
CRank: 5Score: 59100

Wow, I did not know that the xbox360 as well as the PS3 uses a laptop size HDD. I thought it was a normal huge HDD.

5856d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I might be wrong but I belive there are MUCH more ppl willing to pay to play an awsome MMoRPG(EQ,WoW,etc) intead to pay or some times even play for free a FPS online game.

PPL ALWAYS wanted more multi-co-op VS damn death matches on every single game that has an option to play online.

I'm glad to see that the devs know this now,that a co-op game gets much higher chances to sell more.
Nintendo knew about this tatic since the Snes and now they are using two d...

5857d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just look at Zelda Ocarina of time and the last Zelda for the Wii.Both are long to finish games but Ocarina is much but much more brain use, it is more difficult and for me it also makes the game more fun.

I am gettign tired to have to buy 2-3 games a month because I finish then in days, they have near to no challenge and I am talkign about Ps3 expecialy because soem games on the Wii are a real challenge and takes long time to complete then.

I guess I will go bac...

5859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A price cut on the HDDs is more welcome to ppl that already got a console then it could be to help to attract new possible costumers.

When we buy a vg we did it because of the games.Get the GoW2 as an ex,it will sell consoles and the price cut or not on the HDDs will not affect the console's salles.

5860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No matter how cheap an xbox360 becomes or how uber fun games and a free Live it recive.It will continue to get owned by the PS3 and Wii.

I do not know about you but the main reason I never bought an Xbox360 os because the RRoD curse.I would love to play those super fun RPG library that vg has bit this king game takes a long time to finish(normaly) and so to risk breaking the console anf get unable to finish....

I'm quite sure that at least 70% of the ppl ,with ca...

5860d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fiscal year 2009 launch for me means that they plan to put it on the market around oct-dec but if any thing goes wrong it will come before the end of march of 2010.

5860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok ok that this generation is not the best from Nintendo to the fans and loyal hardcore games but still both DS/Wii have some real uber fun games that totaly destroys many PS3/PSP games.

I own both next gen console and portable vgs from Nintendo/Sony and I got to say that on the past 3 months so far I am having much more fun with my Wii and my Ps3 is gathering dust.

Maybe this happened to me since I did not like GTA4 and MGS4 for the Ps3 when a Zelda,MG and a Met...

5860d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would like to be able to use such tv with 2160p in a possible PS4 using a new midia disc (unless the normal blu ray can hold a 2160p resolution games).

For movies the new current format is already uber and can last easily more 8-10 years.Who really needs to get an upgrade asap are all the cinemas around the world.To watch a blu-ray movie using a cool LCDtv+7.1 is much,but MUCH more fun then to go to a cinema to see disturbing low res movies.

5860d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh boy,talking about MMoRPGs.....I would love to see a new Everquest game appearing on the PS3.Does not need to put uber graphics but make someting close to EQ2 and it will sell 6 millions easily.

No offense to the fans of WoW and etc but Everquest 1 is the best of the best MMoRpgs ever made.An EQ3 well optimized to work on the PS3 will ..omg..R&R !

5861d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Any VG reaches its limit some day but a good console can last a long time if games continue to come to the machine.

Just look at a PS2,it reached its limit like 4-5 years ago but it keeps selling consoles and games and it is on the market for what,10 years almost?

Ok,the PS3 can make better games then an xbox360 but not much better so if MS keep bringing good games to their console it will continue selling.The Wii is doing well so why xbox360 can't do it as well?...

5861d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe it has 5 years of life remainning to be used as a midia for games but not necessary the blu ray will be dead to watch movies on that time.

I expect no less for a new Ps4 that it will support this new inc high resolution of 2160p and will use the same or a clone midia disc from Sansung.

For now 1080p is more then amazing to watch movies,lol it looks much better then to go to a cinema, but for me it is starting to get obsolete for VGs since PC games support 2...

5861d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

All I know about this game is worth enough for me to buy it on day1.
I remember a dev saying:

"The conduit will be to the Wii what Golden Eye was for the N64"

5862d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok that the Wii does not have a "good quantity" of great games but when I look to my PS3 I see just (rating 7-8.5 tops)OK games (Besides Oblivion and the inc Fallout3 and Bioshock) and that includes MGS4 and GTA4.

I preffer to play a Metroid Prime3 ,Mario Galaxy or a Zelda Wii over a MGS4 or GTA4.
Ps3 indead have uber graphic games but the only one I really loved on this gen for the system is the Elder Scrolls 4:Oblivion but that is a multi plat game.


5862d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I did not like much GTA4 and MGS4 and so this Fallout3 is among Valkyria Chronicles and R2 to really save my PS3 year.

Last year my favorite game that I played and still play is Oblivion so I put faith on Bethesda that Fallout will rock&Roll.

5863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The last awesome game released about vampires was "Vampire the masquerade redemption".

And these multi-plataform games,expecialy,should be a little more optimized to the consoles.I do not agree that a Xgame requires 4G to be installed in a PC and that is the same exactly size used in a console HDD.

More optinized games from 3rd party please!They should not be allowed to continue to use as much space on our HDDs just because Sony put no limit for that ma...

5864d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again I insist ,this battery problem is a super huge mistake that Sony is making,No matter how cool is the PSP when compared to a nintendo DS when the battery poofs out soo damn fast.
IT would been better if the price of the new PSP were around 30 dolars more expensive and a tinny less SLim but then had the 2100 battery powa,

5864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment the new PSP 3000 would be better indead.
I own a PSP-2000 and I got to say I was really disappointed on this portable because of the battery duration that was going bettewn 3-4 hours max but then they launched that extended battery pack that saved me.

I belive ppl that will buy a PSP-3000 will be upset right away when they noticed their new cool PSP turns off 30 minutes faster then the older PSP models.

Sony is charging $44.90 for that extended battery ...

5864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey,Usain Bolt also deserves really bad a copy of CoD5 !!
He only got 3 gold medals but the things he did were the most impressed moments of Beijing olympic games.I will never forget what that "superman" did.

5867d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I own a PS3 and I actualy did not like THAT much GTA4 and neither MGS4.For me they are both just average games,too much hype about then from almost all magazines.I expected better,I got disapointed.
Both are indead interesting and I insist that they are no way near as cool as true possible candidates for "game of the year" games that will be launching this fall.

5867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yah,it is ok that we don't really need a high end graphics game to have fun and the Wii proved that with games such Metroid Prime Corruption and Mario Galaxy.

The problem now is indead bad because for Nintendo to make a new Metroid,Mario or a Zelda they seems to need 2-3 years at last and this I don't undearstand.
How such games can take same amount of time to be complete when they look super last gen and other games for a PS3 like Heavy Rain,GoW3,FF13 etc takes the SAME...

5868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment