
CRank: 5Score: 59100

Any game could have won this but not MGS4. Man, I have this game and it is one of the most boring games or movie I have ever seen.The MGO is fun but the single player campaign .. I cant stand all the stupid story and the screaming bosses that makes Snake run away when they remove their clothes.

I guessed that the winner this year got goty would be bettewn GAT4 or Fallout3(I also have these two) since they got the BEST overall reviews all around and not a good game Fable 2 that...

5669d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think we will have a better clue about a PS4 when we see how uber will be the new PSP2 that will probablly come in 2 or 3 years max from now.

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When the Opera browser upgrade will come ?

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wow !
How is that Bioshock(PS3) is not even on the list ?! That cover art simply destroys any other on that list.

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope Sony launches an RPG(s) on the same style of a Oblivion/Fallout3/Mass Effect because as a super fun of Everquest(MMoRPG) I really loved the idea to make a ,err, single player MASSIVE game.

5672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have all these 5 rpgs and I can tell you that the one I liked less was FF Crisis core.
Because of that and the poor(I red the reviews) Last Renmant rpg that was recentelly launched on the xbox360 I have lost faith that Final Fantasy 13 will be that great..... Elder Scroll`s V ,Mass Effect 2 ... > ffXII.

5672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember not long ago I red that 3 dvds would cost exactelly the same price of 1 bluray disc.
So I wonder how funny it would be IF the Final Fantasy XIII uses 4 dvds on the xbox360 and because of that it would be more expensive then the 1 blu-ray disc version of the game for the PS3.

5672d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me it does not matter wich console sells more because I remember the 32bit era when I had a Playstation 1+Nintendo 64 and a Saturn and the vg that was selling less was the one fro mSega but I liked it more over the other two.

if Sony could sell more consoels they woudl gain more cash faster and would attract more investitors to make game on the PS3 .. anyways the speed that Sony is goind I am satisfied so far. Real cool games almost every month.

5674d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment in-game music for the PS3 that NO ONE EVER mentioned again in like a year.

I guess our PS3 is not capable of doing such thing but the Xbox360 that came 2 years before can do it ??

5674d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

GoTY will be bettewn GTA4 and Fallout 3 both uber crasy fun games

Resistance 2, GoW2 and MGS4 for me they are all just good game but nothing THAT special to be near as great asa Fallout3/GTA4.

5675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did not think for long but on my top 15 List would have these games :

-Zelda Ocarina of time(N64)
-Land Stalker (Genesis)
-Phantasy Star(Master System)
-Final Fantasy II
-Final Fantazy VII
-Elder Scroll 4: Oblivion
-Everquest (PC/Sony)
-Chrono Trigger (Snes)
-Shinning in the Darkness(Genesis)
-Lunar: The Silver Star Story (Sega SD/ Playstation 1)
-Diablo (PC)
-Fallout 3 (PC)
-Legacy of Kain:Bl...

5675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, will I be able to download a total of 13 Qore episodes then since this month 's Qore is free ?

I do not think it is fair that they start launching free Qore episodes and it counts as if it was bought for ppl with the subscription.

5675d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have both PSP-2000 and a nintendo DS light and I love both but I use much more my PSP because the percentege of good games for the system is 10 times higher then it is for the DS.

Offcourse I would liek to see more andm ore PSP games but so far so good and I can't complain that much because I dont buy games for either of my portables every month since I also got to buy stuff for my other two console video games.

Maybe some one that ONLY have ONE video game and ...

5676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every one these days ,expecially people that had the cash to buy a PS3 also should have a at least 2 megas of download brandwish cable or dsl internet connection so I don't see the problem to download a 150 megas(or so) update once a month.

Hell, as a PS3 user I can find other stuff to worry about on my video game that are 1 million tiems more important then to care about a 100-150 megas download Firmware update once every 45 days.

5676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope that the RE5 demo is good because after playing the demo version of Dead Space game I totally lost interest on buying that game and I hope the same does not happens to me with the new Resident Evil game.

5676d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

.. it is a shame for me to see a game like Dead Space from EA that is sooo small and then on the day that the game pops on the stores it also recives lots of stupid add-on for $2 or more when most of these things should have came with inside the game cd itself.

I love to see developers working to raise the life circle of the games they launch but I think they are startingto abuse on our good faith and we should not stay quiet accepting that.

5677d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Once some one buys a Nintendo Wii and a few games it means this costumer will have LESS cash to invest in a new console or more games for it.

Nintendo IS a COMPETITOR and a THREAT for both Sony and Microsoft and it is a fact. Does not matter if Nintendo is sellign "last gen" kind games because they cost almost same of a game on other console anyways.

Another problem here is download content because these days games launched are some what incomplete, jus...

5677d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

In my opinion as an owner of a PS3 and also a MGS4 game i can tell that it was the biggest disappointed game on my PS3 this year.The game was made to attract crasy minded japonese teens and I really did not like the style of this game.
It is way too crazy and have one of the most stupid stories I have ever saw in a game among the stupid movies that are more fiction then fiction itself.

Ok, but the game at least was funny(no way near as tatical or violent as I was hopping...

5688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Offcourse that would happen since the new PSP 3000 did not bring any thing worth buying that the older model did not have already .If it had at least a less bugged lcd screen and a more powerfull basttery coming with it the story could be different.

What ppl loved about this DSi is about buying games online(GBA) and the new DS also brought a little bigger screen among also more bright
(like the PSp 3000)and two cameras.

I have both normal DS light and a PS...

5693d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still don't have my copy of Fallout3 but I can say about the bad work that Bethesda did on the CD of Oblivion GoTY edition.
it is impossible to finish this game.

Oblivion GotY edition have many bugs like :

-When doing an occasional quick saving the game freezes and got to hard reset my PS3.
-Some quests are way too bugged that can't be completed like the "Cure for Vampirism"
-Some times a SAVE file stops to work, it gets tottally ...

5698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment