
CRank: 5Score: 59100

In the near future MS will require games to be installed on the HDD so the 360 console can match a bit of the quality of many inc uber PS3 games.

MS will sure win lots of cash selling their ultra expensive HDDs,but also more and more upset players will end migrating to the PS3...

5902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is not just beautiful with high end graphics but also run super fast !

I bet Xbox360 cant make it to look as good as the version for the Ps3 because the frame rate ....FF13 I guess is possible to look ok on the 360 because it is a rpg and so the action+beauty in the game is not as heavy to the console as FF13 versus would be.

5902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I belive MS did not let Bungie to do their presentention because it is not good.

The point is,for those that LOVE Halo series it does not matter much if the graphics are high end or the same as the previous Halo game. I bet that a "spy" from MS managed to see how uber was the graphics on MAG/,Socom,R2 and KillZone2 for the PS3 and MS resolved that Bungie should restart from ground zero the new Halo,using a better engine.

Graphics does not matter as much...

5902d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I love my PSP Slim but only after I got that optional extended life battery with a silver and black covers.

The basic battery that comes with it sucks sooo much.And ppl that bought the GoW bundle they cant find a red cover....

What I want to see in a PSP 2.0 as most important feathures:
-A huge in power battery that can't be removed(Like the one on the DS)If it is uber dont need to change it.

-It should still be UMD compatible but the new g...

5904d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The idea of using HDD is to save cash because a game can load faster !

Still why install? Would not be better to use 16gigas of ram instead 512 megas(PS3/Xbox360) and a 20 times faster DVD(Xbox360) or 10x blu ray drive(PS3) ???

The answer is YES,these games high end today from the PC,Xbox360 and PS3 would load so fast,as fast as a cartridge of the 8/16 bit era.The problem is that ram memory huge in size and speed or a cd drive can be hellllll more expensive then ...

5905d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It is not about what Nintendo showed or not at the E3 but how it is right now and will continue to be. Around 1 in 50 games they launch that are ok hardcore that really makes old age nintendo fan to smile.

Microsoft= dont have much 1st and 2nd party support but has UBER 3rd party POWA.

Nintendo = Really have a strong 1st party and moderate power on 2nd party but their 3rd party is really really bad. I mean, BADDDDDDDDD ,they make games with amazing loq quality co...

5905d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I belive this Bethesda game will have better control and look better on the PS3 then the it will be on xbox360.Just like Oblivion did.

5905d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is cool that Nintendo found a new piece of the market to win tons of cash since for now Sony and Microsoft are not a treat.

But to make dump games in graphics and challenge and replay value ANY ONE CAN MAKE, so I belive that sooner or later they will have to make a VG that makes games similar to Xbox360 at least. Sony and MS already started to make silly games and rpgs for non hardcore players and for new comers.

BEWARE NINTENDO @ You will get smashed by Micro...

5905d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I preaty much liked the Nintendo Ds even when the PSP is uberer hardware but the Nintendo Wii I disliked it from the botton of my Soul.

The problem of the Nintendo Wii is the lack of games and realy innovations in terms of high end is the qoest vidego game I ever bought in thers mof good games and I play vgs since original Nes and Master System.

Nintendo can launch now new Zelda,Metroid or what ever , I will not change my mind but will also not sell ...

5905d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you know if we do need that eyeToy camera to be able to enjoy all that this game has to offer?

5907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...for the future online games that we pay for a "Warhawk" kind game around around 90bucks intead 40,but then all add on will be free.Except when a major big expansion comes because that will have be payed.
Another exemple I could say are those games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero that have to pay for every new music of the +200 already released.PPL that does not buy add on content gets behind can't play with friends anymore.I hate to be forced to pay for content for a game r...

5907d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Will this update be free ??
I still don't have this game and if this "update" have to be bought then I will go caught Grid and that inc Ferrari game.

Check that Warhawk game...costs like 40 dolars and already have many "adds on" that costs around 20 already.
I want to buy FULL games and pay for it only once and not piece by piece !

5907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

M$ likes to create some chaos on the market every time they can like buying Sony's exclusive games on the last moment.

For doing that I belive M$ feels inferior compared to Nintendo and Sony and the only way the effectively get more attention is to play real dirty.
M$ says "HEY look at MEEEE, I bought FF13 for our uber xbox360 on the last minute people! Holy!!Am I The God or what ?"

5907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game should at least be time exclusive on the Ps3 in the EAST as well it will be in Japan.
I still think that Sony should fight a little more for this game.

Just look at the size of Japan VS USA+Europe !

For us all on reading and typing this forum it is only good for Sony in Japan to get FF13 first because for us,PS3 owners, it is not a good deal at all. Xbox360 should wait.We lost not just total exclusivity but also can't get time exclusive for it w...

5907d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"For God's sake man,you got to canceal our FF13 release to 2010 and brind right NOW! I will pay x3 times more, it is our only hope to hold then,cuz Ps3 and even Nintendo is owning us in US!Jesus Crist,do help us"

5908d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To wait for 2010 to play a game that we could play this year still will give an advantage for other company to make and release RPG games with even better quality then FF13.

FF series have been losing market in US on the past years and now with all those Easter developers such Bethesda making uber rpgs it is making things even harder to SE.

I belive this FF13 would sell much but much more if it was realesed in fiscal year 2008 for the Ps3 and then in 2010 for Xbo...

5909d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is not about MGD4 can't go to PC or xbox360 because they not good enough machines.It is about the patented engine created bettew Konami & Sony to make fhis game possible on PS3.

If Konami resolves to make this game for other plataform they would need to create a new totally different engine and it will be a port that will not be as good as it looks on the PS3,well unless they work for 2 or 3 years to realy make almost a perfect port or maybe even better.


5909d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

....and the problem does not stop there.Most wii games lacks on challenging and replay value so much that it seems as an insult to the intelligence and motor coordination of casual gamers and kids.

I got a Wii and I got to say it is not just the worst Nintendo console they ever made and I consider it also the worst video game console ever made.Even Nes games were more fun to play and very well done wnen compared to games on this Wii.

People buying wii games are w...

5909d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Acording to IGN a FF normaly took 6 months of work to get it translated to english and now imagine another 6months+ to translate the game code and make it on xbox360 using an all new engine compatible with the system.

I am not surprised that this FF#13 will come now only at fiscal year of 2010,for the xbox360 at least.

5910d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Since SE used an new engine made with Sony to develop FF3 on the PS3 then I don't doubt that MGS4 also used similar engine that Sony is half owner,SO if this uber Kojima's game ever come to the 360 it will take another 2 years (2011)to translate it if they start it now.

I guess Sony is not that idiot like many ppl thought since it let ff13 go multi.Sony OWNS the uber new engine made with SE and they are not selling the permision to use it on the 360 :) HEHE

5910d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment