
CRank: 8Score: 88870

All these attacks serve to do is undermine the constant assurances from the hacker community that they aren't basement dwelling, pirating assholes.

It's like they don't understand that what they're doing will have dire consequences for them should they be caught. No one is ever truly anonymous on the internet.

I never much though of hackers are being truly problematic. I still don't. But all it takes is a few rotten eggs to spoil the bunch...

4903d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice! I love Sucker Punch, and I'll be picking up whatever they release next.

Judging by their previous efforts, it will more than likely be another 3rd person title. What genre I'm not sure.

Maybe not open world, and maybe not a platformer (of course, it could have platforming elements, like the inFAMOUS series, and Sly was a pure platformer).

I doubt survival horror, as Sucker Punch seems to like to go larger than life, and vibrant ...

4903d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just think some people are blowing this whole thing way out of proportion.

The PS3 has been on the market for, roughly, 2,190 days.

The PSN has been down for 6 (SIX) of those 2,190 days, and people are going batshit insane. I just don't get the meltdowns across the internet.

There are even people on NeoGaf saying they aren't going to buy any more online or multi-plat PS3 titles because of this outage. Seriously?? Because it was down...

4903d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm generally not one to demand reimbursement, but I pay for PS+, as well as DC Universe Online PS3, so I figure, at the least, I could be reimbursed a few bucks for the 5 days I've been unable to use those two services I've paid for.

What really sucked for us this weekend, was that my copy of LittleBig Planet 2 finally came in the mail on Saturday, and me and my wife couldn't play any of the great community levels.

Overall, this outage hasn&#...

4903d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm going to read some books, play some Heavy Rain and Red Johnson's Chronicles, and do naughty things to my wife, not necessarily in that order, and not necessarily individually either ;)

there's plenty to keep you occupied why you wait for this issue to be sorted out. the meltdowns people are having on NeoGaf are pretty hilarious. it ain't that serious, guys. there's a whole wide world of...STUFF, to do besides gaming.

4906d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's $6.49 for PS+ subscribers. consider it bought, even if it's not that great, $6.50 is pretty much the cost of a value meal at McDonalds or Jack in the Box, and those are probably worse for you than this game. lol

i'm a big fan of adventure games, and this one seems entertaining, and will maybe scratch my "Noir" itch while i eagerly await LA Noire. i'm replaying Heavy Rain also, so maybe i'll make it a mystery week, and watch some mystery movi...

4909d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm getting pretty close to completing my first mission. It was pretty cool having a friend come over and play my mission, as it really showed me where I can improve my design, and get things flowing properly like it should.

I'm so familiar with my mission, that I always play it the
"proper" way, and my friend just completely went the opposite, and broke the mission. lol. So when I get home today, I'll be tweaking it big time.


4910d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, technically, it's not Geohotz' money that he's donating.

it's the donations of the people that were donating to HIM, when they thought that he was fighting for them.

it would have been more useful if they had just donated to the EFF in the FIRST PLACE. now, the EFF is only getting HALF of what was donated total.

Geohotz is still a douche.

4912d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

i can't say i agree.

i thought the 360 had a decent year last year as far as my game purchases went (i personally bought ME2, Alan Wake, and Fable 3. i borrowed and beat Halo: Reach from a friend, as i'm not a big Halo fan).

for the PS3, i got White Knight Chronicles, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes. i don't have them yet, but Gran Turismo 5, Yakuza 3, and MAG all released in 2010, and were rather quality games.


4913d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

i have yet to get Killzone 3 (and LBP2), since I wasn't working when they released, but i'm a good month into my new job (currently in R&D at Capcom), so I can actually buy games again!

i'll probably pick up Killzone 3 and LBP2 this weekend, or have my wife snag them for me as an early anniversary gift, but i'm not sure.

i'm really looking forward to it, as i loved KZ2, and the little bit of the KZ3 beta was fun. the problem is, i have...

4913d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's funny, because Uncharted was the first title that popped into my head before i even started typing, then i forgot to put it down! lol

another new IP, and definitely one of my top PlayStation franchises of all time, along with inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, God of War, and Ratchet and Clank.

Sony has quite a few iconic, quality franchises that have been around for a long time (ie, Gran Turismo, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, etc), and it's a testament ho...

4913d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


just this generation's new IPs:

Heavenly Sword
Warhawk (i know it's an old IP, but it's so far removed from the original, it's practically a new franchise)
Heavy Rain
Fat Princess
Dead Nation
DC Universe Online (well, it's at least a new GA...

4913d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

good luck, Anonymous.

i'll be showing my support by creating my awesome mission in the inFAMOUS 2 beta...

oh, and i'm also buying Killzone 3, LBP2, and Heavy Rain as well...

4914d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i still can't access the forums, which is a bummer, but damn is this beta amazing. i'm eager to sinking more time into it this weekend.

i have to say, if i was a young kid, with no responsibilities but school and letting my mom buy my games for me, this generation of consoles would be the best ever.

as it stands, i'm a 31 year old married dude, with bills, rent, and a wife to take care of, and, well, what the hell, this is STILL the best console g...

4914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

inFAMOUS was my favorite game of 2009 (with Ratchet and Clank: ACIT, Uncharted 2, and Demon's Souls right on its heals).

if the beta is anything to go by, inFAMOUS 2 is going to be my favorite game of 2011.

this year has already been amazing for me, and i still haven't gotten all of the early released titles (ie, Killzone 3 and LBP2). with the inFAMOUS 2 beta, and LA Noire hitting next month, i have plenty to tide me over until i can get my grubby lit...

4915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the beta is so good, and so overwhelming.

i just plotted out my mission set (it's a narrative mission), and then i looked at one of the narrative missions, and went into "Remix" so i could see how it was all put together, and holy shit, is this game surprisingly complex.

i thought a lot of the LittleBigPlanet comparisons may have been a little presumptuous before, but the editor in inFAMOUS 2 is surprisingly robust, and the variety of missions p...

4915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

unfortunately, it's tied to my PSN account, or else i wouldn't mind sharing, but i just got my 5 activations back from Sony, and i'm not eager to go through them all again.

4916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm loving the beta so far.

i played through some of the missions, and the variety is pretty astounding.

my favorites are the ones with a story, or interesting objectives (like Arc Restraining goons in order to collect ingredients to a bomb that "Voodoo Mama" is making).

i'm not a big fan of the "mini-game" type missions, although they certainly aren't bad, just not my thing.

the visuals are re...

4916d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just woke up (i HATE colds!) and checked my email, and bam! got a beta invite! sweet!

i'm about to input my code and download the beta now!

4916d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i love these sorts of digs at the industry.

then again, i was around long before system rivalries got so fucking serious this generation.

Nintendo and Sega went at it MUCH MORE hardcore than these little winks and nods.

i also thought Kai's "Massive damage" line in Heavenly Sword was amusing (also a 2nd party studio having a laugh at Sony's expense).

maybe i just don't take this shit so personally.

4916d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment