always farming.


CRank: 5Score: 17300

Nobody is buying into PSVR for "Astro Bot". Regardless if it's a good game or not. It's unsurprisingly a 1st party game, which 9 times out of 10 will make good use of the hardware. It's the lack of killer apps from 2nd/3rd party studios that kill it for me. Which leaves little desire to explore VR, period.

2060d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

considering Spencer wasn't the man in charge at the start of this gen, not many times. he only recently started going out making these specific trips to Japan within the last few years or so. considering how xbox's E3 was pretty jam packed with stuff i'd say that trip was well spent. a lot of good stuff at their conference from japan. hope this one brings more love from japan to xbox. it's no secret xbox is a hard sell for japan. the fact that we've seen strides though tel...

2066d ago 11 agree26 disagreeView comment

LOL...N4G is so suspect with the downvotes. Amazing how many fanboys there are on this site.

2073d ago 7 agree16 disagreeView comment

"Reviewers reported that the game keeps crashing on PC."

What a shocker. The more I lean towards PC, the more I lean back towards consoles.

2074d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

as someone who is subbed to both game pass and psnow, that only benefit to game pass is actually a game changer. the idea that all 1st party games are a day & date release native download is a killer deal. not to mention "play anywhere" titles can be downloaded and played on both xbox or pc. when there's a new release, it's hard to argue against game pass. also, psnow on a regular monthly basis is also still more expensive and you can only stream on pc, no native downloa...

2074d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

can we stop generalizing an entire fanbase based on childish insults?

how about appreciating what every brand brings to the table? or is a level mind too much to ask for?

it's amazing how much people really hype up and ride with these corporations. my god. both these companies feed off each other and that's a GOOD thing. both have led, stumbled and moved forward by learning from each other. if you're preference is sony, great. the need to tear...

2074d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Hmmm.. exciting stuff. Must have something tasty to dish out, to be doing XO again. More studios? game reveals? OK Xbox... OK. Let's see what you got.

2079d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The same reason why people continue to claim it was "only" about a puddle.

2100d ago 1 agree20 disagreeView comment

What's hilarious is you thinking Mike Ybarra is the CEO.

Grow up and get to know the gaming industry before you comment on something you clearly know nothing about.

2101d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment

The prices have always been ridiculously high. All of a sudden people have actually taken a step back to look at it NOW? $20 worth of v bucks for 1 glider that you see for 10 seconds of the match, and people still ate it all up. Same with "Epic" skins. As if slapping a color on it justifies the price. The game has always sat behind "Oh but the game is free" idea. Yeah that's great but it still doesn't change the fact that MT prices are crazy stupid in that game. T...

2151d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

At this point no one cares. Crackdown as a franchise was hardly a must have game. The fact that it's taken this long for this game is ridiculous. Should have pulled the plug long ago and I'm sure they actually thought of it. But because they canceled 2 exclusive MS titles already they would have been killed for it. I would have did it anyway if I was Phil and stuck my chest out. Shit ain't worth it.

2151d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not going to lie, not having Joel is a hard sell for me. Last of Us has always been about Joel & Ellie to me and it's making me feel like this game may be a mistake.I mean.. I'll always have Last of Us, but I almost don't want to know what happens with Part 2 if Joel isn't involved.

2153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not so bad at all. Would rather see them deliver a polished game. Also glad to see it stay clear of holidays. Feb is a good month. Not too far into 2019. Will also compete with Days Gone, which should be interesting.

2189d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No idea why you're being downvoted. It's ridiculous and shows the character here on N4G. The article was on point. And we get judged for defending a platform because it doesn't fit a fanboy's agenda. It's pure ignorance. While Xbox One hasn't had the most success in comparison it's had it's fair share of good games that I thoroughly enjoyed. And I've also been priveleged to play on a PS4 & Switch. It's lunacy at it's finest to think it can't...

2201d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

The point of exclusives is to create an identity. A reason to buy into that console. Sony has done that. The Xbox brand has nearly lost their identity completely and lost everything they worked hard to get during the 360 era when they got it right and stepped on Sony's throat. They basically handed the market back to Sony by letting go of all that. Sony has been a monster this generation for simple reasons. They nabbed all the big major AAA exclusive deals, propelling them into the mass m...

2379d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Article is old but viable. If he's going to start holding the studios to these practices, that's not good. That's not how Sony has built it's trust & relationship with developers. This guy better not fuck shit up over there. I already miss Andrew House based on this information. Really really hope this is not the case.

2379d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It consistently sits among the top of the Twitch directory, day in and day out. And it's been that way for the longest time now. Article makes little sense along with anyone who says it's boring or difficult to watch.
You can look for yourself. Any time of day or night, click on it when you like. Guaranteed it's in the top3, top 5 MAX.

2379d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Darksiders 2 is a good game but it's been in the bargain bin for months on end. I paid like 7 bucks for it months ago on PSN, and it's consistently been on sale every few weeks it seems.

2379d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is this even still a question at this point? It's scary clear why anyone should choose a PS4. Fanboys clamoring over power forget what makes any console worth a shit. And that's games. 2018 looks to be no different neither as there's a handful of Sony exclusives STILL rolling out while Xbox is STILL looking pretty weak (looking forward to Halo 6, and that's pretty much it). Not to mention Sony always finishes generations strong. All the power in the world ain't helping...

2379d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fair. But it's been the majority opinion for many years. Let's be real here. GT hasn't touched Forza in over a decade.

2385d ago 1 agree40 disagreeView comment