
CRank: 5Score: 59100

There is a little bell you can build that when you use it then all people ,companions etc will attend the call .It is very useful for larger settlement.
This way you can find any "lost" companion in settlements.

3208d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If we can imagine that gaming Pcs will go no where and will still be here for years and years to come then why not gaming consoles as well?

A gaming console will normally be "inferior " in graphics since it is a lot less expensive then a high end pc.
But many people like me prefer it over a gaming pc because it is just more plug & play friendly and less headaches.

3281d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You will be missed Mr Iwata!

3356d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The AI only gets better (more challenging) if you set the difficulty to hard or hardest.

A Games such this the order of 1886 is probably the same as Infamous, Uncharted, TLoU or Killzone franchises, it only gets real fun if you pay then on hard.
If you are Playing these games on easy or normal difficulty and only once then you probably wasting your $60.

For me, those games I mentioned above only became real fun when I played then on the hardest diffi...

3524d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still can't access the psn from my ps4 but it is working reasonable well from ps3 vita and smartphone.
Sending messages or trying to join parties can still fail 1/3 of the time .

3553d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSN was up for a bit today but the status is back to offline.
Dam, gonna lose my chance to buy and make upgrades With Xur...

3554d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully the problem I was having will be fixed soon too.
I could not update games such Destiny or dl PSN + games.
At 100% dl complete for patches it could not conclude it and install and then kept going for a few more attempts from 50% dl.

Every thing else were working fine such as watching netflix or chatting with PSN friends.

Did anyone one else noticed this problem too?

3631d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Destiny is a very boring game. What a disappointment bc I had faith it would rock on and so I bough the 89 dolars edition.

If Dragon age 3 inquisition(the next game I m buying)ends to be a bad game too then I will keep myself away from third-party games for a year.

3658d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

According to the description of Assassin s Screed Unity at the PSN it is a 720p game on the ps4.

I wonder if they are keeping it 720p only on the ps4 so the xbox one version can caugh up....I will try to not buy this game if it ends beeing indeed a 720p game.

THAT is unacceptable.

3682d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is very good for the Xbox users for sure. And the Xbox live have the potential to become even greater then the PSN+.

But for Microsoft I believe this is real bad because they will make less profit in sort time.
When M$ entered the world of video games consoles they thought they would easily make a money farm.
But now they are seeing this kind market is not as profitable as they thought. Not in a short time that's certainly .

3699d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably at least 75% of wiiu owners will buy MK8.It will be an amazing game and one of the best racing game this generation will see.
But at least to me it is still no reason to buy a Wiiu. Maybe, unless you consider Zelda franchise the best rpg ever and you are a super fan of Smash bros.
Since that is not my case, I will wait and look forward that the next BigN console will be worth buying.

3781d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Even if games on Xbone starts to heavily use cloud computing we will have two versions of the same games.
Unless the games they launch using it will all be online only such Titanfall.

A good way to really notice the "power of the cloud" would be to play 1P games such a Fallout 4.
Offline it would have x graphics and if used the cloud computing we would see much better graphics.
This way MS could also promote Xbox gold subscription.

3791d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Last gen the best two racing games I played where Mario Kart wii and GT5.
THis gen that started with WiiU this MK8 will be one of the best racing games .I have no doubt of that.

3794d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on Sony, I want to play Valkyria Chronicles 2 on my Vita!
That was the most addicting rpg from the PSP!

3801d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it is not just me that plays single player mode and if it is cool I go and test MP.
If the SP is not good I normaly dont bother with MP only games unless is a MMoRPG or Diablo3.

I belive that many potential costumers for this Titanfall game ended not buying it when they figured out the game had not even a 4 hours campaign like CoD.
Even CoD games offer a basic fun 4 hours campain that we want to play it on the hardest difficulty setings too.

3813d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still did not see what is so special about this game to be getting overhyped so dam much.

GTa4 was my 1st GTA game and it was one of the best 3rd party games I played on consoles last gen but for some reason I disliked quite a bit the boring(for me at least) GTAV.
I really , really doubt this WD game will be some kind sacred master piece.

Anyways lets see the reputable reviewers wil tell us about WD.

3816d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Directx 12 will only arrive in the middle of 2015.
If it can do magic or not we will have to compare 3rd party games in 2015 with PS4 VS Xboxone.
Until then the PS4 will continue to be the most powerful console.

About the "power of the Cloud" it will only affect first party games probably.
Third party games will continue to be better on the PS4>Xbox1>WiiU

When time comes we will see how beautiful a new Halo 5 and other ...

3819d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

This Mario 3D World it seems good but it has a time limit to complete levels.
I would like it I am sure since I liked Mario 3D land on my 3DS.

But I was expecting a Mario game on the Wiiu to me more more like Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy where I could explore the worlds without worrying about time limit to complete levels.

Also another main reason why Wiiu fails to me and I see less reasons to buy one is the fact I can t go all digital with it and the HU...

3822d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

I am sure MK8 will be a super fun game and who has a Wiiu Should buy it.

But for me this is the only game atm that interests me in this Wiiu console and it is not the best that Nintendo could have done.

I like RPGs and Metroid Prime kind games and still nothing of that will be coming any time soon.
By the time Nintendo finnaly launches a new Metroid or Zelda(a real one ,next gen with voice acting this time around, please) we will have Fallout 4, Elder...

3822d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

If he is as smart as he thinks he is then he will pickup the PS4 since it is the rarest of all three next gen consoles atm.
The Xbox one he can then buy it at any time he wants since those are avaiable every where.

BTw I like most episodes but some times there are way too much unecessary bullying for my taste.

3823d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment