
CRank: 8Score: 88870

lol. That's true.

I was born in LA, but grew up in Wisconsin, then moved back to LA 13 years ago.

It definitely is a kick to see so many movies/tv shows in LA, and be like, "Hey, I KNOW where that place is!" It does kind of break the illusion, though. lol.

4878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a double-edged sword that Team Bondi was being pimped by Rockstar and not Sony (the original publisher).

Rockstar games come with a certain level of expectation, especially when the game is also open world (not sandbox).

If Sony had been the publisher, I doubt there'd have been as much confusion over what the game actually is.

I'm a few hours into the game, and just finished my second case last night, and I'm loving it. I...

4878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice! I loved the first one! Me and my wife had fun playing it, but we have to go through it again since I lost the save when our PS3 died last year.

4879d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved WKC1, so me and my wife are really looking forward to this one.

So many awesome games hitting the PS3 this year, it's crazy.

4880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, mine got delayed too, which pissed me off, since I don't have much time to game these days, and yesterday was one of those rare free days where I wasn't super busy.

I sent them an email last night, and they gave me the $10 promotional credit.

My order is supposedly out for delivery, but I have to go to work, and probably do some OT, so I don't know if I'll be able to play it any time soon. I'm really annoyed. I had a free window of a...

4880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't like Lens of Truth.

I think they're unprofessional and lack consistency.

I already have LA Noire pre-ordered on the PS3 (prefer the dual shock 3, 1 disc, and extra content. can't judge performance on both consoles, because i've yet to play either).

I prefer to play the games for myself instead of relying on comparisons.

From the looks of this comparison, there are differences, but nothing deal breaking...

4881d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why would they? Netflix wasn't down. lol.

Hulu told me, when I wrote them, that they plan on doing something once PSN has been restored. I imagine they'll comp me my month of Hulu Plus. They comped me $2.00 (USD) when it first went down, but nothing since then.

4882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just gifted inFAMOUS 1 to a friend, so I'll be downloading that. My wife also has a PSN account, so I'll probably have her download LBP, which I was thinking of rebuying, but now we won't have to.

I was only expecting to be comped a month and the days the network has been down for my PS+ subscription, now I see a get an additional 60 days on TOP of the 30 day compensation.

DCUniverse is already comping me a month + the days that the network has ...

4882d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, LA Noire has 40 or so side quests you can complete while doing the main story quests.

Your police scanner will inform you of stuff (purse snatchers, robberies, suicide jumpers, etc), and you can respond to the call.

The game does share a similarity with Mafia 2 in that there is a heavy emphasis on story, and less emphasis on sandbox gameplay (LA Noire is open world, not a sandbox), but Noire looks to be more intriguing from a game play perspective, ...

4884d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nice! I saw my street looking at the map. I'm totally gonna drive by it and check out if my apartment complex is there. It's an old building, so it's very possible.

Can't wait. Already got it pre-ordered from Amazon, and I changed it to release day delivery right before the cut off. Tuesday can't get here soon enough. I wonder if I'll come down with a mysterious case of the "24 hour flu..."

EDIT: I think people saying that 8...

4884d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would LOVE this to be true.

I have both CoO and GOS, but I've been dying to play them on my 40" Samsung with a dual shock.

I'd be all over this collection so bad. I'd like more PSP HD conversions, or, at the least, the ability to play PSP games bought from the PSN on my PS3. They could even sell the emulator on PSN for a few bucks and I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Give me a PSP and PS2 emulator via the PSN, and I'd be set.

4885d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks fantastic. Warhawk was the PS3 title that really sold me on the potential of the PSN as a viable multi-player network service.

I'm still a primarily single player gamer, but Warhawk had me addicted for months, and the regular updates and expansions just kept adding onto the game. Starhawk was a long time coming, and I'm certainly looking forward to it, especially knowing that there's a single player campaign as well.

4885d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks excellent.

I already got my copy pre-ordered, now it's just waiting for Amazon to ship it out to me next week. It's going to be a great weekend when it finally arrives in my mailbox.

It's the perfect game to make the wait for inFAMOUS 2 bearable.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how much of Los Angeles is recreated faithfully. It'll be great if I can cruise past my apartment complex (it's a pretty old buildi...

4887d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd download it, since I just recently gifted my copy of inFAMOUS to a friend who had been dying to play it, but didn't have his own copy.

Either way, I'll be rebuying inFAMOUS 1 if it's not the free game. I also plan on upgrading to a larger HDD, since I've been buying more and more PSN and PS1 classics the past few months.

I doubt inFAMOUS is the free game, but I wouldn't complain if it was.

4887d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, Anonymous, if you hadn't implicated yourself with your constant boasting and harassment of Sony and the PS3, you wouldn't have even been a THOUGHT in the minds of Sony or PS3 supporters.

You didn't know when to pick and choose your battles. Sony was doing its thing with Geohotz, and you had to step in acting like the big man that was going to "teach Sony a lesson," only to have you guys puss out and get owned after your "boycott" bombed h...

4889d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So good.

I'm addicted to the UGC already. I just finished my fourth narrative mission, and am working on tightening and polishing it now.

I already have my Hero Edition pre-ordered, and now it's just trying to distract myself while I wait for June 7th!

That ice jump is looking awesome. I'm loving the upgraded traversal powers in the game. It makes it so much more fun to move around the city.

I really hope inFAMOUS...

4890d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Videos like this just convince me that journalists have NO IDEA how to play video games.

No wonder they bitch all the time in their reviews.

I don't know who was playing, but he/she/it wasn't very good at it. They didn't even know how to toss the vehicle at an enemy when they did the Kinetic Pulse.

Anyway, the game is gorgeous, with great particle effects, and the framerate seems rock solid judging from the beta. Like inFAMOUS in ...

4893d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering that Sony has a lot more to lose for lying to the US Congress, AND the FBI, somehow I won't take Anonymous' word on this.

It's kind of funny though. In their warped little world, they actually think they are somehow, actually, Anonymous.

Their pretentious and obnoxious "catchphrase" is coming back to bite them in the ass.

"We are Legion."

Yeah, this is what happens when you allow an...

4893d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The beta has been so good. I'm dying for the servers to go back up so I can upload my 3 Part story arc. The few missions I got to play before the shutdown were really creative and impressive.

This is one of those features that you were never 100% sure that you wanted it, but when you got it, you can't understand why you DIDN'T know you wanted it.

I play around with it every day. I'm addicted to it. Once you get a handle on the tools, setting t...

4894d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People actually BELIEVED Anonymous when they said they weren't involved?

Anonymous. A KNOWN cyber-terrorist group (and it's no denying that they are indeed a cyber-terrorist group), and we'll take their word for it? I don't think so.

It could very well be that the name was planted by the intruder to throw off suspicious, or it could be that the ego of the hackers who pulled this shit off couldn't help but leave their calling card.

4894d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment