
CRank: 8Score: 88870

not sure. i just got the game not too long ago, but my free month is up on March 11th.

i'm definitely going to take advantage of this legends deal, because it's basically like getting a second month for free here in the US.

me and my wife are loving the game. i think a lot of other people are too. we're on the PS3 version, and it seems pretty busy at all hours. Crisis server.

it's a surprisingly good game, and i hope it has a ...

4865d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks good.

me and my wife Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 and 2, and Champions of Norrath and Return to Arms.

we're always lamenting the lack of co-op hack n slash games we can actually play together. we'll definitely be giving this game a try when it hits. it's a shame it can't be in March instead of April.

we already beat Dead Nation, and we're working on Deathspank and Scott Pilgrim (which we only play when our frie...

4865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. i'm still hoping to get my copy of Killzone 3 at some point in the future, but i just can't afford it right now, sadly. i still haven't got LBP2 either.

i got Mass Effect 2 PS3, and i'll be getting Dragon Age 2 for my wife, but only because a friend of mine works at Bioware and can get them for me for $20 each, otherwise, I'd be out those games too.

i WILL be getting inFAMOUS 2 though, no matter what. that's a non-negotiable purch...

4868d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

inFAMOUS has been my favorite super hero game of all time (even besting Arkham Asylum back in 2009, and i LOVED Arkham Asylum, which is the best BATMAN game of all time (until Arkham City comes out, i'm sure).

inFAMOUS 2 is looking so far ahead of inFAMOUS 1 it's ridiculous.

At this point, I think it's time for me to go on an inFAMOUS 2 blackout until release.

I've learned all I needed to know about the game, and THEN some. I ...

4868d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Fable 1 is the best in the series.

Fable 2 dropped about 90% of what made Fable 1 so awesome.

Fable 3 added spellweaving, which is great, but it took all of the annoying things about Fable 2, and somehow managed to simplify the game to the point of mind-numbing button mashing and shallow character interactions.

And yet, I enjoy Fable 3 more than Fable 2, because at least me and my wife can play together, and the co-op is genuinely fun. I made...

4869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I didn't watch game trailers, so I have no idea HOW it's going to play out, but that's really, REALLY awesome. I actually watched the trailer a second time, and noticed that a scene near the end of the trailer had Cole grinding on power lines, but the part directly under his feet was blew like lighting, and he was leaving behind a flaming sort of trail like fire. I didn't feel like editing my post, but that's when I assumed it'd have blending. <...

4869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

those bastards at Sucker Punch did it!!

i never thought they'd do ice AND fire powers. holy shit.

this game was already my most anticipated game of 2011, but now, if i could only choose ONE game to get for the rest of the year, it'd be...Kinect Adventures 2.

i kid, seriously, this game looks absolutely phenomenal, and not just the graphics, but everything else.

i've been a Sucker Punch fan since the Sly Cooper gam...

4869d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'd love to see some of these classics remastered and released on the various gaming networks.

so much worthwhile gaming history is going unappreciated. with XBLA and PSN, and even Virtual Console, there's a chance to get some exposure to games like Snatcher.

4870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i've never played Snatcher. i've always wanted too though!

4870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

galest, i actually said i'm not sure about the legitimacy of playing emulators on my PSP anymore, considering that a lot of those old games are being re-released in various fashion.

with that said, i haven't used an emulator on my PSP in, literally, years. i've mostly been using my PSP to play PSP games, as well as reading comic books in .cbr and .pdf formats.

but yeah, it IS a bit hypocritical of me, but then again, i've stopped playing emula...

4870d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has the PS3 delivered on it's promises?

Numerous amazing exclusive titles, free online, built in Blu Ray player, useful updates that add new and interesting features every year...yeah, I'd say it has.

The generation isn't over yet, so why are we asking this question NOW?

We've barely gotten into the 2nd and 3rd iteration of some of the many new IPs Sony has released this generation.

Sure, we got follow-ups to ...

4870d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

this looks amazingly good, but hot damn am i burned out on militaristic shooters.

it's a shame to me. i just think that all this awesome tech could be used to elevate OTHER genres, and not just the FPS genre.

i can easily see action games, RPGs, open world games, etc, really being taken to another level. i mean, you can even have OTHER themes in the FPS genre. it doesn't always have to be a military FPS.

personally, i'm DYING for ...

4870d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

seriously, Heck's mods are fricking AWESOME.

i'm not saying homebrew is bad, but often homebrew takes a backseat to piracy, whether it was the intention of the hacker or not.

Geohot released the keys that allowed others to hack the PS3. he should be held accountable for that.

if a gun shop sells a gun illegally to someone who shouldn't have had a gun to begin with, THEY are held accountable (as far as i know), or is at least an ac...

4870d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i never said there was. the vast majority of games this generation have only supported online co-op, which is costly for me and my wife as two gamers in one home.

we tend to miss out on a lot of co-op experiences because we simply don't have the funds to buy two of everything. when a developer bothers to release couch co-op games, it's much appreciated.

developers have been treating it like an "either/or" situation, not gamers (although ther...

4870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CONTINUED: I will NEVER hack my PS3. Why? Because it does all I could want a PS3 to do. I don't WANT to run emulators on my 40" HDTV "just cuz." I don't see the point. Playing NES games is FUN on my PSP, because the image is sharp and crisp, and looks great. Having my entire SNES library on the go is pretty damn awesome. I don't NEED that for my console.

The PS3 web browser, video, and music capabilities are more than enough for me. I don't thin...

4870d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

the whole defense of: "these guys are just doing it for their own personal enjoyment" is bs. hell, i watch porn on my computer, but i don't go posting it all over the internet for millions to see.

the excuse of "these guys are just helping to find security holes" is ALSO bullshit. if they really cared about finding security holes, they'd contact Sony DIRECTLY, and inform them of their findings, like people with integrity and truly noble intentions ...

4870d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

i WISH more games had split screen co-op.

i'm not against online co-op, but look, i have a wife who games too.

we'd love to play more games together, but the thing is, online co-op gets expensive.

we have 2 PS3s (our second is waiting to be repaired, but so many games are releasing that it's hard to not just keep buying them and playing them on our one PS3).

if we want to play damn near 90% of the games releasing ...

4870d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm too far behind on game purchases to buy ANYTHING releasing until summer.

i still have to get Yakuza 3, Gran Turismo 5, Sly Cooper Collection, LittleBigPlanet 2, Killzone 3, Dead Space 2, and Dragon Age 2.

then LA Noire in May, and inFAMOUS 2 in June.

if the Team Ico Collection releases in July, that'd be PERFECT for me, as I'd probably be caught up. by then.

i got ME2 on PS3 from a friend that works at Bioware...

4870d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to this patch. Some of the fixes are going to be great.

I was in a Legends PVP 2v2 in the Batcave, and some asshole was exploiting the dual pistols glitch with the Huntress, which really KILLED the enjoyment of the PVP for me. At some point, me and my team mate just gave up the match and stopped fighting, since it was pointless when the opposite team was cheating.

Not to derail this topic, but in my mind, if people are so readily willing to ex...

4872d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My friend brought Gran Turismo 5 over 2 weeks ago when he visited, and I finally got to play it.

I'm not the biggest racing fan, but holy shit, this game is AMAZING!

It's not just the visuals, but the whole experience is phenomenal. I don't understand the haters one bit concerning this game.

We even fired up one of the remastered PS2 standard tracks, and it was actually REALLY gorgeous, despite obviously not being as detailed as a...

4872d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment