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This just seems some thing that only would happen in a dream.

SO far I don t understand why MS invested more then 1 billion dollars to develop new games since it will only work in 21 countries.

Plus all this DRM and policy regarding xboxone is upseting too many potential buyers that by the end of this gen if this video game sells 30M it will be some thing ultra impressive.
And all the cash that MS put on this new project, to sell only 20-30M would be ...

4024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This xbone DRM thing is even worst then GFWL on many PC games.

The other day I tried to play Fallout 3 goty edition that I brought from Steam a year or so ago and I could not play it anymore.
I forgot my pw and since the gfwl server is offline or some thing I can't play the game.

Similar thing happened to me with Dragon Age. Stupid Drm from EA plus its servers are down, I can't recover my pw and so not able to replay this awesome rpg....

4025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So maybe that rumor where Sony ordered to be made more then 15Millions PS4 where true ?

Because that would explain why they could sell the PS4 that is a more powerfull hardware then the Xbox1 for 100 dollars cheaper.

4027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even with PS+ the PS4 is still $110 cheaper then the Xboxone since it also requires Live godl to play online and it cost atm $60.

4028d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PS4 is so beautiful, small, powerfull, lots of games and the best of all it is cheap !

4028d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bioshock infinite is fun and all but it don t even gets close the amazing original Bioshock game.
Even the fights are better in Bioshock 1&2 VS Infinite that has an ugly AI.

This third bioshock has one of the worst AI I have even seen since original Doom game .

I stopped playing Infinite when I was close to the end actualy .... the normal difficulty of the game is like a super easy mode of any other FPS game.
I was expecting a hell lot mo...

4030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The witcher 3 is an open world game and would have no load times what so ever on the Ps4 !

Bring more games like this such a Farcry 4 and Fallout 4 !!

Ps4Life !

4030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to hear from then at E3 if the new SKU with the white Nintendo U console with more SD space and a stronger battery life for the gamepad will come this year to America.

Imagine that the Wiiu would be an amazing 2nd console if they make more exclusive games for it, better SKU and maybe a price drop for who ever picks a PS4 or an Xbox1

4034d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very nice multiplayer !

That is different from what I thought it would be.
It seems more tatical MP since there are less ammo around and can kill with just one shot too.

I just hope it has coop MP VS AI and it will be a blast !

4035d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I want a new Metroid Prime game !

That last Metroid Prime on Wii was super awesome and it is one of the best FPS I have played this gen on all plataforms.

4037d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am wondering if the cost of adding that TV hub thing, Kinect 2 and having to use three different OS to make XboxOne console to work if it would cost more then a PS3chip that PS4 do not have.

It will be interesting to see how Sony will do if their console next gen start costing like $50-100 less then the Xboxone.

4039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, got to be rich to have an XboxOne and make use or all its features and be able to pay monthly to watch that new Halo anime thing.

PS4 will probably be the #1 choice for the less rich and smarter people.

4047d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

He probably have stuff saved online some where. I bet he could not delete and destroy all the material .
A hacker at that level could probably start hacking again a large company in no time as soon he gets the hardware he needs.

4056d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if the Vita was not just called but named as PSP2 if it would not sell more...

4057d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

The 3DS does not need saving it is the WiiU that needs helps asap.

4061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the start Nintendo should have choosed other name rather instead WiiU.

I don t think a PS4 would sell much if it was called PS3-U .Consumers would think it was some thing like an add on such 32X from Sega s Genesis console.

4061d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Vita had a good price of $250 but it had to come with a internal memory of 4G-16G or more. Same as the PSPGO.
Or bundled with basic memory card with every system and it would have sold a hell more by now.

4079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another thing that no one mentioned yet is that since it will work with a cable box we need to see if it will work with all of then.

And if it does not work with a certain cable tv if the NextBox will work well for other things such gaming.

Also it will be a nightmare for MS to do contracts with every cable tv provider around the world so the adoption of the new console might take longer to pop in other countries(not USA that is).

In terms of...

4089d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

DQ fans did not want a mmnrpg game!
The DQ8 on the PS2 and DQ9 on the 3DS were epic games and we all wanted DQ10 to have a real story.... and a coop mode offline or online would then not hurt the fan base.

Any ways Sega 's Phantasy Star franchise went from 1P to online/coop and it worked well.
Even the PSV s version of PS online2 sold more then 350k on its 1st week in Japan.

Maybe DQ11 will do better in sells if it is online... a...

4090d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft preaty much has no 1st and 2nd party support to make exclusive AAA games VS Sony that have like 30 or so studios.

SO with that in mind I think that the Xbox720 could only win next gen race in salles if they offer some thing real nice besides gaming and it is cheaper then the PS4.

It would be interesting to see the Xbox720 as a computer at the size of a Mac Mini but that also play games.
All I know Is that I would be interested on this consol...

4095d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment