
CRank: 5Score: 59100

Since I dont have an xbox360 I will wait for Fale 2 when it finally gets launched to PC.

About Fallout3 I will buy the collector´s edition without needing to think much about it.

I don´t buy a collector´s edition game since Everquest 2 but this Fallout 3 will be worth and I am expecting it to be the best game I will play this year,beating games such MGS4, LBP and GTA4.

5747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This generation PS is not good enough for me because these generation games are so cool looking but they forgot to make the with better replay at least for a 4 hours duration before ending the game.

I did not likr GTA4, it is a joke and MGS4 was ok and also with Uncharted(uber fun game) are both way too small.In a couple of hours you finish it.And since I am old school VG player I dont like much playing online(unless is to play Eq/WoW) so it doesn ot matter the stupid non stop ...

5748d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe in USA is easier to buy an Xbox360 since f it gives you any problem you can easily send it to MS and wait a week max and get a new machine.
But elsewere in the world it is not so simple to change a bugged Xbox360 for a new one and that is why at least for me I will never buy this VG even if it was selling for 90 dolars.I just dont seems worth to get excited,buy lotso f cool xbox games such their RPGs and cool FPSs and then the console breaks and you need ot wait 2 months for a r...

5748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just did not agree what he said about PS3's Fw updates.
Come on, the PS3 is a great machine but still there are hell more stresing things to say instead a FW update that is done in 20 mins tops and once every month.

People that only played games in VGs and those that did not play a single thing at all and then they go get a PS3 might get a bit confused at the beginning.
This happens because with all games that requires installations and the games that will requi...

5748d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok that FF7 was a super cool RPG but that was the only game that Cloud was the protagonist.

I think Cloud would appear in a top 10 list as 10th.

Come on,characters like Sonic,Zelda,Link,Samus Aren,Cid(many FFs),Donkey Kong and quite a vew others that are on the market for more then 25 years should come before Cloud,those names should be more hell much more popular.

5749d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Remove Sonic3 and Resident Evil 4 from the list because they are indead overrated.The rest in there preaty much deserves it.

5751d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I will not come into much details but I got to say I did not like MGS4 either , it is for me a 6.5/10 game with a crazy and a never seen boring exagerated to hell story.

At least to save this year for my PS3 a lot of cool games are coming this fall.

5751d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

A new portable vg device from Nintendo must have a good browser !!
jesus Crist, would be so uber if we could check our e-mails and type stuff at N4G site using such new browser.
Right now both DS and PSP browsers sucks sooooo much, omfg I hate this useless browser from my PSP.When I bought it was working ok,slowly but ok but after some FW updates....ohh well.

Nintendo rules, I am sure they will make some thing very good .Actually I have been having more fun playing m...

5753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

On the past 10 years until today I would dare to say that americans + Europe are really making more interesting games to the world wide public then the japoneses.

5753d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey Sony,do yourself a favor and be Smart asap by starting to sell " virtual PSNcards" in the internet so this way you will sell so much more games and make ppl so happy. That it will boost your salles on every month as if new MGS4 games kept being released monthly.

5758d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another problem I see is that ppl will be carefull on what US Ps3 games they buy because depending the game will not be worth since all the DL content will not be possible to be bought.
Really,I myself try to keep away or buy in a different plataform games that I know that will have in the near future many dowload content.
That is why I never bought the so called great game Warhawk.
If I knew this was gonna happen I would have bought an Xbox360 even knowing abou the RRoD ...

5758d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I do not know what is the problem in allowing any one with whatever international credit card to buy games from any PSN.

Here is my case,I live in Brazil and my GOLD international Visa card does not work on the PSN and so I can't spend around $50 a month on it.
What the funny thing is that spent more then $300 buying Virtual Console's games because Nintendo US allow any int credit card to be acceptable on their store.
You know that 90% of all the PS3 being used i...

5758d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gahhh,come on Sega and do some remakes of the olds PS games and PLEASE make a Phantasy Star 5.Thanks.

5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii can make beautifull games,just look at Metroid Prime 3 and it looks more marvelous and fun then the best graphics game on the PS3,Uncharted Drake's fortune.
For the record I own both games.

5760d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MMo is the future and ond that matter the eastern is light years ahead from the japoneses.
Making a few MMo s or a MMoRPGs would update their vision to what the market really wants.
Four control pads conected in a Multiplayer offline VG is obsolete.

5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is because the east are making in general better games then the japoneses.
Just look to games like CoD4,Bioshock,Mass Effect,Oblivion,GTA4 and etc.These games even in graphics are better then most western games.
I Love FF from SE for exemple but since FF7 that does not come another big bomb,it is all about boring non stop fights,amazing horrible and long story and the only real good thing from then = the uber Full motion videos and the uber cool as hell(but 20 years old) FF m...

5760d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Selling a lot copies does not mean if you also buy it will make you happy.
Both GTA4 and specialy MGS4 sucks.
Still today my close frinds and I we laught our pants out when we remember about story and the video acting in MGS4.
No offense who loves Kojima but his last game is no more serious then a Pokemom on the DS.

5760d ago 4 agree23 disagreeView comment

Oh! And Sony does not need to price drop their VG this fiscal year yet before seeing for thenselves what games like R2 and KZ2 can do.
Both Nintendo and Microsoft since they are more time on the market on this gen they are more capable to lower their prices and still win a lot greenies.

I got a PS3 but better graphic games does not make me like it more then I love my Wii and if along a price drop MS makes more great games then I will consider buying a "Box" fo...

5760d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

What the article said is that since the Xbox360 is almost "out of ammo" to fight mano a mano with high end graphics against the Ps3 then MS resolved to fight on the other front(Nintendo).
This way by selling more consoles but with a cheaper price can garantee a better cash return by the end of the xbox360 life time instead to JUST keep trying to catch up Sony's video game and have a chance to loose much more.

5760d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

The acelerometer is a cool feathure of the iPod Touch and can make some nice games using it but to use buttons and a D-pad in the touch screem will probably suck.

It will have new games yes ,but can't fight on the same level category were Sony and Nintendo control for years.Actualy Nintendo makes portable vgs since like 1982 that I reember.

Any ways I hope Apple jumps with "body and soul"on the VG world because we ,the costumers, will only win with that.

5761d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment