
CRank: 5Score: 59100

If both Sony and Microsoft can trust AMD then I can trust then too.

The next time I need to change the GPU on my PC I will go with AMD !

4192d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game after 5 hours played I give it a 10 out 10.
Even that the Move support on it is totaly broken atm.

Hopefully they will patch it before I get the plat trophy like it happened to me before with Resistance 3.

4194d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

That is for the better I guess.

They do not want and neither do us that the Unreal Engine 4 is being hostage of the WiiU and then the games on it would have to be the
"same look" as we will see in PC, Ps4 and probably on the NextXbox too.

WiiU is a unique machine such the old Wii and it should have their own games.
Please, no more the weakest console holding up the development of games for the strongest console(S) like the one that...

4195d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I saw no review that said some thing abour Move controller or if this Bioshock still gives a free copy of the original game as it was promised ros the PS3 users when the game was first announced.

4196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the gddr5 is faster ram memory then ddr3 then why the nextbox don't have it also?

I'm guessing that ddr3 is cheaper and it means the nextbox could be almost as good as the PS4 with the advantage of costing 50 to 100(maybe) less?

4209d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

The PS4 and next Xbox have similar tech and they are better then what we see on PCs.

A PC to use the same ram , GDDR5 of the Ps4 would require a total new hardware where as well a new operational system.]

Every one is saying it is hard to compare a PS4 with a high end PC bc of that.

Yah ok, with super PC you could run games at max resolution for your monitor and graphics all on max.
But still the games you will be playing on your 16G...

4212d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I wil go with the PS4 for sure as my main plataform for next gen games.

But if the new Xbox is really not just for gaming but also a PC then I will consider getting one too.
Imagine to be able to buy a "cheap" video game like this that we could also use office, send e-mails, skype etc.

I doubt that in terms of games the nextbox will be as amazing as the PS4 .
But again, if I can use the Xbox720 as a Mac Mini with windows 8 or 9 worki...

4214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo needs to start giving more 1st party and 3rd party games to the wiiU before the PS4 and nextbox arrives.

Unless the guy buying a is a huge Nintendo fan he might go after another console even with a price drop on the wiiu.

I was super ultra super ultra disappointend with the Nintendo Wii.
It had a few amazing games such Metroid Prime 3 corruption, Mario Galaxy 1 2 and Mario kart.
But I ended playing a hell lot more on the PC and PS3. ...

4214d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

This game is amazing and fun. I already got the P4G platinum trophy.
It is 9,0 for me and Persona 3 Portable is still my favorite Persona game.

Bring Persona V for the PS4 asap ! K thx.

4222d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they keep the textures in a med to high quality and keep 1080p for every AAA game then np for me with the 30frames per sec.

God of war 3 was 30fps and looked outstanding even at 720p.
But Uncharted 2 and 3 not so good in 720p.

I wish Uncharted had a little less stuff happening on the screen so they could have kept a higher resolution or at least better textures.

The most important to me is higher res > 60fps.

4230d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it not a 3rd party exclusive ?
Then it would fight against Demon s Souls , Disgaea 3&4 and Valkyria Chronicles 1 in the RPG department.

4232d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to see this new gam

4239d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PSVita rules bc it does not only offer quite a few RPG games so far but it also totaly destroy the old Playstation Portable in terms of action games.
/cough Dual analog sticks+ touch scree/pad for the win )

Can t wait to play Soul Sacrifice. Phantasy Star online 2 and FFX among some action games.
Dam, where is that Siphon Filter rumor I heard a few years back from that rapper dude?
It has been a while since one of his videos poped in N4G site.

4242d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

All Microsoft needs is a very good console that 3rd party devs can use for the next 5 years or so.

Now Sony can ask what 3rd party devs will require in a console next gen to make their games AND do it a bit better so their 1st party devs can do their job.

Not every 3rd party devs have the $$$ to make AAA games with AAA graphics but quite a few companies owned by Sony can do it and have the cash and time to do that.
Not to mention Sony likes to promot...

4267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I m still waiting for more Sega Saturn games to appear on the PSn and other online stores.
Where is the hd version of the game Guardian Heroes for the Psn and Steam?
I did not know it would be a xbox360 exclusive forever.

4274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We will not see a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout game coming any time soon and neither a new Dragon age game.
So this year for RPGs = JRPG all around on every plataform(but PC ,eh) !

4279d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

All publishers of non digital media are loosing a lot cash to stores such GameStop that sells used games and don t pay a single penny back to the devs.

What Sony is trying to do is to help the devs that are loosing (or not winning) cash each day.
This is almost a legal piracy to resell games where many stores are getting rich with this metod.

Again, it is not Sony doing this by the sake of doing it so they win more money.... it is a DEMAND from the...

4280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is easy to guess what piece of hardware is bad and what is good when you don t own then.

In my case I got lucky to have both 3DS and Vita amd quite a few games for each.
I got to say that if there is one of then that was a disappointment to me was the 3ds.

The 3DS has some good games such Mario kart, NSMB2, SM3Dland and RE Revelations but that is it for me. I will have to wait for a new Metroid or Mario RPG such Mario&Luigui( non paper mario...

4290d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I bet the PSvita will work no problem as a second screen when we play PS4 games .

4295d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The 3DS is like that too with a limit # of times that we play the demos we download from the online store.
So nothing new from Nintendo on that matter.

4301d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment