
CRank: 5Score: 120410

Fallout Shelter was never the best mobile game of the year. Not by a long way.

It has the whimsy of Fallout, but it's a very mediocre mobile game.

3252d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


I agree. At some point they need to stop selling yet more new spaceships for over $100 and campaigning for more money and lock down the requirements / features.

3252d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree that because of Kickstarter the development progress needs to be a bit more transparent. But I honestly think that no one at CIG has a clue when the game will be done.

I'm already sensing feature creep.

Also, Chris Roberts is a bit of an auteur, and with no publisher looming over him with deadlines there is a chance that his 'vision' will continue to grow.

3252d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Chris Roberts, the designer, is a bit of a legend when it comes to space games.

Back in the day he made genre-defining games that had knock-on impact on the whole industry.

Part of the problem why some may think this looks like a generic space game is because so little has been shown in 3+ years. We know there are grand ambitions and a passion to release something a bit different (if you closely follow the development) - but as a backer I am concerned that th...

3252d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The line is different (or non-existent) in every one of the situations you list.

You seem to be alluding to Nintendo setting the Western world on some slippery slope of censorship. Which is ridiculous.

In this specific situation, Nintendo has decided to ask the dev to change the outfit because of a reason we do not know.

It could be (as I suggested) that it is less hassle to have one build for the West rather than specific for territories th...

3253d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think you're overblowing this.

Nintendo can make any changes they want to a game. As far as I know there was no pressure on them to do so. They are acting according to a set of corporate values they have in the West.

Chances are they asked for the change because some territories where they sell the game has more strict laws on depicting kids in a sexualised way, so instead of creating multiple versions for the West they went with one standardised buil...

3253d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

As far as I recall Nintendo didn't ask for any changes in Bayonetta 1 and 2.

It's just what they deem appropriate in each specific game. A girl character aged 13 (in JP) or 15 (in Western version) in a skimpy bikini that has zero impact on story or gameplay just seems pointless to me.

The new outfits look better in my opinion because they fit in better with the game world.

3253d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Shouldn't the industry move beyond this juvenile titillation?

I don't see the point of a 13/15-year-old girl wearing a bikini when it has zero relevance to the game or gameplay.

People get up in arms about censorship - but it just seems like the industry should grow up a bit and stop pandering to young boys who get their rocks off by having characters wear ridiculous costumes. Would there be as much uproar if Nintendo asked for a male character with a...

3253d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yeah, cus the XBox 1 is just rife with pirated games! /s

3254d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looking at your disagrees, I guess some people failed to get the joke :)

3255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Steam refunds came at just the right time. Without that feature, Rocksteady / Warner would have got away with a 'Thanks for your money and don't forget to pre-order our next game'.

The fact they still haven't sorted it out shows just how bad a job IG did - but if the rumours of the short dev time they were given by WB I am not surprised.

3255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Legacy Strikes are locked at Level 20, with the player cap at 34. Makes Strikes pointless and is intentionally restricting them.

Removed ability to select the difficulty level on Missions - so they are all set to their default. So they are gimped too.

Restricted PvP modes. They could have kept match-making to ensure Vanilla players are grouped... but nope, they just restricted the modes available.

Whilst I have ...

3257d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That is completely wrong. I've played MMO's for a long time and never has vanilla content been locked out of the base game.

In fact in most MMO expansions, even players who do not buy the expansion usually get some benefits.

I agree that TTK has made Destiny the game it should have been on Day 1, but for those who have not yet bought TTK, putting content they could access behind a paywall is disgusting.

3257d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yep. That decision by Bungie is the reason I refuse to buy TTK and stopped playing Destiny entirely.

I've put over 100 hours into Vanilla Destiny plus the two expansions. I was planning to get TTK in the future once I had finished with a few other games and the price dropped a bit - but once I realised I was locked out of so much content that there was no point booting it up vanilla anymore I decided I wouldn't give Bungie / Activision any more money.


3257d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

The thing that concerns me about the story / single player is that it seems the player spends more time not playing as the Chief.

My biggest problem with Halo 2 was that I hated playing as the Arbiter.

For me, Halo is most satisfying and interesting when I'm playing as the Chief - I find it breaks immersion when switching characters.

3258d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

A gesture of goodwill from Warner would have been appreciated.

I can understand that they didn't want to give away the Season Pass as that would piss off all the people who paid for it.

But why not give away Steam codes for some older Warner Bros games. Shadow of Mordor, the previous Batman games plus DLC etc. And a discount code for Mad Max etc.

The way WB handled the PC version and the debacle afterwards has been disgusting. The perform...

3258d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I explained why I disagreed.

But here's another two reasons...

Creating a two-tier install base would piss off those who bought in early. That may hurt future sales... For example, why would anyone buy a PS5 if they know that there's a good chance a PS5.5 would turn up later. (I know it works for Apple, but the mindset of console gamers is far different).

The increase of power that the PS4 would need to make a significant jump in grap...

3259d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

The problem with that idea is that it already takes a long time to build and test games.

Just changing a setting to activate 'Ultra' settings still would require testing and some dev time to implement. Time / resources = money in game development, so I can't see it happening as the benefit is too small.

It is much more likely that any enhanced PS4 will be a smaller die chip so is more power efficient. Possibly a BD Player / scaler that supports 4...

3259d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I haven't played Guitar Hero Live yet, but I jumped into Rock Band 4 as I've been a fan for a long time, and loved the idea of having all my DLC work.

But I've been really disappointed by how unambitious it is. It's like a stripped down version of RB3 with a terrible on-disc track list.

3259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very interesting video.

Seems to boil down to a naive and inexperienced team trying to do something different.

The sad part is that the game doesn't come across as ambitious or interesting. It comes across as a generic game with one gimmick - the population count. The game needed to be able to stand on its own even without the population part, but it didn't come close.

3266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment