' and progressive, that it is now pretty much standard that people cannot play the games they buy on Day 1 until they wait for a patch to download.

And you think it's fine...

3378d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment