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I think that the only "CONS" could be is a game that we were hopping that would receive an HD or even a remake treatment soon will not be delayed because the devs will want to make cash from selling their games as a PS2 classic from the PSN .

4738d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank God Square-Enix already announced the remake of Final Fantasy X because if they have heard of this PS2 on the PS3 they would probably launch FFX(PS2) and then a few years from now they would think about a remake.

By the way , uhh ,maybe Capcom rushed to release RE4 and RE Code Veronica X in "HD" on the PSN/Live for $20 ?
It will not be funny if they launch these two games as PS2 classics for $10 or less and they also works on the VITA.

4738d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Soon we will be able to not just play awesome RPG games on the PSVita but also some super cool RPG classics from the PS2 !
games like :
-Kingdom Hearts 1&2
-Dragon Quest IX
-Phantasy Star online
- etc etc

Those bastard gamers in Japan will be the first lucky ones to be able to buy the PS VITA and have 100 games ready to play on it. Including PS2/ PS1 classics !

The PlayStation franchise is really a S...

4738d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

These PS2 games will look marvelous on the small Oled screen of the PS Vita !
Damn, I need not just one but two 32G memory cards for my Vita asap !

4738d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

There should be a XMB and Web browse more compatible with the MOVE controller would be very appreciated .

It was a disappointing the first time I used my MOVE when I saw that I could not navigate well on the XMB and not even the Web browser could work well with Move+Nav controllers.
I was expecting to be able to use the W. browser just with the MOve the same way we can use it on the Nintendo Wii with just the wiimote.

I am sure that the MOVE would ...

4738d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, the next Gen of consoles and games is coming soon !

If you complained about 50G of the blu-ray disc space was not needed then you got to think about it again.
Until now only SONY PS3 exclusive games would go beyond 25G but now it is starting to become common size for high end games.

Just look at a few exemples of games 3rd party /multi platform that can surpass 20- 25G size on this gen already :
-Final Fantasy 13

4739d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I was not that fan of third person shooters but I loved the Uncharted franchise .

The UC 2 was released in the same year when Demon's Souls arrived and to me in that year the DS won as my exclusive Ps3 game of the Year.I m an RPG fanatic !

That is how a great game such Uncharted 2 enters on many lists to be considered the best game ever/ or GotY.
You don't have to be a fun of a X kind of game to be able to see how amazing it is or not is no...

4740d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What could happens is that you got to stay online with the account that bought the digital games and DLCs to be able to play then.
Other wise they will not work.

This could mean that sub accounts on your PS3 would be locked away from being able to play content from your main account.

If this happens it is bad but not THAT bad , at least to people with more then one PS3 on their houses. They just can t play a coop game at same time because you can t ...

4742d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is good to know that the devs and Microsoft came into an agreement to launch the game in 3 discs ad it was initially planned.
For months I red rumors that Rage would come in only 2 discs, one for the online and other for the 1P mode.

I guess every on won this time, including PS3 and PZC owners,

4747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both Skyrim and Dark Souls will rule !
I am going to play both.
I n my opinion Skyrim that will be a relaxing(compared to DS) game we will play it at day time while Dark Souls requires more focus, it cant be paused and the player must not be disturbed so it is recommended to play it during the night.

4747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game gonna be expensive ($60 game + $30 DLC pack + and now this) for fans that want it all and so it better be worth every penny .

4748d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WiiU might suck in many ways but Nintendo did a few things right such making compatible all the Wii controllers to work on the new system.

I expect that I will be able to download all PSN exclusives and PSone classics into my PS4 and also be able to use my Move,Sharpshooter, 7.1 surround official Sony headset at day 1.

This will also make many more gamers to consider buying a new console on day one if they can save some cash since they don't need to buy a...

4751d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can't save state at any time on the PS3 while playing the PSone classics but you CAN do it on the PSP.
Just turn off the PSP and when you turn it on again your progress so far will be there.Even UMD based games you can turn off or let the battery 's low power turn it off to you and BUM= automtic save state .

You are right , PSclassics were made to be played on the PSP !

4751d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The games will be saved directly into the memory card of the game and the same goes to future DLC that comes for this game, it will also be saved on the SAME memory card.

What you do need a memory card for is to save music, fotos and some videos and I think, also for the web browsing history.
For that a 8 or 16G should be enough to you.
But if you plan to buy those $40 games from the PSN then you better have not one but maybe TWO 32G memory cards.

4752d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PSP does not have an internal memory to work as an HDD (The PSPGo had 16G internal memo! ) but at least it used to came with a small memory stick pro duo .

The PS Vita can take pictures, play videos and musics ,Web browsing , etc but how in hell do you plan to do such things out of the box if it does not have some where to save all these data ?

In my opinion ,Sony can have some problems if they plan to sell Vita in USA if it does not include at least a 2G...

4753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The campaign is amazing fun and it is quite different from the previous two Resistance games.
But it is unfortunate that this game has some serious bugs regarding Move/Sharpshooter and online lag.

Atm it is not a good experience to play it with Move but on the other hand with the dualshock 3 it has a perfect gameplay.

It could have been a perfect 5/5 to me but since it has some unforgivable bugs (I m sorry for those that bought the Doomsday package ) ...

4753d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is an investment for the next years to me and so I do plan to get the Vita with a 32G memory card at day one.

The 32G card costs around 124 dollars in Japan but in USA it will be around $80 to $100.
What means that all will cost $350 .

I just hope that 32G will be enough for a while because the 16G card I got on my PSP is not enough anymore to me (
Anyways I bet that in a year or two max , Sony will announce a 48g, 64G and 128G cards.

4753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it true that Vita has no internal memory to save fotos,movies music or games ?
Well, we could buy a 32G memory stick thing and all be ok but still ...

The PSPGo on that matter ruled because it had an internal memory of 16G and you could use micro memory stick pro duos up to 48G if I am not mistaken.

Hopefully in USA the Vita will launch with a memory card of 2 or 4 G at least.

4754d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yah, Resistance 3 with the dualshock3 controllers rules ! it is a 9/10 game to me.
But playing it with Move/Nav or Sharpshooter just kills the expenrience to me.

I had no pronlem getting plat trophy in Socom 4 and KZ3 using only the Move/nav controllers.
But to play R3 at this time with a SS/Move = sucks a lot.
Not to mention that key on the SS that was made to switch shoots from automatic to semi auto also has not been added.

So far ...

4754d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

100 dollars for a 32G memory card is not that bad as it seams bc they asked for a lot of $$ for the memory sticks for the original PSP AND recently for that micro memory card for the PSPGO.

What you have to be angry about is the lack of a basic internal memory or a small memory card that DON'T come with the VITA.
Without one you can t save your progress games(digital) , add music , videos or fotos on your newly acquired VITA.
Not yo mention thar many will ...

4756d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment