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Let me see if I understand this.

In multi plat game 3DVD(s) is more expensive then puting the same game in ONE blu-ray disc ??

LOL,imagine FF13 game that will fill a blu ray disc and so it will require at least 4 dvds j
on the xbox360 znd that means the "same" game will cost LESS to buy for the PS3 ???

This blu-ray thing is finally paying off...every uber game coming from here on with 3+ cds = more expensive on the oldest console ...

5800d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo's vgs used to be cool and had many fun games but the Wii made almost all franchise to look very bad now.

I bought a Nintendo wii because I USED to like then(NOT ANYMORE) and because a year ago I could not find enough bames to feed my hunger on the PS3.

Now PS3 is rocking with many good games,I got more then 20 by now, when I only got 4 games for the Wii.

The question on this articke should be : "Who still buys Wii games ?"

5802d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

DS indead rocks with games to hardcore and non hardcoreplayers.I still love my PSP more but I am having fun playing again FF4,well the remake on the DS.

About Nintendo Wii it is the worst vg I ever bought(Since Master System & NES).
Imagine that FF4 on the DS have more voice acting then all the 1st party Wii games conbined.It is another shame for the Wii.

I hope that Nintendo go back to the old days when they made great gaming consoles for every one to...

5802d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If they can make DC emulator on the PSP then I would like to see a Sega Saturn as well then.

BTW my PSP is still original and I would like to keep that way but so many attractive things we can do with an unlocked PSP.

Sega should remake many of their CD games and launch then for the PSP.I would buy these remakes or just ported games from Sega.

5802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony keep moving at this speed Microsoft will be forced to realease their new VG in 2010 instead 2011 or 2012.

It will not surprise me if I see FF13 coming in 2010 in the EAST for PS3 and XBOX 720(Dead 360 model).

5803d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If we have to wait that every RPG game for the next gen consoles have to be using high end graphics and using full size oa 9 giga or even 50 giga blu-ray disc we will see one game like that every 3 years.

I am happy that Sony brought to PS3 the games Disgaea 3 and Valkyria Chronicles that seems to be real good games and still beautiful graphics(cartoon).I hope they keep bringing such good rpgs that can be not as beautifull as a fallout3 or FF13 but they can be as good as .

5803d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Talking about mediocre games Nintendo destroys all the competidors.

Both Nintendo and M$ only thinks about wining fast cash and if their hardware,services or games are not that good it does not matter because thair fans will pay for it anyways.

5805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Library of games for a console is very important but for those that did not buy yet an Xbox or a PS3 will think about how good the hardware is really.

MS could sell MUCH, but MUCH more consoles if they had just half of their library of games today and no RRoD.
If M$ really wants to kick PS3 to the corner they need to launch a SLIM model of the 360 and garantee and prove to the world that it is rrod FREE. Doing that and a price cut the console will start sellign very well...

5805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both Microsoft and Nintendo with their last video game console they proved to me that all they want is to win tons of cash and dont care to try to make an uber console that can last 10 years or if their games are indead innovative not just in terms of controls but also graphics and sound.

Sony is always trying to make GOOD stuff and only worries with tons of cash in a long term investiment.

I bet both MS and Nintendo got real mad with Sony s PS3 bringing high end...

5805d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Every onw knows that the library of games for the xbox360 is awesome and for that would be good to have this VG.

The point is, if soem one has a PS3 they would not buy an xbox360 just for one or two cool games( I would not) because of the bad ,bad console. I mean bad in terms of faillure problems etc.

I belive that problably 1 in 10 PS3 users would buy a Xbox360 in the next years and probably 5 in 10 with Xbox360 will buy a PS3 on then ext years.


5805d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Every one talks about FF7 remake, but there are more then 100 fun games of PSone that they could make a remake for the PS3.

5805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The remake of FFIV was amazing fun on the DS and so I would like to see a remake as well for CT game instead just a port.

5805d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still did not buy this game ! damnn....but I will get it soon, when they launch the trophy patch in this agust.

5805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me Sega had the best RPGs vgs on all its generations.And they could evem beat Snes and PSone when both had support from Square.

I loved all old days FFs,Crono trigger,Parasite Eve,FF7,etc but for me if I could only have one console choice for rpgs I would stick with SEGA.

5805d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am tired to see Sonic games and the only thing similar to old school RPGs from Sega is Phantasy Star Online.

Come on SEGA! Aftar this uber game Valkyria Chronicles please do make more rpgs like the ones you used to make and had on your video games:

-Phantasy Star I,II,III, IV
-Shining Force
-Shining the Holy Ark
-Shining in the darkness
-Land Stalker
-Sword of Vermilion
-Beyond Oasis
-Dragon Force
-Albert ...

5805d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

In december when I will go buy a few Ps3 games for the cristmas I am sure to give preference to buy games with trophy support.
Only game that having or not because I will buy anyways is Fallout 3,IF the Ps3 version is as good or better then the one to xbox360 other wise I will just get the Pc version.

5806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No problem if M$'s console is getting a dlc for Fallout as long the game gets quite lower loading times and better graphics for the PS3.Bethesda did that np with Elder Scroll's 4:Oblivion game.

I will wait for the reviews and if they tell me that this game is "better" on the 360 I will get angry and will not buy it for my PS3 and much less would get a 360 console(33% failure hate machine keeps me away from buying it).But maybe the PC version is worth getting where Bet...

5806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is not about if they like or not the xbox360 but it is about giving mony to a japonese company instead some other else were in the world.In the end Ps3 is not much more you see they really preffer give prefference to japonese products(they always been know for its quality).So why change now,uh??

5807d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

...FF13 in US will come but does matter to SE.I mean if they want to wait until 2010 to launch this game it might not sell as well as if it is realeased in 2009,the competition on making uber graphics RPGs is strong.

I belive SE will gain more cash if the game goes time exclusivity.The Xbox360 salles o this game might be affected but not much.

By 2010 will be so much more PS3s worldWide when compared to 360,because of 10x more uber games coming next year, that wi...

5807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I bought my PSP slim when the new model just pop the remote control was working kinda well and very little lag/slow motion.
But these days after so many fw updates it made the remote control to become almost an waste of time....I barely can turn on my PS3 from far away and in the end it only works to listen to nusic and see photos or videos but with still amazing lag of a 386cpu on dial up of 24.000

5807d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment