
CRank: 5Score: 59100

Too bad this game will probably not get an online mode for the PS3 (

I still got this game on my Sega Saturn that btw was not as good looking as the PSone version but it had less loadings and the control pad of the japonease Saturn was unbeatable for that kind of fighting games.

5883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...because they want all the cash they can by selling games am providing servers for multiplayer matches but for that you need a huge control.

This control put a lot limitations to MS servers and all know...and now people wants to creat their own mods and etc like on this game LBP but this can't be possible on the Xbox360.

This digital ONLY world that Microsoft was and is always thinking about that would be better then any new midia liek blu-ray requires to...

5883d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow,finaly the download could end.I was trying all day and night but now it could finaly reach the 100% but took arond 10 mins to pull it.

I guess the patch server is err over crowed.

5889d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF I can't dl this cursed patch,it keep getting error messages.

Anyone have any idea why this is happening?So far asvI can see no one had complains but me on this site, so I guess I am doing some thing real wrong,uh ?

5889d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment the 13 megas patch of the game Uncharted that I bought today.

Do you know What I could be doing wrong? Because my internet conection is fine...I tried to play the game without patching....but it does not install anything on the HDD besides saved game this 1.10 gona be installed then?
Maybe is it the problem on their server ?

Thanks help in advance.

5889d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Nintendo Wii's games are so simple in graphics ,sond and etc whe mcompared to games on the Ps3 or even on the xbox360 but they still require 3-5 year to make a good game ?!??? wow

Come on Nintendo you should be able to launch a new Mario, Zelda and Metroid game once a year !!!

5890d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

...and I am one of many that just bought/ordered this game and will start playign it tomorrow.

I hope that Naughty Dog makes hell a lot cash with the ,err can I say re release of Uncharted and because of that other 3rd party will be jealous and will work to get their old games already released to the ps3to get patched as well.

Naughty Dog RULES !

5890d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just waiting for the patch to come before ordering my copy of uncharted ! Damn, I should have bought this game on the launch date :(

Buying it now....

5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is the main reason of why I don't play this game online anymore.DAM cheaters and shame on you Nintendo for leting such things to happen! The DreamCast had better online servicr then YOU BigN. LOL

5892d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I dont understand since all PS3s avaiable on the market are the same machine how a bug in a FW update affects 5%(just guessing) ?

I love my PS3, I like the 360 and Wii but I got to adimit that the last "real VG" are those made by Nintendo,all plug and play and dont realy need updates to the system to play(talking about the Wii to play offline).

5892d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 is now stepping on the next level and realy entering the next generation games when the Wii is just there doing the same old super simple games but they have their market to sell stuff and then comes Xbox360 lost in space and time,in the middle of the Worlds of Nintendo and Sony.

MS does not know if they will be able to fight fire with fire with PS3's Uber games in quality or if they will just do their one or max two DVD9 games and just try to compete against the Wii OR may...

5893d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another problem of having a game in multiple DVDs and also requiring installing all the discs on the HDD is that it raises a lot the chances of bugs or a scratch in one the discs to appear.

I remember havis this problem on computer games but then they started to use DVD and the problems brought by using many cds was over.
Now the same story restarted with but with dvd that is getting too old.
I bet in no time ppl will be able to buy ,for their PCs at least, the sa...

5894d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope that after this trophy anouncemeny this game starts to sell a LOT.If that happens other game producers will think again about sdding this sytem for games that already been launched for the PS3.

Wow Imagine games like Virtua Fighter 5 or NFS carbon with a trophy system...would sell a few thousands all over again :)

5894d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

He did say that Doom4 looks better then Rage when he said that since D4 is too heavy it only runs at 30 fps when Rage can do 60fps since it is "lighter" then D4.

5894d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They need to put this article back to the front page of the N4G site were it belongs !

This discussion totaly OWNED all the talk about FF13 is no longer exclusive for the Ps3.

BTW when the price of blu-ray disc dropped that much(including production work) that it is now less expensive then 3 DVD9s ??

5894d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I belive the Fallout 3 will look better on the PS3 Vs DLC on xbox360.
If the game does not look ok on the PS3 ppl will just not buy the game for the console and probably will not buy anxbox360 cause that.
That kind game attracts different type of gamers,the ones that READ reviews before buying it.And if the review is not good the game will sell a lot less.
If it was a new Mario game it would sell very well anyways if the reviews were good or not.

5894d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hope they work first in a new Elder Scroll's before they launch a Fallout 4.

The Oblivion GotY edition for the PS3 had the expansion Shivering isles on the CD but ppl that already bought the original game complained and then they put o the PSN the Shivering Isles expansion for DL.

I'm sure Fallout 3 will look better and have much less loadings on the PS3 when compared to the game on the xbox360,just like Oblivion game did.

5894d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Acording to what the ID guy said it is not worth to make games for the xbox360 if the require to use 3 or more dvds.It will make the same game more expensive then the PS3 version.

Don't tell me tha instaling games on the xbox360 HDD will resolve the problem.

The best way I see to make Xbox360 to indead handle that kind heavy games is to buy it via download instead 3+ expensive dvds.

If MGS4 ever come to M$ console it will be by doenloading the full...

5894d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I realy loved Doom 3 and its expansion packs....SOUL CUBE=#1 ultimate weapon in FPS history !!

D4 is on my top 5 most desired games to buy in 2009 !

5894d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So from here on the xbox360 fans will have a chance to choose if they want the next high end games to come in 3-6 dvds and look same(not 1080p and more loadings!) as the PS3 version but it will cost more.


The game comes in 2 DVDs instead 4 or more and this way it will cost same price of tha same game in blu-ray format to the PS3 but withiout looking near as good :(

I guess now xbox360 fans will adimit that their console still rocks but the true nex...

5894d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment