
CRank: 8Score: 88870

It's Edge.

I guess inFAMOUS 2 having: Better visuals than inFAMOUS 1, a brand new city to explore, new powers (50 in all), a better story, tighter controls, UGC, and overall more polish isn't worth an 8 at least.

But hey, Crackdown 2: Same city. WORSE visuals than Crackdown 1, barely any new abilities (an odd controlling, no story worth mentioning, same controls, no UGC, and overall less polish than CD1 is worth an 8.

And this is comi...

4765d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I noticed a ring on Elena's hand in one of those shots. Drake doesn't have one, but I wonder if they got engaged during U2 and U3?

It could also be the ring from the other screens, and Elena is just keeping it on her person in more natural way than wearing it around your neck?

4766d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love Insomniac. I'll support whatever games they produce, on whatever platform they develop the game on.

Hell, if they decided to make an Atari 2600 game I'd give it a go!

Insomniac is probably one of the most hated on developers in the industry, and yet they are some of the nicest, most dedicated developers in the business. I don't get it.

These guys have rarely disappointed, if ever. Even their "worst" game (Ratchet ...

4766d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh, Microsoft, gamer's love GAMES as long as they are good, whether they be sequels or New IP.

At the end of the day, we just want good games to play.

Look at the Ratchet and Clank games. On consoles, there have been 7 titles in the series (including Quest for Booty). Each game has been quality, and I'm eagerly looking forward to All 4 One, as it looks quality as well. If Insomniac can keep up that quality, I'll continue to buy R&C games.

4766d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait! My Hero Edition is out for delivery, so my wife should be snagging it for me any moment. It's going to be a long work day, that's for sure...

4767d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe this game will open up the door for Insomniac to get the credit they deserve.

For nearly their entire lifecycle, they have been a top tier developer, but they NEVER get the press and hype a top tier developer deserves, and I think most of it was because they were Sony exclusive, and this generation, that has been quite a hurdle, thanks to small minded, vindictive gaming press.

The Spyro, Ratchet, and Resistance franchises are great fun. I'm glad to ...

4767d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

inFAMOUS is one of my favorite new IPs this generation (it's kind of tied with Uncharted, but I think I've replayed inFAMOUS more times than I've replayed both Uncharted, and that's saying something, since I've played both Uncharteds a combined total of over 8 times...).

inFAMOUS 2 looks amazing, and I can't to get my Hero Edition tomorrow! It's listed as "Shipping Soon," at Amazon, so hey better get it to me tomorrow, unlike the debacle ...

4768d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hyperbole incoming!!!

I've supported all 3 Fable games so far, but Peter Molyneux is stretching my patience in terms of delivering the Fable game he promised back with the original.

I wonder if they're going to reveal another Fable, or a new franchise?

My money is on a new Fable, honestly. I keep coming back to that franchise, and I did enjoy 3 way more than 2, but I still find the first the best in the series.

4768d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read about it here:

It was kind of overlooked in all of the "OMGS Collection!!!!"

I love my MGS, but Silent Hill is probably one of my favorite gaming franchises (except for Homecoming. I HATED that game).

4771d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe Kojima's cancelled game was an Metal Gear Solid Special Edition, using the MGS4 engine?

That would be amazing. They already had nearly 80% of Shadow Moses in MGS4, I doubt it'd have taken a shit ton more work to finish the missing 20% and do the audio (although I imagine they'd have to rework some payment issues for the voice actors and soundtrack, although MGS without Harry Gregson William's MGS theme would be a travesty).

Anyway, I'...

4771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um, creating consumer electronics?

I mean, they're not the fricking Axis of Evil, dude. Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom aren't plotting to destroy the world, using SONY as their front company.

I don't understand this mentality that a company like Sony is actively TRYING to scare consumers away by being shady. They want our money. We all know this. I doubt they'd do anything particularly horrific to ruin that.

These hackers a...

4772d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's really impressive! Especially when you take into account that the screen we'll be playing on isn't nearly as large as the screenshots.

It looks like it won't have a problem scaling up to a larger TV if we connect the PSP2 to it.

4772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would it be a mistake?

New platform hype is ALWAYS good. Since there's no PS4 being announced anytime soon, a new PSP is just what the doctor ordered. It doesn't hurt that the machine looks AMAZING in terms of it's capabilities.

Sony has a LOT of products to promote. The PS3 is doing rather well in terms of software, and some big announcements will wash the bitter taste of the past 2 months out of a lot of gamer's mouths, and the new PSP w...

4772d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't agree with this score, but the guy is entitled to his opinion.

Me and my wife are both ADDICTED to Terraria. I passed on Minecraft (only because the pixelly 3D visuals straight out of the PS1 era, and the lack of anything really "gamey" to do didn't appeal to me). The 2D, retro look of Terraria intrigued me, and the $10 price sold me on it. I'm totally loving it.

I think it's different enough from Minecraft to do it's own...

4772d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd avoid the screenshots posted in this review. Some of them are kind of spoilerish.

I think I just saw an awesome power that I'd probably have been much happier NOT seeing a week before release...*sigh*

Is it a rule that some reviewers just HAVE to post screens/videos of particular spoilers in their reviews? GameTrailers is notorious for this, but now I know to avoid "tom's games" future reviews...

4773d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. Leave it to a game reviewer to complain about being "too powerful" in a video game. lol.

Anyway, I'm loving the UGC Beta, and I can't wait to get my hands on the full game. The Beta alone is infinitely better than the original (mostly thanks to the much more lively and interesting city of New Marais).

I can't wait to get to all those new powers, though, as well as experiencing the storyline, which looks to be more fleshed out than t...

4773d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Here are the game's specs:

Intel Processor - Pentium 4 1.6GHz
AMD Processor - Athlon XP 1700+
Terraria Graphics Card Specs
Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 8500 GT
ATI Graphics Card - Mobility Radeon HD 3650
Terraria RAM Specs
RAM Memory - 0.512 GB
Hard Disk Space - 0.2 GB
Direct X - 9

It's such a great game, so I definitely recommend it. It's incredibly addicting, and I need to sto...

4778d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I doubt they would *SPOILERS* do a retread of inFAMOUS' biggest reveal. I'd personally feel kind of cheated and let down if the Beast turned out to be Cole.

The fact that Kessler was Cole from the future (and an almost alternate timeline, technically), was awesome.

The Beast being Cole would feel like old hat.

Besides, Cole is ALREADY wrestling with his dark and light natures; that's the underlying theme of the inFAMOUS series. ...

4780d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I watched this on the blog earlier this morning and it looks amazing.

I'm really liking Eric Laden's portrayal of Cole. He adds a lot of emotion to his voice that was sorely missing in inFAMOUS. People bitched about the new voice, but I1 Cole just sounded so damn disinterested the entire time, even when doing Karma choices.

It seems like Laden's Cole will emote. The new graphics engine really nails that too.

As mentioned before, I...

4781d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not a Platinum Trophy kind of guy, but I did get the Platinum in inFAMOUS (I was going to beat the game twice anyway, and after completing my second playthrough, I saw I was 98% away from a Plat, and just said, "the hell with it," and topped them off), so I'm tempted to go for it in this game.

They don't seem absurdly unreasonable like some games Trophies.

4781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment