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If the PS4 will be much more powerfull then its competitors and if the WiiU continues to recive all multi plataform games then this might be a problem to Sony.

On this gen with Ps3 and Xbox360 they had multi plat games looked like the same or the games were a bit better( in most cases) on the 360.
And this was not because the PS3 could not do better.

Now the Story might repeat it self but the console that will be holding up the progress now on 3rd par...

4210d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think the only real survival horror game of the year is Doom 3 BFG edition.
THAT game can be scareing as hell.

In terms of terror this newest Silent hill and RE6 are a joke.RE Revelations were 10x more horror and terror...

4271d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I loved the Shivering Isles from The elder scrolls IV: Oblivion.

4292d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Nintendo atm is lazy to make their lauch games in 1080p such as Super mario bros, that will be in 720p then what to say about 3rd party devs ?

We don t know the specs of that console but I am quite sure it could do ME3 in 1080p no problem.

Anyways I think this console will be awesome, expecially when a Mario Kart, Metroid, a 3D Mario or Zelda game comes to the WiiU.
Thats gonna happen probably only by fall of 2013.

4298d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

As far as I know the Vita was to be like this since the launch day.
It was supposed to have only one account per console.

But for some unknown reason we could log in on other PSn account and it would not format the memory card if you did not download anything off the psn store that is.

4309d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

did they not add mini games ?WTF
The New Super Mario had it on the Nintendo DS had it and they where fun.

4318d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only convern I got about Nintendo's newest console is regarding the batery life of the WiiU gamepad.

The lack of a better resolution screen or old tech for touch screen does not bother me as the battery life problem do.
That makes it last around 4hours max AND requires near 4 hours to recharge it AND can not be done by an usb cable connected to the console.

4333d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think the worst of the worst were the Virtual Boy and the Sega 32X for the Genesis/Mega Drive.

Microsoft they at least could "Fix" the problem with the 360 some how. And the millions of consoles sold so far means it was no failure.

OMG, I remember buying a 32X and I had to clean the dust of the cartdrige slot every time before attempting to play a game on that thing.
That Doom and Virtua Racing were awesome when the 32x could actually run ...

4357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In terms of numbers there are more 1st party exclusives on the PS3 then on the 360 this year, as usual.

But I think that even PS3 has more incoming before the end of 2012 I still think that Microsoft will do better all because Halo 4.

I Love Sony and PS brand and I don t own a 360 but I don t think any of those exclusives incoming will help sell more PS3 consoled then Halo 4 will do for the xbox360.

That LBP Kart , Ratchet&Clank Collect...

4376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game and Road Rash ( classsic game from 16 bit era on Genesis/ Mega Drive) needs to be brought to the " next gen".

EA totally forgot about Road Rash and now they even forgot about Burnout.
All they think is Need for Speed this NFS that.

4380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they remove the 4G card and reduce the price of the bundle around $20 then it is all ok.

I don't see a problem but they better explain that on the box that the card is not included and it is necessary to play games on the PSVIta.

4383d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, if the Peace Walker(PSP game) could at least work on the Vita it would be great enough to me.

I got like 75% of my PSP games bought from the PSN store and only around 10% of my digital library games I got works on my Vita.

the PSVita is an incredible machine but it still needs a lot support.
Hopefully that Psone support will make ALL of those classic games to work automatically on the Vita.

4387d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

what I did not like about this controler :

-batery life only last around 3.5 hours ,requires 2.5 hours to recharge with an ac adapfor.Too bad we can't recharge it with a usb port.

Hopefully we will be able to continue playing while recharging this wiiu game pad.

And people complained about the battery life on the 3ds...

For the wt I would not mind if it had the same of the new iPad.

4394d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did they tell us when Last of Us will launch ?

4394d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Err...what is. "Sound Shapes" ?
I can not play the video att.

4395d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If MS does not announce a new Xbox on this E3 then don't expect it to pop at TGS or in some other date in 2012.

On the other side, Sony could hold a "PS4" announcement until the TGS.

You know, the strongest market for the "Xbox" is USA and Microsoft is from there :)

4401d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is cool to have such events and they are trying to make some thing new and easier this time .

I liked this :
"- Special Circumstance: Due to the failure of Operation Silencer, more banshees will spawn with Reaper enemies and might also spawn with other enemies!"

The MP coop on ME3 is so simple but yet so addicting !
I will once again stop playing other games for a while so I can participate this event.

4406d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All Castlevania games on the DS were awesome !

I really liked that last one where I had to click on the touch screen to tell my character where to teleport to.Was a very good use for the touch screen.

I would love to see a new 2D or 3D Castlevania coming to the PSvita or the 3DS.

4408d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The problem of this DRM is not just about being online to be able to play it but it is about having to download and upload lots of info every minute.

I don´t think with that DRM from D3 will permit myself from playing this game in a laptop using 3G connection on the go.

Other then that this DRM brings at least quite a few benefits like were already talked on posts above mine.
It is for sure less annoying then that DRM from Ubisoft on Assassin...

4409d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Diablo 3 for me ,expecially because I could buy it digital and will be able to play it on day #1 and at 0:01 with millions of other players around the world and half of my PS3 friends will be playing D3 on their PC as well.

I belive that MP3 is an awesome game but D3 is is on another level of interest on finally playing it.

4416d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment