
CRank: 8Score: 88870

not only that, but no matter how amazing the MP is, they ALWAYS end up going back to CoD.

think of all the games that have MP shoehorned into them to pander to the online obsessed demographic, only to have that game's MP die a quick death.

look at Bioshock 2. i've never played it, but from what i've heard, it's a solid sequel, and the MP isn't even TALKED ABOUT these days (or even when the game released, honestly), and i can't help but...

4949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i swear to god, Insomniac is one of the most disrespected and under-appreciated developers in the industry, despite a, quite literally, consistent level of quality in their games since Spyro the Dragon hit the PS1.

i mean, these guys are some of the most dedicated to FUN game play and game design of ANY developer in the industry, but every single game they release gets met with the same disdain.

did Insomniac shoot your puppy or something?


4949d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is actually really tempting me to get PS+ (as if i wasn't interested before), as i've already had two PS3's die on me, costing me my game saves that couldn't be copied over (which is, like, most of the god damned games on the system).

if me and my wife can back up our game saves (like Dragon Age: Origins, which i've had to start over from the beginning due to losing the saves when my PS3 croaked), i'm all over it.

it's absolut...

4949d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

no shit they have more exclusives to announce.

that's the benefit of giving a damn about first and second party development.

20 first party studios ALONE.

couple that with 11 second party studios, also making exclusive PlayStation 3 titles.

considering the quality of the PS3 first and second party offerings this generation, i have to say i'd choose a well made, console pushing exclusive over a multi-platform title, an...

4949d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I went hog wild with my game spending last year, so i promised my wife that i wouldn't go as crazy on my purchases this year, so the gaming budget has been reduced significantly. I've made a shortlist of the MUST HAVE games for me this year that I will buy no matter what:

For me:
LittleBigPlanet 2 - Still not purchased yet
Killzone 3 - Still not purchased yet
LA Noire - May
inFAMOUS 2 - June, maybe Hero Edition
Uncharted 3 - Nov...

4950d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus day one back then, and pimped them to whoever would listen, so I did my part.

It's fortunate that Sony didn't pull the plug on Ueda when Ico sold poorly, like SOME companies would have done, and Ueda was able to produce the amazing Shadow of the Colossus.

Shadow of the Colossus also sold well enough to be placed in Sony's "Greatest Hits" line, unlike Ico.

Gamers are an impossi...

4950d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Up until DCUO came out, I'd have been skeptical of a more action oriented MMO, but it's certainly possible.

The potential for a rather fantastic God of War MMO is there. The setting is already fascinating, as Greek mythology is just inherently cool.

The game doesn't have to feature Kratos in any way, and the storyline could be set at any point in time. Before Kratos, or many years/millennia after Kratos brought an end to the reign of the gods. The...

4950d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Too many games. I'm already way behind (still have to get LBP2 and Killzone 3).

I loved the original White Knight Chronicles (a quirky, charming, and naturally nitpicked to death JRPG). The story was silly and cliche, but the battle system and crafting/questing elements felt really unique and addicting. I lost my game save when my PS3 died on me, but I may just hold off replaying it until WKC2 hits, since it comes with WKC1 included.

Looking forward to th...

4950d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was hoping we'd see a female villain for the next entry, and it's great to see it finally happen.

A female antagonist is rare in gaming, and usually only limited to female protagonists, which is pretty lame.

As a married man, I can vouch for how evil women can be, so I think it's safe to say Drake and Sully have their work cut out for them. lol.

Anyway, while watching that video, I couldn't help but be amazed at how gorgeous...

4951d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks, guys!

4951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just glad I'm not the only one who had to look up the word "chuffed" to see if it meant good or bad. lol.

I don't see why anyone would have suspected that the PS3 version of one of the Xbox 360's premiere titles wouldn't drum up interest.

I'm sure if, even 5 years late, Gears of War 1 released on the PS3, it'd see significant success.

Mass Effect is a great franchise. I had the 360 version, I have the...

4951d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

There was a time when Halo WAS the best console FPS experience. That time has passed.

I LOVED the original Halo. I played it with friends, and then at work with co-workers on a regular basis.

Since then, however, the console FPS genre has evolved BEYOND just Halo. A great feature set alone isn't what makes the Halo titles great. Bungie has a knack for making the Halo games accessible to a broad range of players, as well as making the game play itself smoo...

4951d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

3.3 gigs?

When the title of the article said "big install," I thought it was going to be like 8 or 9 gigs, or like the DCUO install currently sitting on my PS3: 16 gigs.

3.3 gigs is NOTHING in comparison to the other game installs I have on my PS3.

Dragon Age: Origins is sitting at 6 gigs
MGS 4 is 4 gigs
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is 4.5 gigs
Red Dead Redemption is at 4.5 gigs

I'm ...

4951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i would LOVE to get into the beta for this.

i imagine there will be a few ways to get into the Beta. i think PS+ is one, and an included beta voucher in SOCOM 4 is another, since SOCOM 4 releases in April.

this mission creator could be the evolution that the sandbox genre desperately needs. there is only so much that a developer can pack into their game, given their budget/schedule.

with this current generation's incessant, self-entitled ...

4957d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

there's a market for everything, even if you, personally, have no interest in it.

just because some people don't think Home is interesting, that doesn't mean it's the case for EVERYONE.

personally, i have no major interest in Home. i think it's come a long way from it's early days, and i'm impressed at it's evolution. i don't even remember the last time i logged in, because i deleted it from my HDD (sorry, but that 3gigs of...

4958d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Fade sucks.

Me and my wife both hate that part. My best friend loves it though, so, go fig. lol.

4958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i fricking HOPE SO.

i've been waiting for this game for ages.

4958d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm 33 hours into Dragon Age: Origins, and I've yet to complete half of the game.

I really enjoyed the Dragon Age 2 demo, but I am just a little disappointed that it's shorter than DA:O.

Then again, if the game is BETTER for it, I don't care too much about game length. Sometimes, condensing a narrative to it's strongest attributes is better than stretching it out just for the sake of satisfying some sort of unspoken mandate that EVERY game...

4958d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Flashback is still one of my favorite games of all time.

How I'd KILL to see an HD update to it like Bionic Commando Rearmed 1.

Maybe flesh out the story some (give it some depth and character development).

Don't turn it into a 3D shooter like Fade to Black, but leave it 2D, just upgraded visually. The Prince of Persia style controls were excellent.

While you're at it, throw in an update to Out of the World as wel...

4959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

whoa whoa whoa, slow down there now.

i love Heavenly Sword as much as the next guy, but Ninja Theory is in no way the Team Ico of this generation.

1) Team Ico is a little word we like to call, "HUMBLE." They keep their mouth's shut 99.9% of the time, unless it has to do with the latest update/reveal of their game. They also don't lament a million sales as if it's a BAD thing, then trash talk the product that GAVE them that million sales....

4959d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment