always farming.


CRank: 5Score: 17300

Did many people ask for this?

1679d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

OK, as someone who has been extremely cautious about this game, and extremely critical of Kojima, this trailer is easily the best thing this game has ever shown off and super intriguing. Not gonna lie.

1680d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So gamers now have zero credibility over a sci-fi author? What makes you think I'd listen to him before a gamer, regardless of he/she's opinion or profession? He himself may consider himself a gamer, his profession hands him zero credibility towards his opinion. Much like you consider any one of us would. Since when has that held any merit? I can't count how many times a "professional" has had an opinion that I completely disagree with. Journalists & insiders have bi...

1680d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Apparently a few of you missed the entire point and only add to it. Appreciated tho.

1680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO! The balls...

1681d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Another Kojima guy who has one of his books quoted by Hideo himself on his Twitter. Clearly fond of each other and swap compliments.

1681d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

Highly doubt it. The PC version is still 8 months away which will feel like an eternity for someone who wants to wait. I'd bet it would sell more on PS4 anyway, if they released on the same date. The outrage is way overblown.

1681d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love how PES took the opportunity. EA is terrible and PES is a far better footy game by miles at this point.

1691d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment
1691d ago Show

They've already mentioned that they're looking into a longer battery life in their PS5 sticks due to the DS4's complaints of battery life. I certainly expect that. People can say what they want about the battery situation on the Xbox controllers but the battery life trounces the DS4. Not a major issue for me because I'm not playing that long of a session on either console, and I stay with a lengthy USB anyway, but it's a fair issue.

1691d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apparently people still have a hard time understanding that there is a market for these types of "pro-type" controllers. Yeah, I'm talking to you people complaining about how "expensive" it is. Either do your research or stop hating on what you don't understand. OR you just need to stop being a fanboy. That could help. There are several on the market and some cost way more than the Elite controller. For what you get, the Elite controller has always boasted good ben...

1691d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People buy them. THAT is the root of the problem. They're going to do what makes them money. And MT's are a legit gold mine for these companies. The backlash is totally worth it for them.

1707d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not enough. They've been sitting on PSNow for how long now? MS deserves props for GamePass. It's a killer service that holds tremendous value. And importantly, they went all-in on it. Sony has noticed the traction for sure, but it's too late in the game for trial & error. Pricing is good but Sony needs more to compete. This is why competition is good. Remember the old saying, games matter. MS is going into a new generation with its service in high gear. The future is ...

1707d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

It's getting embarrassing at this point with FIFA. FIFA had a legit product about 10 years ago when PES went down the toilet and they've gotten worse & worse because of their greed. Meanwhile, Konami has been bringing PES back to its roots and creating an actual soccer game true to the sport. EA is terrible. If you're a fan of the sport, do yourself a favor and go PES. You'll never go back.

1711d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hard to move consoles when your game is everywhere else as well. I honestly don't think Microsoft cares that much about moving consoles anymore. Their end game is to have you playing their games wherever you want. The money is in the software. I personally prefer the Sony route but I'm no one.

1711d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally understandable, it's a shame the parent/publishing company giving directions ironically doesn't treat us like humans at all.

1712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2/15/20 is a Saturday tho. generally, games are released on Tues or the special occasional Fri. Still, wonder if the time holds any significance. Guess we'll find out.

1716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game isn't exactly lighting my world on fire but the title is misleading & out of context. Here's what Kojima said.

"Yes, it’s a special world game system itself. There is so much information, you have new terminology, you may be puzzled about what it is about? But don’t worry, when you play the game, you are driven in very slowly at the start. It’s not like Terminator or Star Wars. There is no explanation or anything. It’s very easy to do it that way ...

1723d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Have you played it?

1728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ironically I find it the complete opposite. I don't know why people still hold him so highly. He's made bad games. I'm 40 so I've experienced Kojima for a long time. Let's start with the most recent memory, which is MGS5 and probably the most overrated game I may have ever played. It was a complete borefest & the industry lapped it up and sold us a bunch of BS. The MGS series altogether has about 3 games that were actually good. All wrapped up in a completely convolute...

1728d ago 6 agree21 disagreeView comment