
CRank: 5Score: 120410

I would imagine the majority of people will play the DLC after they finish the main game, so why make it a mandatory up-front download?

As I suggested in my previous post, they could have tried to minimise impact by just downloading the essentials as a patch, and then the rest of the DLC as a background download.

I think any company that released a mandatory multi-GB patch, whether it is DLC or to finish the game, deserves to be called out and given some shit...

3472d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fuss over nothing?

The number of Day 1 patches makes it seem like we've moved back to the age when games needed to load off tape, and could take 15-20minutes+.

Sony recently acknowledged that Day 1 patches had got out of hand - and they were looking to improve the situation, but also that they had no control over third parties.

I guess the answer is 'buy better internetz' or just wait for hours!?

It's a ridicu...

3472d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Look, we know there's not enough actual video game news to keep the clicks rolling in, and we know that it's really really hard to actually do any sort of real 'journalism' rather than just regurgitate the latest rumour from Twitter... But does that mean we need to fill the void with unfunny satire articles?

It would appear the answer is yes. And people approve this crap.

3472d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously? I'm glad I don't work in your company. This is a basic admin task.

3472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What curse???

House of the Dead was a classic.

Alone in the Dark is one of the all time great horror films

There's never been a bad Resident Evil film

Kylie Minogue and Van Damme in Street Fighter were denied Oscars

Blood Rayne... What a perfectly formed movie

Far Cry kept to the source material brilliantly

And who can forget the unforgettable Super Mario Bros, the movie...

3472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whoever is responsible for this is likely to get a kick up the backside!

I hope they are not also responsible for keeping track of re-ordering SSL certs or re-registering domain names! :)

3473d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


Try flying across the Milky Way without using the jump drive in Elite Dangerous :)

It really does give a perspective of how big the universe is. It's still incomprehensible (considering just moving across ONE system would take years), but it does help me to appreciate the scale a bit more.

3473d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're still charging for this???

3473d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I found interesting about this article is that if the super stable 3D was NOT originally intended to be added to the New 3DS, then what were they doing with it?

Was this just something they had in the R&D Lab? Or is it a sign that they are continuing to develop 3D for their next handheld or console?

3474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with this at the moment, but would add the caveat 'best exclusive games of this generation, so far'.

Hopefully the rest of 2015 will see more releases up to the quality of Bloodborne on PS4.

3474d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think we can realistically expect there to be top end games on PS+ for PS4 yet.

When PS+ started giving out free games, there were hundreds to choose from for PS3, and I'm sure publishers saw it as a good opportunity to sell more DLC for older games.

Until the PS4 has a bigger library I think it's a bit unfair to say the quality has gone down.

3474d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is definitely the generation where gamers are towards the bottom of the priority list for developers / publishers.

Day 1 patches
Broken releases
Remasters for the easy money!
Lack of quality AAA games over a year after console launches
Hardware that can't hit target resolution / fps
Half baked games with Day 1 DLC
Online servers switched off after a matter of months
Price increase for new games, cus 'next-ge...

3474d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

An interesting multiplayer mode could be something a bit like Evolve.

But with one player playing with Super Powers, and the rest playing as non-powered soldiers trying to stop the Hero destroying a base or some other objectives around the city.

And of course super power vs super power in a death match would also be cool.

3475d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"It's JUST like playing Zelda - honest ;)"

3475d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

MK 9 on WiiU? No thanks. I'll take more DLC for MK8 if it's as high quality as what we've seen so far.

3477d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think reviewers shot too soon. Every new AAA game has a huge sales spike at launch, and then drops off quite quickly. The tail for Destiny has been much longer than most reviewers anticipated or predicted - but that doesn't make their initial opinion or review wrong.

I still play Destiny at least once a week for a couple of hours. I have no real idea why, as I can see the flaws and always feel slightly disappointed that Bungie played it so safe.

3478d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

99% of gaming 'journalists' these days it seems! :)

3478d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol. So I guess every PC gamer with a DX11 card is just suddenly not getting any more games after DX12 launches?

Developers will still have to make DX11 compatible multiplatform games on PC, so porting to PS4 will not change (and it isn't even close to be as easy as Copy & Paste).

There's no way a developer is going to miss out on all those millions of dollars from over 20million PS4 owners because of a change to API.

How about t...

3478d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


3478d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous to expect the game to have DX12 support when it must have been well in to development when MS announced the standard.

Maybe they'll patch it to take advantage of some DX12 features, or maybe the improvements to DX11 that are coming - but it seems to me that the game looks and runs extremely well - so DX12 is not really relevant to The Witcher 3 at all

3478d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment