always farming.


CRank: 5Score: 17300

Wow. The hype building around this studio is extremely intriguing and one has to wonder what kind of game a team like they're assembling can make. It's sounding like a super studio of sorts.

1853d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The article couldn't be more full of a made-up theory that holds little water. BOTH companies have already stated the opposite. Microsoft is NOT getting out of the home console business. And Sony is ALREADY doing game streaming. FACTS.

1. Microsoft has already expressed their interest to be the pinnacle of hardware consoles. And rumors are already spreading that the next Xbox will be more powerful than the PS5. Which is in line with what MS has stated as well. They will...

1853d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh boy. Here we go...

1861d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except for logic and basic math tells anyone that if it was on more than one launcher it would sell more. Steam has the most users on PC. How excluding yourself from loyal Steam users and handcuffing yourself to Epic gives you extra support is beyond anyone's comprehension. Except for the fact that you got paid to do so.
Bottom line is you would have sold less on Epic store if Steam carried the game. And I'd be willing to bet it would sell more on Steam. Stop bullshitting ga...

1865d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's OK for the game to really not be another MAJOR classic. There have been many games with this type of average score that I've enjoyed. Judge the game by YOUR playthrough, not someone else's. Reviews are a good medium so you know what you're dealing with or in for. But all this nonsense of skipping a game because of a metacritic is stupid. Xbox games got plenty of these types of scores and I've ended up actually liking them. The Order also comes to mind. another game I ...

1867d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And just like that, a game like MK11 that got nothing but hype leading up to release suddenly feels different.

1869d ago 31 agree4 disagreeView comment

Actually didn't know Logic was in the game.

1873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Easy... quality games.
If that's not their focus, they already lost.

1873d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wouldn't mind seeing a grown Cassie lead the franchise into the future. A lot of potential stories to tell.

1873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I get the whole ranting about this. I really couldn't care any less about this console. But I think people are jumping the gun a bit. Let's try looking at it objectively. They already said it'll always be $50 cheaper. The reason it's not now is that there's a $50 promo on all Xbox bundles and the SAD edition is not available yet. So yes, if you preorder one TODAY over the normal SKU, you're a fool. But when this thing hits $199 or even $149 during big promos, that'...

1876d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game was built on the Unreal engine.

1880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And adding...

Monster Hunter World
Life is Strange 2: Ep. 2
Resident Evil 5
The Walking Dead: New Frontier
The Golf Club 2

1883d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's already been answered.. Microsoft pays publishers/studios to have these games on GamePass per contract. They also make money if the said subscriber buys the game at a reduced price that MS takes the hit on, not the dev or publisher. So the question is and will be, in time, why wouldn't you put your game on there? You get paid a lump sum to have your game tied in for a set period, and the potential of people playing your game who otherwise wouldn't, enjoying it and buying it o...

1884d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"their cloud presence dwarfs MS"

Yeah uh... no.
Microsoft & Amazon battle it out consistently for top and biggest cloud service year after year. Google does not. I'm not saying Google doesn't have a great presence, but to say they "dwarf" Microsoft is a massive overstatement.

1899d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony will need a company like Amazon to compete. Just because they already have a streaming service doesn't mean it'll compete on that level. Microsoft & Google own farms all over the world. Sony has Gakai. We'll see what happens, but to say Sony isn't at a disadvantage when it comes to this is kinda fooling themselves based on information we currently have. So again, we'll see. Maybe State of Play will touch on it.

1900d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have yet to see a new game on PSNOW. Let's be real. 90% of the games on there are old as balls.

1908d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hardly believable to begin with.

1910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please don't credit the 360 console success to Don Mattrick. That was more Peter Moore than anyone else as the dude was a well-known savage to the competition. Mattrick was brought into the fold a few years into the 360 success and is actually credited and more known for the Kinect. That was his baby and exactly why it was packaged into the XB1 from the start with no opt-out options. The guy was a nitwit suit who struck fools gold with a peripheral in an already growing user base and a co...

1918d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Or wait for the next-gen console because this gen has long been over. I mean at this point you missed out on the heydays. you're better off saving your cash for one of the new boxes and jump in fresh. all the future games will most likely be cross-gen and both consoles will have back compat.

1918d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Not enough", yet they're still making record profits from gaming. They have never said they're going away from consoles, all indications have actually proven otherwise, including them stating so multiple times.

1. They created the XB1X when they didn't have to. Took back the power game.
2. They've already boldly stated they'll continue to be the powerful console next gen. Again, they don't have to under this approach.

1926d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment