always farming.


CRank: 5Score: 17300

This was already debunked yesterday. It was a promotion to pay 39 after trade-in.

1929d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

the stupidest argument ever.

1943d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I must have missed the part where this is a "big win" or "major hit" to Xbox.

1947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure if that's a joke or sarcasm but, It's actually rising year over year. Xbox has done a great job with its fanservice and features. I hope this gen has taught them something & makes next-gen a tight race. Competition is good. This gen was over long ago and Sony didn't slow down so much credit and kudos to PlayStation. Xbox had no shot. But man am I looking forward to next gen to see a more serious & gamer-centric Xbox team and what they roll out. Sony will be ready,...

1980d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

God forbid anyone says this without being downvoted to hell here at PSN4G. To hell with diversity and playing games wherever someone chooses to.

1987d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

The only difference between today and back in the day, is everything is out in the open & publishers are out to milk you. With social media having a huge presence nowadays, of course there's going to be more vocal backlash. While it can get out of control, the video game industry in general brought this on themselves. no one company is to blame but when the majority of companies are out to milk the shit out of gamers, expect backlash.

with consumer entitlement, come...

1990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you haven't won a championship in all major sports games in one year, you're not a gamer.

see? i can do that too and sound ridiculous.

1993d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm all for them getting along and showing unity. It's a great symbol for the industry.

But at the end of the day, they better still have the need to swallow the competition. That's what gives these brands purpose & sets them apart. If I'm Shawn Layden, and I see Phil.... "Hey Phil what's happening?" *firm handshake* You enjoying yourself? Cool. Hey I'll see you at the bar later, my treat." Soon as I walk away I'd be like "...

2004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox & Microsoft have been setting themselves up for the future, no doubt about that. I love what they're doing as far as services and gamer options. And their spree of studio acquisitions will surely pay off in the games to come. It should be a very interesting next generation.

2012d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

First off, if any real intent is made and anyone feels harassed. It's nonsense, immature and just ridiculous. Block these people and ignore. UNLESS... one is willing to look at the idea that this may have been premeditated by the group in order to spark this kind of reaction and then cause controversy on social media. The "victims" were literally walking around in underwear telling others that their outfits were "cute". By nature, enticing, provoking & trolling a r...

2013d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This has been talked about many times over now. It's a decision made on how to gauge their consumers & relay information to shareholders. People are ignorant, simple as that. "Oh look MSFT is scared to release numbers. HAHAHA!". We're talking about officially the biggest company in the world. You really think that's how a company this big is reacting because of their gaming division? Because they're "scared"? MANY companies have taken this approach beca...

2014d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I've been saying this for a while now. If there's one critical element of the state in some of Sony's 1st party, it's not the sense of quality, but a sense that a lot of them follow the same formula. That will get old eventually.

2018d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Research on what exactly? What are you basing your allegiance or hatred on and maybe we can have a discussion. As far as how long I've been gaming, I still have my original working Atari 2600. So what's up??

2021d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can respect anyone's console preference, but the sheer ignorance in comments here & across the internet towards Xbox continues to blow my mind.

2022d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

A lot of people discrediting that idea but E3 is still the biggest gaming expo in the world. A LOT of people watch & follow E3 so to say that it's no big deal to miss it, is being a bit hopeful. Do they need it? Not for games, no. Plus I do believe they will hold their own events. But I think it's about perception. If Xbox has another good E3, and this time Sony isn't even there, that could shift much focus or widen peoples eyes to Xbox. Sony runs the risk of allowing that to ...

2025d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's because PS4 is the market leader. Last gen it was the complete opposite and everything was about the 360. Marketing, media, the whole nine. If this generation hasn't proved that it can turn around if not careful then nothing will. So just because PS has ruled this gen doesn't mean it will remain that way. Sony would have to fall back and I just don't see that happening. But who knows.. Sony screwed themselves last gen and then Xbox fucked it up this gen. So they both ar...

2025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh Cliffy, Cliffy, Cliffy. I respect what "Mr. Cliffy B" did with Gears of War, but Cliff has been his own worst enemy since. He has said this before as well so whenever he's "fired up" he goes on a rant about how he's out for good. As if the world of gaming would have this huge hole because of it. Sorry Cliff, it's been quite the while since you've effected gaming with something special. Try eating some humble pie for once, because the two recent failures ...

2027d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

game streaming is a gift and a curse to the industry. they have so much impact on a game it's embarrassing and insulting to a game's user base. both parties will tell you how much they want for their communities.. at the end of the day both only care about their pockets & own agenda.

2032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Avellone has his opinions and he may be right, but Microsoft purchasing a studio and immediately firing the heads of that studio would probably not be a good look for them at this point in time. Can picture the headlines now.

2032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and this is why mtx's will never die. keep feeding the beast kids.

2032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment