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A comment from their website, "Unfortunately the stream won’t be that high resolution. Around 320×240. But if there are any huge, glaring differences we can post images to the forum in real time for everyone to check out."

5563d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

no, not ignorant just the truth. So you are telling me that you would rather play a handful a perfect exclusives on the PS3 and deal with hundreds of "glitch filled", poorly ported games? Fine then. Enjoy your twenty or so perfect games while I will enjoy an entire library of hundreds of designed for Xbox 360 games. It is simple as that. That in my eyes define which is the better system - the consistency of its library.

5567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exclusives mean little to me in this console generation. They only make up less than 10% of a systems lineup. Even if MS only announced 3 exclusives this year, it wouldn't matter. They would still have 100+ multi-platform games and 90 or so of them would be better on the Xbox 360 platform than the PlayStation 3. It will always be like this as long as the Xbox 360 is the lead sku for cross platform games. Once this changes, then I will switch to the PS3 for my multi-platform games. Right now M...

5568d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's good to see developers taking the time to make a proper port. This is how all games should be. There is really no excuses at this point in the consoles life cycle.

5569d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You could, but these captures are at the source level. So there are actual color differences on the output. I would rather not have to adjust my TV per game.

5569d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I agree that they did a great job in the porting. I just wish they spent some additional time making the color match between the two. Sure it is an extra step, but a necessary one. Capcom did it for Street Fighter IV and Namco for Soul Calibur IV. Otherwise, great job Midway. I really hope that we see more cross platform games that are identical. Being this far into the life cycles of these consoles there is no excuse.

5570d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved MGS4 but it was a nightmare on the blu-ray format. Come on, installs at every chapter? That's a fail in my book. I have always enjoyed saving multiple games so I can return to pivotal parts in a game to show friends. MGS4 made that a pain in the ass too...having to uninstall the current chapter just to install an earlier one.

I am just fine with getting up, ejecting a disc and tossing in another one. 45 seconds max and I am off playing again.

5574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, that title will bring in the crowds. The title should read:

"Sony Merges Divisions, Howard Stringer Takes Over as President of Sony".

Yeah, much more boring like that...but at least it's the truth.

5582d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It amazes me that all of you fanboys argue with a quote from a developer who knows what they are talking about. How about this? Go to school, get your degree in computer programming, get a job at a game studio, work there for a few years, develop for BOTH the PS3 and Xbox 360, then come tell us your opinion so everyone on N4G can argue with you.

I just wish people were educated on what goes into developing a game...

5585d ago 16 agree18 disagreeView comment

wow, I thought more people would have jumped on this one. I mean, post news and if it is hot you win a game. Post the most comments and you get psn/ms/wii points. Seemed pretty cool to me.

5585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope you are being sarcastic. From a business stand point, Gears of War series is far more profitable. They have released two games in the time that Killzone 2 was made. I agree that Killzone 2's engine is amazing...but you can't expect to release one game every five years. Lets hope that GG releases Killzone 3 in a year and a half now that their engine is established. Or better yet, license the tech over to other Sony studios.

5586d ago 6 agree19 disagreeView comment

Some of us like to know the technical differences between the platforms, no matter how small. Whether it be anti-aliasing, tearing, frame rate issues or load times. When it comes to ports, there will always be a winner and loser. It's just how it always has been. I have no allegiance to either Sony or MS. I own both consoles and prefer to purchase the definitive version, plain and simple. Especially since they are the same price.

If you own only a PS3, then get the game on the PS...

5589d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not really...There are a couple missing effects on the PS3 and lack of 2x anti-aliasing. Not to mention a mandatory install if you want the game to load in under 20 seconds. They are close, but not identical. Xbox 360 wins this one.

5589d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

"The most important thing in gaming is:
PS3 Wins."

And why would the PS3 be considered innovative for this game?

5591d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well when 95% of games on ANY console are cross platform and when those games don't preform like the competitors, I would be worried. This goes for Xbox 360 and PS3. As stated a million times before, it all comes down to the developers.

5591d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

because with 4+ years and millions of dollars anything is possible.

5591d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

how original, a killzone 2 comment in an non-killzone 2 thread. Here is the thing...yes, killzone 2 is amazing visually. But it was designed from the ground up on the PS3 with no plans of ever porting...that is probably the most optimized game and code we have seen in years. Unfortunately not every game will be like that. And yes, killzone 2 could have been done on the 360...if done from the ground up with no ports. It is all about the programmers and artists in this console war.

5591d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately, this game does not upscale to 1080p. Even with the force 1080p trick (only 480i and 1080p enabled) SFIV still plays in 480i.

5591d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Its funny how everyone thinks sites are out to get them. You can't overlook the fact that load times, minus the install, suck and a few effects are missing. They are VERY, VERY close, but there always is a winner.

5591d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say worthless, it is still informant. But yes, when in motion they look almost identical. I am just surprised at how long the PS3 takes to load without the install. 20 seconds of loading per fight is ridonkulous. Capcom needs to speak with other developers on how they got around the slower blu-ray spec.

5591d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment