
CRank: 8Score: 88870

Umm, WHY would the various media outlets be talking aboutthe psp2 when it's not even CLOSE to release yet. The 3DS is out NOW. It only makes sense that it would be the top story right now.

As for the psp2's future success, who can say? The feature set of the device is rather impressive. It's looking to satisfy a broad range of portable gamer tastes. This gen has been constant negativity on EVERYTHING Sony, and the psp2 seems to be one of the things Sony is actuall...

4928d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I appreciate Bioware being open to putting gays and lesbians in their games, but, um, how about some Black people guys? lol.

Seriously, it's like Ferelden (and most fantasy universes), are devoid of people of color.

And no, Isabella doesn't count, as she just looks like a REALLY tan white woman.

I'm Black, and I'd just like to see more of us in fantasy in general. The running joke that me and my wife have (who is White), is th...

4928d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

i also loved FFXII.

i don't think it's a poor excuse for a FF at all. it's simply different from the others.

i didn't find the level system restrictive at all. eventually, all roles opened up for all characters, and you could choose what path you wanted the characters the go down. i kept Lighting a Commando/Ravager, made Hope my Healer/Synergist, Vanille my Ravager/Healer/Sabotuer, etc, etc.

I didn't think the story was po...

4929d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I meant, "WASN'T offended by the changes."

And my point still stands, no matter the disagrees. FFXIII wasn't to everybody's tastes, I get that, but to treat it like it's actually a BAD JRPG is a bit much.

There are some genuinely bad JRPGs this generation. Final Fantasy XIII isn't one of them. In either case, hate on it all you want, but I certainly enjoyed it.

4929d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I never got the hate for ffxiii. There are, literally, 9 other ff titles with the exact same gameplay as each other. Ff x, xii, xii, and xiii try something new, and people go apeshit.

The things people hate:

1- no towns
2- very linear

The things ffxiii did well:

1- fun battle system that got more complex over time (you can only spam auto battle early on, as later battles force you to be on your toes and take advantag...

4929d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sooooo, HD Metal Gear Solid Collection confirmed? Dear GOD I hope so!

4929d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I initially couldn't get on. I waited about an hour, then tried again, and was able to connect and play for a bit.

I played a little on the PC, and it's a cute game. It's like WoW Lite. A perfect game for younger people to get on and have some fun.

Visually, it runs the game better than my PC, but it's definitely not the highest settings.

I can't see myself becoming a member, but for a free to play MMO, it's good. If o...

4930d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looked great. There's no way Samus would lose to Master Chief though. Not by a long shot. lol.

I loved Samus and Chief's specials, and the support characters too. Really creative stuff. In an ideal world, this would be available on ALL of the networks (PSN, XBLA, and Virtual Console). I'd buy it.

4931d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not by a long shot. Stop comparing arguably mediocre games to inarguably amazing games.

Enslaved is by no means a turd, but it's no Beyond Good and Evil.

The problem I have with this generation of gamers is that so many games are getting unfair and unrealistic expectations heaped upon them by the media, then they wonder why the game "failed to deliver on the hype," and why it went wholly unrecognized by the masses.

If there was...

4931d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

What I don't understand, is that there is ALREADY an organization fighting for consumer rights in the form of the EFF. They're trying to get the courts to amend some of the more ridiculous aspects of the DMCA.

Why didn't those people supporting GeoHotz, give their donation to the EFF?

I think it's very telling that the EFF didn't touch the GeoHotz case. They are usually really quick to get behind these sorts of lawsuits, yet they didn'...

4932d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Remedy did what they thought was best. I'm a PS3 fan all the way, but I bought Alan Wake for my 360. If they released a PS3 version with improvements and the dlc, I'd double dip. I was kind of hard on AW when I got it last year, but I still enjoyed it. I'm currently replaying it on nightmare so I can collect all of the manuscript pages, and I'm enjoying it more this time around.

My only real complaint with AW was how much they recycled the forest. It was used ...

4934d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't necessarily think that it's the same thing, because in a Hollywood remake, you are replacing actors, directors, screenwriters, and it more often than not results in losing the charm and feel of the original.

With a game remake, we're getting, more often than not, cleaner, crisper visuals, stabler framerates, better audio, and retaining the same charm and appeal of the original release. It's not like they recast the voice of Kratos in the GoW collection...

4934d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I take issue with the notion that Heavy Rain isn't considered a game. The video game definition of game is loosely defined as an interactive experience in which the player is given a goal, some game play mechanics, some type of obstacle(s), and is challenged to accomplish the goal.

The means by which the player is given to complete said goal is not set in stone. If that were the case, we'd only have genre of games.

Heavy Rain gives the player a goal a...

4935d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't really argue with Cage on this one.

The PS1 was severely lacking in strong first party studios.

There was Polyphony, Psygnosis, Liverpool, Singletrack/Incognito (can't remember if they were called SCE Liverpool back then or not), and a few others, but not much. It was all about 3rd party support like Square, Capcom, and Konami, and those three companies really put the PS1 on the map.

The PS2 had Sony taking a page out of Ninte...

4936d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Darksiders was surprisingly awesome.

I had written it off when I first heard about it, but then two things convinced me to check it out: One of my favorite artists, Joe Madureira had done the art, and two, it was a mix of God of War and Zelda (although it leans more towards Zelda than GoW).

I'm so glad I bought it. It's the definition of a sleeper hit, and I got a free copy of Red Faction: Guerrilla for buying Darksiders new.

I'm ...

4939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

His idea could have easily have worked at a sequel, or they could have gone with their original DLC plan, and have smaller episodes within the Heavy Rain world. Some could take place before the Origami Killer storyline, some could take place after.

In either case, after Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain, I'll support anything Quantic Dream puts out, as they are one of the few refreshing developers in the industry.

Heavy Rain wasn't perfect, but so much o...

4941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. "is this guy bothering you? i've fought a guy like this before."

i bet he was just waiting for the moment he could white knight the cute blonde behind the counter. lol. what a tool.

4942d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

am i the only one that thinks ALL of those screenshots looked like ass?

i was expecting to be blown away by the PC screens at least, but it was just ho hum visuals.

console versions look no better, but i noticed the PS3 screens looked to have the same visual filters as the PC screens, while the Xbox 360 screens looked like they had the contrast adjusted to make the shadows look REALLY dark.

in either case, i'm passing on Crysis 2, as the ...

4943d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

also, I loved the original Crackdown.

I have no interest in Halo, so the Halo 3 beta didn't entice me in any way (in fact, I never even used the Beta voucher).

Crackdown sold me on Crackdown. I got to play it at the E3 before it released, and had a blast.

Crackdown 2 is...SOMETHING...

I can't really fathom what they were thinking with CD2, truth told. I'm hoping a third one will set things right, as the franchise ...

4944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm really enjoying it.

I've been dying for more games in the same vein as Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (I never played the Diablo games), and this one is great.

The only downside is that it's not 2 players, as my wife would love to play it with me. We played the hell out of the BG and Champions of Norrath games.

We're currently replaying Dead Nation on Grim difficulty. That Dungeon Hunter game looks like a good one too, h...

4944d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment