
CRank: 5Score: 59100

Will be cool to see if the new era of iPods will come with a real D-Pad and buttons to fight on this savage portable video game market.

Having acelerometer,touch screen and motion sensoring is not enough to make confortable to play REAL games on the current iPod.

I would gladly buy a last gen iPod when it is really able to fight mano-a-mano with Sony and Nintendo.Right now iPod for gaming is just not good enough.

5791d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really like Se but I used to Love Square at the 32 bit era and before that.

The last JRPGs seems soo dump, I used to love then but these days they are soo much focused to atract children and because of that I am loving Bethesda and other ocidental companies that makes RPGs over the super famous reputation of jRpgs.

A FFXIII coming preaty much on the same year that the new Elder Scrolls V will arrives... well for me I doubt this new FF will be the best RPG of t...

5791d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Valve don't like to make games for PS3 because for then it is way too much complicated to so for Sony's console.And Sony don't want either to pay for Valve's games expecially since they don't do a good job making games for the PS3.

On the other hand companies like EA and Actvision did their homework and know how to make stuff for the PS3 and they are winning more cash with Sony's Vg then they did with Xbox360 and all the super piracy support.

These days there are...

5793d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

The best FPS games of the 2009 will be :
-The Conduit
-kill Zone 2
-Bioshock 2

Actually for the first half of the next year I am waiting more anxiously for The Conduit then I am for the KZ2 game(and I got a Ps3 as well).
I belive that comparing single player mode The Conduit might be more interesting to me then KZ2 since such game that is too beautifull normally have a really small single player campaign.

Multiplayer ...

5793d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doom3 was scaring and extreemely tense even on normal mode of difficulty.But it is a bit last gen game.

5803d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PPL complains way too much about game installs, come on get a 60 dolars HDD with 320G space and STFU.a 320g HDD for the PS3 costs the same price of a game.
And ppl on the Xbox360 also stop complaining because HDDs are expencive for your vg because at least you got an option to no need any installation if you so desire to save some cash and don't mind waiting 10-20 more seconds for every loading in a huge game .

People should understand that to make a CD drive that reads ...

5803d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some Wii games kick to the moon MANY PS3 games.
I am more anxious about buying this Conduit game for my Wii then I am about getting Resistance 2 or KillZone2 for my PS3.

Graphics are not every thing and ppl that have either a PS3 or an Xbox360 AND a Wii knows that.

A Metroid Prime 3 for exemple I considered it among Bioshock and Oblivion the 3 most beautifull games I have seen on this gen.
Metroid ,for me at least, totally destroys MGS4 that I got o...

5803d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just two weeks ago that i was able to play for my first time a GU game.I played it in a friend's hose on his PC and I can tell you I was amazed of how fun this game was by using that guitar.

I am old age and so most of these musics on these games GU/Rock Band I dont like much but then when you hear these musics and use the guitar to play it becomes so cool and just the rytm that matters.

If some one never tried to play these kind music based game I really recomend be...

5807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to see the IGN's review of these versions of the game.They like to explain in details exactelly why a X game lost points or win more then others.
Most of their reviews I agree so will wait and see what happens.

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LBP can be fun but no way it will make every kind gamer happy.
Like MGS4, I bought it but on the contrary of 99pct of ppl that loved it I on the other hand considered it on the top worst games I have played on this gen.

Anyways I hope LBP makes a huge success so the PS3 will win as well and more tittles will come....

5811d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You will hear about Fallout3 when you see it on the lists on several sites to be considered for Game of the Year.

5811d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oblivion was an amazing game and it had a bit faster loading and looked a bit better(expecialy on far distances of the scenario) when compared to the xbox360.

For me if I can see more far away on the Ps3 when compared to the Xbox and if the game does not show to have many bugs but just not that polish graphics then it is ok for me to get the PS3 version.

You know, Bethesda is not good to patch their buged games on the consoles, but they do it asap for the PC ver...

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me the best of street fighter is the Alpha series.
The incoming SF4 looks amazing, I have seen a very long 1080p video of this game and it looks beautifull but I did not like the many ,many pauses every time a character makes a special move,it can kill the non stop action game.

Anyways I am buying SF4,just saying it might be a downgrade in terms of gameplay when compared to other SF games.Nothing really new was added.

About PSN , I will be waiting for ...

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool, so the PSP now supports the 16g memory stick :)

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is not about the money exactelly my complain but like you give an xbox360 to your kid and 10 mins later he is complainning that he needs your credit card info so he can play the damn online game I just gave to him.

No way kids can handle well these gen video games, got to not only buy the thing but also pay right way for an extreemly basic future that should be charged when we pay for the console.

5815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Live on the PC is FREE !!
Why is that same service got to be payed in the Video game ?
Is it not enough that even themes got to be payed to downloaded ...

Playing online for free(unless it is a MMo game) should be a must have
for every console or PCC´s game.They(devs) already put a bunch of add-on for every freaking game they release and if we want it we got to pay for this content. Why in hell the basic thing that is to play online is not free...

5815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For now ppl can still sign in into PSN without a warning that they require to make a fw update.

Got to love ninja updates...

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also loved the FW update on the PSP ,it is adding quite a few cool stuff and since they adding a new keyboard they might also make that browser to work propely.

Damn, I will not be able to sleep today...

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really do not know what ppl saw on MGS4 because for me it is one of the worst games I have played on this gen.

Its story is totally insane,stupid,super exagerated .....that it totally killed my pleasure on playing it.
HEHE,Snake is afraid of bleeding naked women but the game tries to be serious.

What ever,I hope Xbox fans have fun with it.There are taste for every thing.

But grapically the game is beautifull and that is it.
The rest...

5819d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What really makes a game scary is the sound effects and music and unfortunetelly on all videos I have seem about this game had like no sound.

Looking just the monsters that appears it seems repetitive to the extreeme and does not look scary at all, just too dark, even more dark then The Conduit game for the Wii.

Terror movies and games dont need to be dark but they do need an awesome voice acting and great sound effects .
And again, I'm still not sure what...

5820d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment