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I really loved Persona 3 Portable on the PSP and I heard that P4 is even better !
Can't wait for another fantastic game that will launch this fall for Playstation plataform.

4526d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even if you get bored with the games you already own and don~t see any new game for your taste coming soon the PSVITA can still bring lots of fun.

You can surf the web and check the news as you could do with your iPad but offcourse without beeing able to watch most of the videos.

Can listen to music , chat with friends and browse the web all at the same time.

There are sp many things you can do with the Vita besides playing games(PSVita,PSP a...

4546d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still did not buy Tales of Grace f formy PS3 because I m still addicted to ME3 and now comes this awesome Wii game.

I dont have the time to play both games.... Tales or Xenoblade? Hard decision .

4552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Resident Evil: Revelations on the 3DS is simple amazing!
If Capcom ports it in HD and voice chat for the coop online .... it will sell like Hot cakes on the Xbox Live, PSN , Steam and WiiU.

4566d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked the "special effects" he put on his PSVita 's video review.
Good job man.

4570d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mario Kart Wii alone sold more then all Halo games on the 360.

4577d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

This "betrayal "seems worst since the quality of their games had to be lowered because the Xbox360 standards.

If they said that their next game was going to be PS3/PC only then the PS3 fans would not be mad at all.
The same can be told about the Xbox360 and PC. No 360`s fan will complain that an "exclusive "is also on the PC. Expecially when the graphics are "the same ".

4580d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Don't forget that hardware without software is nothing.
Other wise the hardcore gamers would be all playing New iPad, iPhone 4S instead of 3DS and PSVita.

I have a high end PC and I don't see as many uber games on it as I see on my video games.
That is why I am planning next gen to just stay with this same computer I m using and invest in gaming only on video games consoles like the PS4,WiU ,new xbox .

4580d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Move with the Sharpshooter works wonders with Socom 4.
That key on the SS works only with Socom 4 to set the rate of fire from manual ,three shots or fully automatic when holding the trigger.

I just disliked the Move support on Heavy Rain but on shooters in general(a patch fixed it in Resistance 3 after around 2 months...) it rocks.

Bring more Move only games like Sorcery ,asap !

4582d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had lots of fun playing Heavy Rain and I bet I will like this KARA too !

This time launch DLCs and lots of it ok ,QD ?!

4582d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you have your ME2 save files in a pen drive try to copy it to your new HDD and it might work to make ME3 read the save file from previous game.

It seems Microsoft/EA are working to make it work for players that can't read the ME2 save files if they are on the Cloud.
But I red that it seems if you copy this file as well to the HDD it might work.

Good to see that for a change it is not always the PS3 version of multi plat games that comes with bu...

4582d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This import save does not help that much ... I did all the DLCs on ME2 ... here is an exemple ...

...and then I got Liara to my squad and she was at the Normandy with all her equippament now that she is the new shadow broker ...

My disappointement came when I saw that she was explainning to Shepard ( he was acting like a tard ,surprised and not knowing wtf happened) all that happened in the DLC I played $10 or $15.

WTF was that Bioware ? Y...

4582d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A loooot of gamers loved ME2(including myself) and the worst that could happen with ME3 is that it is very similar experience to ME2 in terms of once again leving up skills and hunting for mercenaries for the Comander Shepard's squad.

Many Mario Bros. games are the same thing and I don't see why Mass Effect can't be the same thing and just having better graphics.

If the franchise is good it is GOOD and some times it is not require to change much....

4584d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it is Steam's console (using gamepad and not keyboard+mouse) then just a little % of the games sold at the store will have full support for a gamepad such the Xbx360 controller.

Try to play Left 4 Dead 1&2 with a 360 gamepad.You will see that the game play is horrible to do so on the PC version of these games.

Steam/Valve will have a real pain to contact every publisher to patch a full gamepad option for every game.
And launching just the n...

4584d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What an amazing surprise to me to see Sly1 coming for free.
I wanted to try this franchise after I was done with J&D collection!

This month is indeed awesome not just for psn+ subscribers but also for the fans of digital download games such myself.

ME3+Journey+Sly+God knows what = Psn/PSN+ Rules!

4584d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it costs US$300 it is not just cheap but it scares me because the hardware inside it can be fun for a while but I doubt it will last 6-10 years .

I just hope this WiiU will not hold the development of 3rd party multi plataform games like the Xbox360 just did on this gen against PS3 and PC.

No matter how much powerfull a PS3 or an average gaming PC can be against the Xbox360 because the 3rd party devs would not lose time making three different games using e...

4589d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Actually we had to play Dark Souls three times if we were going for the plat trophy and not just two like I said above.
But we did not have to kill every named on our 3rd play though so it was quick to do that.

the most pain I had was to find good spots to farm for souls to level my character up.

4593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To me Demon´s Souls were not just harder then Dark Souls but it also required more hours of farming and getting used to that dark;good faction(Tendency)

Demon´s Souls was a pain to get a platinum trophy and From Software had to put the world on the servers to be always good for a few days or always dark because millions of gamers were complainning that it was too hard to do the "manual" switch bettewn good<>evil Tendency.
On the other hand D...

4593d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

We gamers hardcore or not want good games and the nintendo Wii did not have THAT many but it was still a good value since it was quite cheaper then a PS3(for exemple).

I preffer my PS3 over my Wii but I don t regret buying this Nintendo console because it was cheap by the time I got it.
I was a bit disappointed but still it was worth.

The 3DS is cool and it will have more and more good games but for my style I have no doubbt that I will play more on...

4593d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

It is all about games to me and if the WiiU can keep me busy playing good multiplat and exclusive games since day 1 I will consider to buy it.

The 3DS is now GOOD but still needs even more great exclusives and multi plataform games , to me, to consider it a fantastic portable video game.

So far I liked my red 3DS but the only games I got interested on buying were MK7, SML3D and RE:revelations.
For a hardcore gamer that I am ,that want to play a new ga...

4594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment