
CRank: 8Score: 88870

from Sony, i'd like

Ratchet and Clank HD
Jak and Daxter HD
Dark Cloud 1, 2, and Rogue Galaxy HD
Ghosthunter + Primal "Hidden Gems" HD
Mark of Kri and Rise of the Kasai HD

from 3rd parties, i'd like

Silent Hill 1-4 HD
Kingdom Hearts HD
Final Fantasy X, X-2, and XII HD
Zone of the Enders HD
Fatal Frame HD
Viewtiful Joe 1, 2, and Okami "...

4823d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm rather fine with sequels. they often improve upon a promising gaming foundation.

Assassin's Creed 2 > Assassin's Creed
Uncharted 2 > Uncharted
Gears of War 2 > Gears of War
Killzone 3 > Killzone 2 > Killzone
LittleBigPlanet 2 > LittleBigPlanet
Half Life 2 > Half Life

etc, etc.

Now, if there were NO new original game concepts being rel...

4823d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

to be honest, i was totally onboard to pick up a 3DS, until Sony announced the NGP, and i saw it's feature set, and decided that, if i'm going to be spending over $250 this year, i might as well spend it on the device that will give me more bang for my buck.

i'm not too sold on 3D, so the 3D feature of the 3DS wasn't really the selling point. after seeing what the PSP2 will be capable of, i decided that it suited my particular gaming/multi-media needs better. ...

4823d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol. the comments on his blog are pretty hilarious.

some of the people that donated to him seem pretty pissed off.

ultimately, i think this cost George more than it cost Sony.

Sony is used to people bitching at them about their various methods.

George is used to people praising his every action and kissing his butt with juicy, sycophantic lips.

Now, George is getting a little taste of what it feels like when ...

4824d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

for me, it's all about LA Noire (PS3 version), and inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition.

i've already pre-ordered the inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition from Amazon, and i'll pre-order LA Noire next.

4825d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i only have one word: Activision.

now i have more words: Activision doesn't give a SHIT about quality game development.

having worked for them in the past, i know how their development support goes.

you get a mediocre budget, and less than 12 months to produce a game, generally based on a license or movie.

Prototype is unique in that it's an original IP, but it still suffers from a mediocre budget coupled with a cripp...

4827d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ sparrow, i picked up on that line as well and was thinking the exact same thing.

that'll add some interesting drama to the series. could inFAMOUS 2 break the current gaming trend of DEMANDING a trilogy?

could inFAMOUS 3 feature a new protagonist if they even bother to make an inFAMOUS 3 at all? maybe it'll star Sly Cooper? lol. i kid.

anyway, this game looks amazing, and the wait is killing me.

it's only 2.5 mon...

4827d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I miss owning Heavy Rain. I'm dying for my next work paycheck so I can buy it again.

It broke my heart to trade it in, but at the time, I was in between jobs and I NEEDED God of War 3. I traded in half of my PS3 library, and have spent the last 12 months slowly getting them all back. Heavy Rain is next on my list, but so many new games keep coming out and eating up my cash that it's hard.

Just pre-ordered the inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition, which takes up my...

4827d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i loved WKC. it's a pretty silly, melodramatic jrpg with a fun battle system and surprisingly addicting online.

i was going to buy it because it's Level 5, and i just love their games (they seem to have taken that sense of quirky fun that Squaresoft USED to have before they became Square-Enix; there's like, literally, no mirth in their JRPGs these days. it's all angsty cliches wrapped in a jpop package, but i digress; and also, their PSP games have actually be...

4827d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"what went wrong with the PSP?"

um, it's sold more units than the PS3 AND the Xbox 360.

It's sitting at over 60 million units sold at this point. How is that a BAD thing?

It's like, when Sony is involved, the goal post for success just keeps on moving.

Look at the history of handhelds. Not a SINGLE ONE, managed to breach over 8 million units (the Sega Game Gear was the only handheld to reach 8 million. T...

4828d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thanks guys! I really appreciate you all taking the time to read my epic post!

I didn't even want to get involved in this whole Geohotz bs, but his behavior, and the torrent of misinformation and FUD being thrown about across the net is just too much to ignore.

We don't know how this is going to play out, but I don't think the situation is going to affect the general PS3 user population in any way, and even those wanting to hack their PS3s will be...

4828d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

what balls? you're assuming they had any to begin with.

anyway, this is just fricking hilarious.

they thought the people were going to stand by them and fight "teh evil Sony," but instead, they managed to inconvenience a LOT of legitimate PS3 owners for their crusade, and they lost more support than they expected to.

i imagine this whole debacle to fizzle out in a few weeks.

Anon really barked up the wrong tree....

4828d ago 75 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hot damn I can't wait for this game. It is single handedly my most anticipated game of 2011, and that's quite a statement to make, considering all the awesome stuff coming this year.

it's a great year for gaming, but if you are a PS3 owner as well, then it should be a SPECTACULAR year for gaming.

lots of variety, all coming from talented, veteran studios.

4828d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

there's a huge misconception about Sony and the IP addresses.

to clear those up:

1) Sony didn't get the IP addresses, their Lawyers and Geohotz Lawyers were given access to the IP addresses.

2) The REASON for obtaining the IP addresses was to try and establish some jurisdiction on Geohotz, and NOT to hunt down the people that have watched his videos on youtube.

people also seem to think that Sony is suing Hotz for hac...

4829d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

So... Fighting for consumer rights entails inconveniencing those very same consumers by waging an attack on the service that those consumers are utilizing? Is that it?

And these idiots at Anon don't see that their behavior is more damaging to nearly ALL of the PS3 users out there?

The thing I don't get is that Sony is only doing what they can to protect their investment within the laws granted to them. That is, Sony is using the DMCA to protect thems...

4830d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it's a little bit of both. I mean we aren't forced to buy these HD remasters, but they are there for those that would really like to relive their favorite game from last gen, or have never played them at all.

Considering that most of these HD remsters have improved performance, trophies for those that crave them, and look stunning on HD, I don't see the problem with them.
God of War Collection is a shining example of a fantastically done remaster. ...

4833d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't do April fools jokes. I also don't gain anything by lying or proving anything to you. You're free to not believe me, but that doesn't change the truth of my previous post.

4834d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it's unfortunate that so many people lost their jobs.

My old roommate who lives in Texas got hired by SOE, but it was delayed for a few weeks, then she was called recently and told that there had been layoffs, and she was one of them.

The Agency has been in development for a LONG time, and not much has come from it. I was intrigued by it, but I can't say it was high up on my list of games to get this year.

From what I hear, it w...

4834d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A lot of my favorite games aren't considered "critical darlings."

Shadow of Destiny, Second Sight, just recently I started playing Deadly Premonition, and I'm enjoying it greatly, despite it being a pretty mediocre game.

There is this ridiculous expectation of excellence with the gaming community this generation, and it's really disturbing to me.

The fact that an 8/10 is considered "mediocre" this generation is...

4834d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a shame that you've clearly been waiting a long time to use suck a shitty joke

4834d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment