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It will be bad if they tease us with the Star ocean 1&2 for the PSP and then dont make the SO4 to also coem to PS3 instead just the Xbox360.

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... I have that game on my PC and besides the fact my monitor is 19'' and my tv is 26'' the resolution seems the same, the game is identical to the PC in terms of graphics and sound.

My PC is n anthlon x2 4200 , Gforce7950gx2,4g ram ddr400.
I loved Bioshock so much that I might also get it for my PS3 as well because I have to configure and reconfigure the controls of Bioshock on PC....on PS3 is all too easy to play.

5830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...make a remake of Zelda from the GC !!

I would liek to buy that GC game but I cant find it anywere, all GC titles poofed in the air.
Come on and do make a Zelda remake !!! You can do it !

5830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a PS3 but I preffer my brother's xbox360 but the only reason I still did not buy a Microsoft's console is because the RRoD problem, I will wait for a Slim model.

Ps3 is a relaible hardware and stuff but for me it still lacks on game, even counting the ones that will be coming this fall.

I really did not like MGS4, it is one of the dumpest games I have ever played but to make sure of it I finish it 3 times and ...I keep laughing so loud every time I watch thos...

5832d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is really cool that this new model of the DS comes with Opera web browser .The browser on the Wii works really nice so this one on the DSi will rock on and ....gahh,,, I hope SOny can make the PSP's browser a little usefull....

Uhh built in flash memory and can download games ??I wonder if one or other Virtual Console game will be able to be downloaded from the Wii and make it work on the DSi.If that happpens + the browser I will then buy the new DS,other wise I don't since I...

5832d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I call a REAL worth buying DLC is the Shivering Isles adding extra 30 more hours of fun for the game Oblivion.
I remember reading that Fallout3 would get a cool DLC at the level quality of Shivering Isles.

To bad that not every group of devs works as hard to make such uber DLC for their games as Bethesda but instead they preffer to launch one tinny map expansion earliee then one month after their game was launched and charge the absurd 10-20 bucks for such thing th...

5832d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wooot nice !

I will give my old DS to my niece and buy for myself the new model !

I have both PSP and DS and I got to say I preffer the Nintendo DS much more and this new incoming model will not disappoint.

5832d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

BTW I enjoyed more playing Oblivion game on my PS3 over the PC version because I felt mre confortable using a control pad instead keyboard and a mouse.

The PS3's Fallout3 version will probbly have less loading times and better resolution when compared to the game on the Xbox360.But at least the Xbox360 console will get the expansions months before the poor PS3.

What I said above is what happened to Oblivion game on the consoles. if I had both xbox360 and a PS3 I woul...

5832d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I a buying the PS3 version but I might regret loosing the DLC.

Anyways we can always wait for a Fallout3 GoTY edition for the PS3 that will bring all the expansions.
I willnot buy a possible Fallout3 GoTY from Bethesda because I bought Oblivion and it had a few bugs but it was ok but then I bought later on the ultra super never fixed bugs Oblivion GoTY edition.

What is funny is that Bethesda made a huge patch to fix Oblivion GOTY FOR the PC version but never p...

5832d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am preaty sure it will be more fun then the fighting Final Fantasy game that is coming to the PSP. Both are fighting games and this Castlevania is also looking more beautifull.

5836d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is preaty cool these limitated edition for DS because at least it will always look that cool and not like a PSP that if you want to change the almost useless battery that comes with the systee for a more powerfull model you cant use anymore the original cover with the limitated edition cartoon on it and some times you can not find the cover of the same color of your PSP.
The God of War limitated edition PSP looks amazing indead but if you want to get an extended battery life pack yo...

5836d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a Ps3, it is a really powerfull machine and it did not give me much headaches but it has way too many GOOD games that we finish then in 3 days max while the few really uber(for me at least) are all multi plataform.

So if Microsoft really launchs any time soon a slim model of Xbox360 I will belive it is RRod free and also cheapper then the current model and considering the huge real good library of rpgs it has I would buy an xbox360 slim.

I always like Sony...

5836d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sackboy in LBP is for ocasional players while Mario's games can be real hard such in the game New Super Mario Bros on the DS.
Sackboy looks charming and the LBP is really a beautifull game but I don't think it will allow players to make a plat game that could indead challenge a Mario or even a Sonic game.

I just hope that LBP is not all about making real cool scenarios but then when you go play what we made it seems extremely challengeless.

5837d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still did not get it .How this game can attract so many harcore gamers when it is obivious an occasional game.

I think it can be really boring making fun looking lvs but the challange to play on this lvs will be very low without some king of bosses,time limit or collecting items.

I got a Ps3 but I think this game no way will be on the same hard lv that is to play a real plataform game like New Super Mario on the Ds for exemple.

5837d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I really like my Wii and besides not having new cool games coming this fall I still like it more then I like my PS3.
The 4 best games I have played on this generation 2 games are exclusive from Nintendo Wii.

-Mario Galaxy
-Metroid Prime 3

If next year the Wii brings me another 2 or 3 more uber games I will continue to be more then satisfied with it.

5837d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can some one explain to me what is this game all about ?

I mean, you ca make soem stages what seems cool but there are no bosses to fight or like collect coins and other items on each level like a Mario or Sonic game.
Really ,I am still very confused if this is really a good game to me or not.

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 looks cool but I don't know why I did not like this is ok yes. cool graphics but some thing is way too strange that I can't explain ....well I guess I will stay away from a MGS5 then.

Syphon Filter seems more my style of tatical espionage and it is more serious and violent and dont havae way super crazy story like MGS4.

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PPl that want to buy a PS3 or Xbox360 they do check the console's power and games at the internet and magazines so Sony should not worry much with TV but raise the propaganda about R2 on sites such IGN and N4G.

On the other hand ppl interested on buying a Nintendo Wii they seems to pay much more attention to the propaganda on TV instead the internet.
Just check the game Metroid Prime 3,it did not appear on tv cometials but did appear rasoable well in the internet.

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you want the best version of a wireless nunchuck you got to buy the model made by NYKO.
The last time I checked Nintendo was trying to stop Nyko from making that wireless device.So if you really want one I guess better buy that one asap.

I dont mind a wired nunchuk since the only Nintendo Wii game that could be played better if the control were wireless is the game Metroid prime 3 and the rest it is works fine enought.

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo is Nintendo and they have always been loyal to their beliefs and that is why I love then ,expecially since Sega stopped to make hardwares.

Maybe a new DS using UMD but if they continue to use a cartdrige with more size it is good enough for me.
Many, I mean MANYYYY DS/Wii can look a bit simple in graphics and sound but they totally destroyes hundreds of PS3(I got one) and Xbox360 games.

Nintendo is about having fun, is about cool puzzles (on games...

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment