
CRank: 5Score: 59100

You can buy it from the PSN store for $15 each or for $40 the three games.

4595d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I guess KZ4 announcement might come soon (AKA E3) since Sony is teasing us with free to play KZ3 MP !!


KZ3 rocked but I wish the story were better and with less "on rails" scenes and 32 players instead 24ppl like in KZ2.
KZ3 has a coop that works but damn, they should have improved that a bit more AND added online coop.

I have lots of hopes KZ4 will have the most amazing campaing bettewn KZ2-KZ4 and it will pop to al...

4595d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it possivel to see and buy PS3 content from a PSVITA ?
Because from the PSP I can only see things to download that are compatible with this system only.

It sucks really, I mean, you can check/buy stuff at the PSNStore from the PS3 and a PC(Media GO /PC only) and not from the PSP or Mac computer.

4596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Compare web browsers bettewn the PS3 and other consoles and portables to be more fair.
I think it will only lose to the wb on the PS Vita.

NOW people say that web browser in a console is important .Where is the update to add a wb for the Xbox360 if it is that as powerfull as the PS3 ?
I thought it was a simple thing to implement since Microsoft's devs are a bunch of tech wizards.

I lost counts of how many hundred of hours I have spent usi...

4599d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am using one basic android 2.1 smartphone and I will not trade it yet for another phone.
Instead I want a PSVita ASAP !

4599d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

An exclusive CoD for the Vita would be even better but I think that in terms of salles, Sony needs to ty to do get into an agreement with Activision and do this :

"Buy CoD Black Ops2 for the PSvita and win a copy of this game for the PS3 or vice-versa !"

If Sony can do that (wich I doubt), if they do that, OMFG, VITA/PS3 salles will go sky high.

The PSVIta has so much potential that this portable device scares the hell out of me...

4600d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG this is awesome !

I just hope it can save all my ~ 250 megas of save files I got from three playthoughs.

4601d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don´t need Kinect or PSeye to add voice comand in games.

Much before those two acessories we had games on both plataforms that had voice comand option through a normal mic.
I have not tested Binary Domain yet but what I saw about the game it had MANY voice comands it understand and are used to better control your squad.

If Bioware/EA resolved to add voice comands through Kinect to the Xbox360 and did not add it for the PS3/PC is because Micro...

4602d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I really want to see the demo of the game Binary Report from Sega that the demo will pop today at the PSN and not sure if it will come to the Live as well.

This game does accept voice comands to control your squad on this 3rd person shooter and seems to me preaty close on what ME3 kinect will offer.

The video demo of BInary Report from this month edition of Qore is really awesome.

Would not be funny to be able to do such thing just with soft...

4604d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Backwards compatibility is just fine with the 3DS/Vita.

I want to see you all real mad when you noticed that 90% of all virtual console games bought from the Wii will not work on the WiiU and I bet that MANY PSN/LIVE games will also not work on the PS4/Xbox3.

Will not be funny to have to rebuy games we already own.
For consoles I think the oposite might be the best solution to evade problems.
I mean, buy games on disks rather then in DD to mak...

4609d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It runs fine on PC as well. No frame rate problems ,lag, crashes to desk top or what so ever in 1080p but it has 1,000 bugged quests.
I am sick to have to use console ~ comands to fix quests...

4609d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Every time a dev says that they win a "cookie" from Microsoft.

Anyways the devs don't talk much about content beeing cut or like the duration of the videos in many game that has to be cut a bit so it can fit in a 6.8G Xbox360 disk .
I wonder why is that.

And that makes who to suffer ?
PC and PS3 gamers that have to get a lot less quality on their 3rd party games all because the ultimate power machine called Xbox360.

4610d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh boy, I just ordered a Sony official 7.1 headset and I hope the noise bug caused by this FW 4.10 update is fixed soon enough.

4610d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

To me that Super Mario Bros. Wii is hell more dificult to "platinum" then Demon's Souls and Dark Souls combined .

4610d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would say the same about Final Fantasy XIII Versus, just save it for the PS4 as a launch game with the new console.

This way the PS4 would rule the world wide sales by having a game that is ideal for the japonese launch and other that is just perfect for the west .

4610d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

The PS3 web browser used to rock (never crashed) for quite a long time but then it is atm (before fw4.10) freezing my console all the time .

I guess now I will be able to use this nice web browser once again !

BTW I don t know why people hate this WB so much since it is actually good to be used to answer e-mails , checj gaming; other news etc.
I got a PC not far away from my PS3 but I rather just use my console if I am going to check "simple &quo...

4611d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am tired of waiting for FF Versus 13 for the PS3.

If Sony is smart enough they will ask SE to delay it a bit more and launch this FF Versus for the PS4 as a launch game for the japonese market.

4613d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

PSP Go is a rare relic and if I had one of that I would keep it.
Nice piece of hardware.

4615d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can ' wait to play Tales this march on the 3DS and later on play another Tales game on PS3 !

Next bring Persona 4 and a Tales game to the Vita and more JRPGs ASAP !! K THX

4616d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

dobble post.

4617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment