
CRank: 8Score: 88870

That's actually more than I was expecting. I would have been satisfied with simply comp time for the two weeks I've been unable to play the game, but a free month is great, and the comp days on top of that is better still.

I really enjoy the game, and I planned on picking up a version for my wife when we get her PS3 repaired so we can play together.

4895d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

For some reason, the photo makes her look cross eyed. I think it was the weird angle I took the pic at. In game, she isn't cross eyed at all. lol.

4895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. it's not like the game was slated to come out in May...

I was thinking it was going to be a 2012 delay or something.

There is so much to occupy my gaming time between now and October, a two week delay is nothing. But, hey, thanks for letting us know, Warner Bros. I'm certainly looking for to Arkham City. Looks fricking amazing.

4895d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

My femshep is pretty hot. Definitely hotter than the default femshep:

I'm rather fond of her. Sadly, I couldn't make my femshep on the PS3 version as hot, but she's this smokin' black/middle-eastern looking chic...

4895d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Leave me stranded? How?

I kind of, oh, I don't know, have a LIFE outside of gaming...

During this two week outage period, I've been going to work 5 days out of the week, reading books (which I do anyway), play the many single player games I have (I'm a primarily single player gamer, so this outage had minimal effect on me), played my 360, and had lots of sex with my wife (much better than playing video games, I assure you).

Most o...

4897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, that's what I was gonna get, but then PSN went down. lol

4897d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Played the demo of Outland on XBLA, and I'm fricking sold on it. Housemarque just knows how to make fun games. The art design is glorious, and the game play is pretty awesome. I just prefer the PS3 controller for 2D side-scrollers.

PS+ has been pretty cool so far (I think I'm in month two of my 3 month plan, I had planned up upgrading to the 12 month package, but then PSN went down, so I'll do it later). The $17.99 I spent has already been covered, because the fre...

4897d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

As I said in another story, no, it hasn't changed my buying habits. I'm still getting Outland on the PSN when it finally releases.

Thing is, Sony's ALREADY been hacked. They are beefing up their security and looking into this thing.

Who's to say that Sony wasn't the first stop on a massive CC hacking spree? What if Microsoft and Nintendo, and Apple, or Amazon are hit next? Are we going to suddenly stop buying products from THEM also?

4899d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still plan on using PSN as usual.

I'm waiting for Outland, god damn it!

I passed on buying the 360 version of the game because I prefer the PS3 controller sidescrollers.

if it wasn't for obnoxious hackers, I'd be enjoying Outland right now! (well, maybe not right NOW, since I'm at work, but, you know what i mean...)

My confidence in the PSN hasn't been shaken. Shit happens. Things get hacked. There is on...

4899d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I didn't get a chance to take advantage of that 15 month deal, because the network went down. I planned on doing it over the weekend, after I balanced my budget to make sure I could actually swing the extra $50 on game stuff (I already got 4 new games over the past week, despite my attempts to slow down game purchases for the year. lol. it feels good to have a new job that pays well, that's for sure. lol).

I'm also of the camp that doesn't feel terribly ...

4900d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's really hard to take Anonymous' word on it when, not even two weeks ago, they were boasting about planning some major attack against Sony.

It'd have to be a rather epic coincidence that shortly after their boast and then retraction of attacks, this happens.

Something tells me the main center of Anonymous got wind of this impending Sony attack, and they tried to pull out to save face. But this other arm of the group went ahead with it anyway. ...

4900d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's good that this situation with Sony is forcing other companies to re-evaluate/re-enforce their security.

ANY company that makes billions can be targeted for attack. It's Sony's turn this time, but who's to say that Microsoft won't be next?

The positive thing about crises like this is that it tends to lead to a focus on a particularly serious issue. In this case, hacking, and the power of the digital age to disrupt millions of lives in ...

4900d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'd be fine with a credit to my PS+ and DC Universe subscriptions for however many days the PSN is down.

I guess some kind of free game for all PSN users would be ok, but I don't understand this "gimme stuff," mentality. Bad shit happens, and we should be compensated for our lost money, but still. Self entitlement is like a plague amongst people nowadays.

On an unrelated note, I do remember when my internet was shitty for a month or so, I co...

4900d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn I can't wait for this game. I already got this and the inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition pre-ordered at Amazon.

This summer is going to be awesome. Those two games will keep me busy for a while, so I'm trying to fly through my backlog, and preparing to cancel my Game Fly account for next month. lol.

May 17th will be here soon. It feels so good to have a job again, so I can afford all of these awesome games. I still have to pick up Killzone 3. I finally got...

4900d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like people have said; it's a snowball/domino effect.

GeoHotz used Other OS to break into the PSN Hypervisor.
Sony removed Other OS to prevent having to spend further money on constant patches and updates to protect security.
FailOverFlow found an equation that revealed the PS3 security keys.
GeoHotz, in a fit of nerd rage over not being able to hack the PS3 for 4 years, released those keys on the internet, where they simply couldn't be taken b...

4900d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have PS+ and a DC Universe subscription.

I already got an email from Hulu Plus giving me a credit on my next bill.

I appreciate the refunding/compensation of the services I'm paying for.

I don't really require much else from these companies.

For me, it's like, why whine over this shit? Most of our personal information is obtainable in some way or another over the internet (I've typed in the names of some of ...

4901d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hackers, easy.

Despite all of custom firmware support's insistence that hacking the console is only for homebrew, the hackers find a way to not only access PSN, but access confidential and private information of PSN users.

It's despicable.

I have absolutely no respect for the hacking "cause" any more. I used to give them the benefit of the doubt. I used to understand and sympathize with their desire to tinker with their pro...

4902d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's a shame.

I used to work for Obsidian back in 07, I think it was. Great bunch of guys there.

I don't take joy in knowing that there are now MORE unemployed people here in America. Considering that I just recently got my job at Capcom, I know what it's like to be struggling to find work and how hard it is to make ends meet, especially when you have a family (we don't have kids yet, but just taking care of me and my wife on nothing but une...

4902d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why would I be mad at Sony?

They aren't the ones that hacked into the system and got my valuable information.

The PS3 and by extension the PSN were secure for damn near 5 years before it got hacked.

Sony has been a target of individuals since this generation began. This latest attack is affecting us all, and it sucks.

Sony told us what they felt was necessary at the start, because they themselves were unsure of the full e...

4902d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't know what more they could tell us.

Personally, I know all I need to know from Sony:

PSN is down (obviously, since I can't access it)
An "external intrusion" is the reason.
They aren't sure if personal information ha been compromised, but they'll let us know (and most of us have banks that will inform us of any strange activities with our accounts. So far, mine is fine).
They are rebuilding the network....

4902d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment